Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-12 04:47:15 UTC
in Curved Tunnels Post #127214
it's more effective to use vertex tool to make it
even if you used the arch tool before it's a good idea
to put the points back on the grid that way you can link
things more efficent(look at the curves all done with VM)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-12 04:44:16 UTC
in Counting units? Post #127212
i still think i get very good results!!hehe
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-11 00:30:24 UTC
in Counting units? Post #127068
counting with eyes is the ONLY way to make things look good
if you use the units all the time you end up with a very lame
map evey time, use you a barny as your guide and make things
look good in relation to the barney!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 00:05:25 UTC
in Max_viewable distance cool models Post #123578
try 2000, that's what i do, of my maps or they lag bad(haha)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 23:57:39 UTC
in Global Trams Post #123577
1: make you train give a name and a GLOBAL NAME
2:put both train in the 2(of more) maps the train goes to
make sure the names mach and it worked for me
that way it will go through level change!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 23:15:19 UTC
in trigger by player running(spirit) Post #123570
ok i want to stop the player from running in my mod
because i use real scale and hl run is about 50km/h(haha)
anyway i want barnies to start shooting the player if he runs
and they see it, is there a codeless way to make barnies
mad at you for running??
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 00:55:46 UTC
in Texture Format Post #122867
not even, just copy anyformat into clipboard and you can paste
into wally, keep in mind they need to be multiples of 16 pixels
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 00:52:51 UTC
in Texture usage max - 4mb? Post #122866
wow i did't know that thanks alot!!
now i can use my big textures!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-13 22:02:37 UTC
in Max viewable distance Post #120688
ok i know that you mean, use spirit and add a light fog that would start
about 400 blocks form the player. and tune cut off so it looks like it's fading away. if worked great for me!!

p.s. env_sky is for 3d skyboxes and the lighting for it is buggy.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 02:45:48 UTC
in entites following into new map Post #117169
they move WITH the train but they do't go into the new map with it
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 02:44:36 UTC
in entites following into new map Post #117167
ps: some more pics of my mod
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 02:39:22 UTC
in entites following into new map Post #117165
ok that worked great thanks, but i have a new problem the glass windows(func_brakable and move with train) don't get transpored with the train, if there is a way do do it please tell?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-24 21:37:47 UTC
in entites following into new map Post #116915
ok does anyone REALLY know how to do this??
decomping a map like that doesn't really give much info
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-23 16:19:28 UTC
in Too many direct lightstyles on a face Post #116513
try changing some of the lights to texture lights and only keep three
light entities to get the effect.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-22 21:36:27 UTC
in Making v_ model to use a specific sound? Post #116284
that's right the QC file IS the code "Quake C", created by carmak so
when you compile the model you change the code of the model
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-22 21:33:05 UTC
in entites following into new map Post #116282
in onrail, the train really does go between maps becasue you can leave
it runing and it will return in time. and if you go betewwn maps during that time it's position is coreect every time!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-22 02:55:19 UTC
in entites following into new map Post #116086
ok i have a triger_levelchange and info_landmark but what do i need
"transition for??
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-20 23:12:21 UTC
in start a player with equipment Post #115789
ok go into your world spawn setting(where you pick the sky) and put a say yes to start with hev.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-20 22:27:49 UTC
in entites following into new map Post #115784
ok i remember in hl intro and onrail part the train can go form one map to the other, same for barnies, i'm not shure how to make that,

i have a functrain that i want to go from one map to the other(tunnel)
i tried making a new func train in the new map but the position of it
changes(after going through once next time you appear not in a train or stuck in it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 03:21:36 UTC
in simple texlight questoin Post #112663
yes func_wall works and also func illusionary works as well(very usefull)
keep in mind the "light" map from and tex light will not move with the car use elight of dlight for that
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 05:11:53 UTC
in modelers needed fo my mod Post #110575
i still need som modeller, i tryied to ask my brother but he sucks
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 05:09:31 UTC
in modelers needed fo my mod Post #110574
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 05:09:04 UTC
in modelers needed fo my mod Post #110573
<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">

new pic for level 2
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 11:05:59 UTC
in HALF-LIFE FX 0.4 BETA Post #109369
and if anyone wants to have reflaction in their mod, they have the code for it for copy and past on their site too, fog also other cool stuff
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 11:01:10 UTC
in HALF-LIFE FX 0.4 BETA Post #109368
well they also are working on a weapon generator utility for hl1
that requres no coding and then you paste the stuff, for now it's limited but what a cool idea, also they are working on an engine called Volatile3D what will be like hl but improved in regard to the limitations
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 03:36:32 UTC
in HALF-LIFE FX 0.4 BETA Post #109308
ok this is really cool, half life with bump mapping and shadows and lots of other cool stuff, these guys are ahead of the spirit team, at leat before 1.5 official comes out all should try this, it's like a new excuse to play HL again!!
server can be slow so use getright

check out the site:
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-11 02:03:13 UTC
in making null project light(like sky) Post #108854
ok i got some direct sun light to show up by messing with light_env
but no indirect light , so looks very bad
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-09 18:58:08 UTC
in making null project light(like sky) Post #108651
ok null on the inside of sky(level) and inside of the sky(box)
so light at all but fog in the skybox??
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-09 18:37:21 UTC
in making null project light(like sky) Post #108648
#9. Re: Lighting in env_sky?
Okay, I will better explain: ( I made some changes since my last post )

You want to build a map, with an env_sky.
First, you create the map with a skybox.
Then, you create the skyroom with the env_sky inside.

Before if you wanted to draw the skyroom around the map you had to paint your skybrushes with the null texture ( that dont emit any light_env ).

Now, you have just to paint these brushes with a simple texture whose name begin with "sky" ( eg "skysomething" ) because the zhlt tools make the environment lighting and the hl engine draw the env cubemap, from these textures.

After that, to prevent the engine that you dont want that it draws the env cubemap ( that hide the skyroom ) from this texture , you have to put in a shader file a shader as this one:

{ "skysomething"
where "skysomething" is the name of your "null-texture-that-draw-the-sky-room".
The flag "Invisiblesky" to indicate that is a invisible sky ( but that draw the light env anyway ).

The shader system ( like quake3 shaders, not hl? ) is a tool that alow you to apply or change several texture on one.
For example, this shader:

{ "maxwalltile_l"
texture blank
	map "gfx/maps/texbackl.tga"
	map "gfx/effects/ref_metal_blur01.tga"
	flag "reflection"
	//scroll 5 5
	color 255 0 0 255
	scale 4

this is what the spirit forum told to do, i don't get it i made the skyenv texture but that didn't work and shaders??

i'll try the that WCD
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-09 18:16:27 UTC
in making null project light(like sky) Post #108642
ok i'm currently trying to get the 3d skybox working in spirit
so the problem is that when you put the sky box in
the light(light env) and fog only work inside the skybox and don't
effect the level,

i'm looking for a way to make null texture project light like the sky texture, i tryed making invisible func walls with texture light on them
but that doesn't give direction to the light, i also tryed putting sky on invisible func wall, but you can't have sky on func wall(for some reason)
i anyone got this effect to work i need to know how

P.S. there is a "tutorial" on the spirit forum but i can't understand it
they are using some kind of shader system to fix the problem

SO if any one know how to get the null to act as sky of how to use shader i would really like a vey detailed explanation.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-05 22:51:47 UTC
in modelers needed fo my mod Post #107685

here are some pics of the mod i'm workinf on right now for the summer
any way if some modeler wants to model pedestiran for me please do
i was thinig of stealing them out of HL2 but didn't want to waste the space and time insatlling HL2 again........(that's right) so if a modeler can make me pedestiran that look kinda like in hl2 ex: kinda grey cloths
they are all wearing, the mod is taking place in a communistish era.

I NEED MODELS FOR PEOPLE, if you can base them of scientist's sceleton so i can script for them like scientists that would rock cuz that's what i'm doing, some kinda police man would be good too for barney!! PLEASE HELP mapping is gonna take a while for this!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-05 04:55:30 UTC
in my spirit 1.4 questions Post #107506
User posted image
<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 22:24:30 UTC
in my spirit 1.4 questions Post #107178
i was thinking there was a way to script the movement seperate for the ones getting off, but how it's not like walk they will be sitting of stanging and moving at the same speed as the train
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 02:04:25 UTC
in my spirit 1.4 questions Post #107045
ok i haven't been here in a while, i'm working on my mod so i have some questions.
1: i have a train(func train) and i want it to have a driver and passengers, so i use move with to the driver but i also want to script some passengers getting off the train so i can't use move with on them how an i mae it so when the train comes they can get off of it??

2: can i turn off the HEV(strip the player of the hev) in the same level the HEV was gotten, but started without the HEV?? i know i can start a differen level without the HEV but i need the player to lose it in mid-level

p.s: i want to post some pic what the best place to host??
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 01:55:11 UTC
in fast compiling Post #107044
i use Q2BeaVeR it's so easy and ive been using it for years in quake 2 days
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-15 18:02:35 UTC
in func_rain, spirit Post #97150
ok the rain stops when using more than 50 per env rain
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-15 01:03:11 UTC
in func_rain, spirit Post #96933
why does it stop when player starts waling?????????????
and i'm looking for more filling rain, very heavy, can you give me some relative numbers to get that ????
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-14 00:43:08 UTC
in func_rain, spirit Post #96733
ok i'm trying to get a very thick rain, so combined with fog it makes visibility hard(don't car about r_speeds due to using cut off) but i can't get the rain constatly flowing, it goes i bursts, can some one tell me how to get the constant rain effect!!??
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-06 06:12:00 UTC
in funcwall and splitting Post #95417
ok i was wondering:
when i make a func wall, it doesn't split world brush but does it split another func wall?? or does it split the brushes that are in the same func wall????????

the reason i ask is that i made alot of detail in a place and really want to cut on the splitting.. so i looked around with gl wireframe and saw that my func wall was carving it self.. what's up?? and i have also seen my other func wall not carving??
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-04 01:28:41 UTC
in zhlt Post #94935
it's funny but i like the way old rad looks, the new rad smooths too much
i compiled my map with the new rad and switched to the old one, it's so much more mystirious*
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-03 18:00:36 UTC
in replace one texture for another Post #94868
reason i ask is i'm thinig of replacing my oldskool sky texure opti with null
opti, how much of a gain on avarage will igain, it it wirth it??
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-03 04:02:39 UTC
in replace one texture for another Post #94717
is it possible to replace one kind of texture for another in the entire level
i want to simply replace one texture with another everywhere in the level is there a way of doing it so you get rid of !ALL! of the old texture and replace it with the new??
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 18:09:09 UTC
in hl2 in russia?? Post #86726
yo man it's russian ok i know it, the sighn in the zombi town on the big building says "tsement" that means concreat in russian, there where a bunch more in the city that were funy but i don't rebember like cafe baltia and stuff like that also the trains are all russian, and the buildings look like common russian apartment.
-ps what letters that the russian doesn't are you taking about?
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 18:01:26 UTC
in Will HL2 run? Post #86720
"Perhaps you extracted the GCF files? You must have HD room to blow..."
that's what i ment
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 04:08:49 UTC
in Will HL2 run? Post #86558
hey man i beat all of hl2 without a problem on defult settings
my specs:
900 duron @ 1148 109-145-10.5-1.85v
gforce440mx(no shader support)
and 512 ram, only slows down when i have too may team mates at the same time. you might be able to run it on low and get good rates!!

p.s i decompiled my hl2 so that might speed it up too
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 03:11:33 UTC
in hl2 in russia?? Post #86556
it's funny that some of these cars are going to be in stalker and drivable
like volga(the sedan with round head lights)
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-28 20:18:19 UTC
in hl2 in russia?? Post #86445
why is all the sighns and cars and building from russia,
i can recoglize most of the cars and they are of russian make
and alot of the street sighs are russian WHY??
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-12 20:08:39 UTC
in TS-T&Tmexico Post #65755