Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2008-02-04 19:21:44 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244986
One of the neck fragments does look what you call "inside out", I believe, but otherwise it's great. You've mastered the triangular method. High time for writing a tutorial "On making anything one can contrieve without those boring invalid solid structures"?
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-01 08:18:38 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244741
It's no surprise taking into accont teh things you do... What about
mapping a large and naturally looking cave where one would be able to
get lost? That'd be a great final of the geometry challenges, don't you
think so?
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-30 19:46:09 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244648
Captain Terror: ?I'm intrigued as to how you do it! Giv me ur sekrets!?

I uploaded my column several posts ago, go dl it! Mobius is just the
same save I used thin parallelepipeds instead of 8-sided cylinders.

EDIT: Didn't notice your comment on my column, so you've seen it!

To create a column section, make a cylinder and face-split each of
its sides into two triangles. Now you can twist it. Same about Mobius.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-29 11:52:30 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244527
Great Job, Captain!

I wonder whether you resorted to the same method as in your version of
12-sided sphere when making sections of Mobius...

The_(c)Striker: Someone designed and modelled the cruiser in a 3d
editor, why would I need to map it (remake) in Hammer?

It's not so much difficult as laborious!
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-28 20:39:46 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244495
Well, as to such a challenge, I don't like it. A challenge should consist of making a thing that'd be useful, or could be made useful after some canges. Where and how can one use an HL model of this cruiser?

Columns and vehicles are useful, Mobius strips, pipes and speheres are OK too because one can decorate his map therewith, or even base some archirecture thereon...
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-28 16:26:27 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244473
Tetsu0: ?what's with the second twist??

It's 360 degrees, so the Mobius topology is preserved.

MuzzleFlash: ?Its called showing off?

O-ho-ho! As against the other strips here, mine took me about 5-8 minutes, and adding another twist was as simple as:
1. Scale the section by 0.5 vertically,
2. Copy it,
3. Paste Special,
4. Fix misaligned vertices if there are any,


Daubster: ?Very nice, Tetsu & Ant, but no-one's made the actual clean-looking thing, though.
I'll give it a try tonight.?

That'd be amazing in Hammer!
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-28 15:52:29 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244469
OK, after a bit of thinking I applied the technique I had used in my column to produce this primitive Mobius's strip (Captain Terror's one looks way more impressive...).

User posted image

Tetsu's strip is also a bit better...
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-26 14:42:19 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244341

Well, I indeed could do that! However it is so huge with so long supporting beams that I doubt it'll be a good thing to use in an HL-1 map... I considered building a giant excavator from a photo and abandoned it for the same reason.

As to the Mobius contest, for me it is more difficult than any vehicle, but I think I can make a cubistic bottle quite easily and then split it into two cubistic Mobius strips.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-22 09:33:29 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244046
Captian Terror: ?Ant22 are those Hammer shaded polygons or is it a model!??

I made those in Hammer/Worldcraft. I can't model!
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-21 15:42:47 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243980
Daubster: ?That's bleeding lovely, Ant. Poly/solid count??

Bleeding lovely: 260/1600. I haven't even tried to optimize it though... It can be reduced by removing double-tracks... Significally.

Also I have lighter vehicles with 600-800 faces:

User posted image

But I am not gonna post all my vehicles here because they should be a surprise in my friend's mod! This last one is even textured!!
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-20 10:41:11 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243895
Daubster: That's another unfinished thing that I made long time ago for my friend's unfinished mod.

User posted image

User posted image

And I hope now you know for whom to vote ;) ...
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-19 20:02:17 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243841
Yeah, my yeacher told me: "You better finish your program or else..."

That's fun when all the cometition and voting is between three, isn't it?
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-19 19:17:06 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243839
Ok, my vote goes to Captain Terror!
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-18 18:50:27 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243785
Hi guys, I came here just to say I blew the exam, together with another 11 students under my subordination... I just came home from uni and it's past 00:00 already, so I have to get some sleep now in order to collect energy for tomorrow's second attempt!

I really appreciate redka's having prolonged the deadline, but I won't do it in time again!

Posted 17 years ago2008-01-17 17:27:25 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243639
Yeah, today the situation with my exam has taken a very bad turn... I got to program soundly all night long, and even that may be to no effect! So I just release my column for public use in the hope that somebody turns it into a final compo entry. Note the column is twisted, but due to its being 8-sided, that's not quite noticeable, so I thought it might be done with some grooves like in cactuses (with a gear-like cross-section), or it may be endowed with branches...


P.S.: If I am still alive tomorrow, maybe I'll try finishing it...
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-16 20:45:26 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243571
Oh, glad to hear that!
I am not ready to start a new compo. In fact, I gotta go to bed right now, so good night! Hope there'll be more columns tomorrow...

BTW, does this forum support e-mail notifications? I just can't figure it out...
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-16 20:38:53 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243569
Captain Terror: ?WIN! = )?

Wait. It's redka's compo, right? And the winner is to be 'elected'?
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-16 20:24:08 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243565
I can't edit my previous post for some reason, maybe it's an Opera bug... So, for those not being able to see my screenshot, here's an Imageshack link:

User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-16 19:58:00 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243559
Yeah, not having much time due to the on-going exam session, I'd like to show my non-textured column, out of competition, just to have some feedback!

User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-13 13:36:36 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243351
Same problem here: disappearing faces...

Looks like a Hammer bug.

EDIT: (Can't join the upper ring of vertices to finish the sphere...)
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-12 08:20:31 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243247
Captain Terror:
"How to make a rounded (bended) pipe with at least 8-12 sides and 3 or 5 turn sections?"

Yeah, I mean smooth bend! Turn sections are intermediate sections of pipe used to make the turn smooth. Look at redka's example (which won't work ok in Hammer but is still viewable!)

redka: It's great you can map with Quark! I started with WorldCraft and simply can't do anyhing in Quark. As opposed to Hammer, Quark works with fractional (not snapped to grid) coordinates well and doesn't round tem when exporting to .map thus making creation of rounded pipes easier...

Well, I have to accept redka's pipe then, but doing it in Quark is so much easier that I that I'd call it cheating ;) It's a Hammer only contest ;)
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-10 10:27:22 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243122
Hey, redka!

Looks like your bended pipe won't convert to .map without problems... Are you sure it compiles well?
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-09 20:38:41 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243069
Ok, I passed the exam, so here it is:

Geometry Challenge #2.1

How to make a rounded (bended) pipe with at least 8-12 sides and 3 or 5 turn sections?

Geometry Challenge #2.2

A T-joint of two compatible (same diameter and side count) pipes.

Captain Terror: ?I don't know what you mean about the Escher brush but please explain!?

Escher liked drawing things that are impossible 3d-wise. The famous Escher cube is one of the siomplest examples.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-08 21:59:36 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #242980
A prize? You mean one of the brushes depicted on those Escher drawings?

?Would you like to create a geometry challenge #2??


EDIT: But I'll have to pass tomorrow's exam first...
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-08 21:48:13 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #242977
Wedge can be formed using three tetrahedrons, not two:

Just for fun...
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-08 21:13:25 UTC
in Programming question Post #242972
Hi all!

Don't you know whether it's possible to endow the player's aiming movements with some sort of inertia, so that he wouldn't be able to turn his heavy rocket launcher as quckily as a pistol. In the game, that could look like the aiming direction falling somewhat behind of the looking direction (mouse cursor).

Such a little trick can make the gameplay more versatile by making a pistol really more effective than a shotgun in closed and tight environments. Like in reality...

Sorry for my English, hope you've at least understood me!
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-18 18:24:25 UTC
in A strange bug with rounding coordinates Post #84476
With Revolver Beta 1 I made a torus. The "Round Float Coordinates to Integers" option was unchecked (it seems not to work). As a result, the torus was good but had many vertexes with non-integer coordinates.

After saving it in the .map format (from Hammer) the torus got unstuck. The sections forming it separated from each other. Now all the vertexes were in grid nodes (i. e. had integer coordinates).

The question is why the rounding of coordinates is made in such a weird way. Why mathcing (i. e. having equal coordinates) vertexes of different (adjacent in the initial torus) sections are snapped to differetnt grid nodes, so that the resulting figure collapses?

I think the coordinates of all the vertexes might be rounded in the same way so that the resulting body wouldn't fall to pieces but just be slightly deformed (due to rounding).

Anton Shepelev