Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-11-24 01:03:03 UTC
in Sound question Post #74436
I am trying to get my DOD map to play a custom sound at the start of everygame. I have found tutorials on similar subject like naming the sound game_playerjoin but I was wondering if any of you had any ideals how to do it at the start of a game only I know how to get it to work at the end of a round.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-12 18:56:54 UTC
in no more nubs Post #72802
YOu know everyone is a NOOB at one time or another! There is not one single person that I know that knows how to do everything without any help. I do believe that is what these forums are for to help with people who are trying to learn or just have a problem they can't figure out.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-12 18:48:29 UTC
in K Brushes versus Models? Post #72801
I was wondering if having that many small items in a large room would cause compiling problems or if it would be all right
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-12 18:44:24 UTC
in K Brushes versus Models? Post #72800
I mean using chairs and tables I make myself on Hammer or using models(.mdl) of tables and chairs.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-12 18:03:45 UTC
in K Brushes versus Models? Post #72790
ON my map I am making a Restaurant and there will be ots of tables and chairs in a large open room. Do you guys suggest using models for the smaller items or Brushes and either way is there any problems that are going to generate from either?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-02 18:24:06 UTC
in Is there a DOD specific Tutorial Post #71188
well I looked on there and all over all I am wanting to know is how to make a func breakable for TNT set. Do all ya have to do is mark bazooka only or what LOL! I have found mention that you can do it with func_breakable in several forums but can't find how to do it? Any help would be appreciated
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-02 17:32:41 UTC
in Is there a DOD specific Tutorial Post #71179
Was wondering if anyone could direct me to a specific DOD tutorial on map making. I have found several but they each are only 4 or 5 items in length. Thanks
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 03:48:53 UTC
in Problem with Compiling Post #70301
there is a sky box but it has not been a problem until I added the last couple of buildings. I was told I needed to have a skybox to test it but now I am being told i don't need it(depending on which tutorial you read LOL!). I have only built small maps playing around and this is my first serious map. I am a novice at best but have been obsessed with making this map and all of a sudden it did this. Could having several transparent windows cause a problem too?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 03:30:32 UTC
in Problem with Compiling Post #70299
patience has never been a virtue so I had better just read.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 03:07:16 UTC
in Problem with Compiling Post #70286
I have a Dell XPS 3.2 ghz processor, 2 gig of memory it is the top of the line. I have let the map run for 10 hours compiling and it does not get past the leaf thread point
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 02:54:53 UTC
in Problem with Compiling Post #70284
map and have been having a problem compiling. When it starts the HLVIS it freezes up on Leafthread and won't go any farther anyone have any suggestions on how to correct or look for the problem?