Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-18 07:26:44 UTC
in How to show Source SDK in Steam ? Post #152982
... Or give me the download link of Hammer Editor (Source). :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-18 07:23:47 UTC
in How to show Source SDK in Steam ? Post #152981
I Have a copy version , this from my brother's friend (Don't call him the Cheater) Because We want to play HL2...
So for showing Source SDK in tools mode , Give me the crack, Or give me the download link of source SDK. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-17 13:40:12 UTC
in How to show Source SDK in Steam ? Post #152828
Hi Guys !
I Have a problem (Just like the some people).
No Source SDK in my steam in tools mode. :(
How to show it?
Because I want Hammer Editor for HL2.
Oh well , If I was an annoying person so give me the topic link (that if you found it).
Sorry for annoying. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 13:54:04 UTC
in Enter To Make An Acid Water Or Else . Post #93993
The Damage Type Table :

Lava -> BURN


Biology Acid -> POISON

Freeze Water -> FREEZE

Thunder Water -> SHOCK
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 13:51:13 UTC
in Enter To Make An Acid Water Or Else . Post #93992
I have An Example Map of Water Kinds :
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 04:36:08 UTC
in Enter To Make An Acid Water Or Else . Post #93392
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 03:24:14 UTC
in Enter To Make An Acid Water Or Else . Post #93378
What did you Say ..
I'm not Understand ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 14:42:00 UTC
in Enter To Make An Acid Water Or Else . Post #93142
Ok :roll: ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 10:53:21 UTC
in Enter To Make An Acid Water Or Else . Post #93105
English :
What a Clever :D !
Thanks dandyli0n`
Arabic (Arabic Text) :
?? ?? ?? ??? :D !
????? ?? dandyli0n`
Arabic (Latin Text) :
Ya laka min Dhakie :D !
Shokran Ya dandyli0n`
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 09:15:03 UTC
in Enter To Make An Acid Water Or Else . Post #93091
That's Right , But I think is Slime or Lava if Touched Player him , He Dead Fast .
I said I think , It means I'm not Sure .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 07:26:29 UTC
in Enter To Make An Acid Water Or Else . Post #93073
But A trigger_hurt Not in this Tutorial .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 02:48:47 UTC
in Enter To Make An Acid Water Or Else . Post #93039
If you Said : How to Make An Acid Or Freeze Water Or ...
I will Help you .
First , Make sure to Put The Water Brush , Go to The Properties , And in The func_water List , Select Contents , The Water It Haves 3 Kinds , Water , Slime , Lava .
But , How to Get Something Else of The Water ?
Ok , We're Ready .
Select The Water Brush , And Go to The Properties , And in The func_water List , Select Contents , And Select A Water .
And Then , Make Another Brush (Same Water Brush Size or Little Larger)
And Press The ToEntity Button , And Select trigger_hurt Entity , And Select Damage , Make sure is The Damage is 10 , But You Can Make Larger Or Smaller .
And Select Damage Type in the List , If you want To get The Acid Water , Select RADIATION Or POISON .
If you want To get The Thunder Water , Select SHOCK .
Or Freeze Water , Select FREEZE .
Or Any Water Kind you want . :)
Try this .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-18 16:05:52 UTC
in Short # Surfaces Post #91530
I have a Problem with my TFC map .
If Player is So far Than Objects , Looks Like Far Objects is Invisible ! :(
For Islam : Assalam Alaykom Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatoh .
For Else : Assalam Ala Man ittaba'a Alhudah .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 16:01:35 UTC
in My Team Fortress Classic 1.5 Questions Post #90821
Thanks for Any Help .
If I Have Any Problem I will Reply Here .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 08:35:34 UTC
in My Team Fortress Classic 1.5 Questions Post #90690
Q1:How To Put Capture Point and Flags ?
Q2:How To Set Teams from 4 to 2 teams Only ?
Please , Answer these Questions Fast .
For Islamic Only : Assalam Alaykom .
For Else : Assalam Ala Man Ittaba'a Alhodah .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-10 16:20:27 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #89496
:zonked: ..
I'm now Going to Test TFC Mapping , With Cylinder Brush , But In the Compile Process Window , Got an Error , Said : Error : Entity 0, Brush 57, Side 8 ...
But is Not out Of the GRID !
I deleted BUT The Part of Cylinder Has Been Disepeared !!
Another Problem :
With the LOTS OF VERTEXES (Sure Can Save BSP File) .
My Game Has Running , AND THEN ! My Game Has been Quited AUTOMATIC !!
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-10 08:47:31 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #89422
But I think the Problem is "Geometry/Entity" Out of Grid (World)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 16:47:36 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87800
Uh oh !
I have a PROBLEM
The Same of the First Problem !!
with the New Maps , I Compiled But My Program Can't Saving a BSP File .
I downloaded ZHLT Tools , and Copied to my folders , and Change my Build Program Option .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 09:30:52 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87706
I Downloaded ZHLT Tools , And Then Compiled , And Saved BSP File Automaticaly . :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 09:20:32 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87699
No , I don't know the Turkish Language ..
I'm The Muslim too (ana moslim aidhan) Arabic Saying ..
I think I wrong ..
I will Download ZHLT Tool now ..
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 08:56:48 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87692
I think I know Why didn't Save BSP File ..
WorldCraft is NOT Downloaded yet .
When you Compiling your Map , Are you Have a WorldCraft Program ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 05:26:34 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87658
I Say I Delete the map ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 17:15:58 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87534
I delete this file ...
So How can I do with BSP File .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 16:57:54 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87528
Compile this .
And Copy BSP File to the Zip , Then Unload him in Any Unload Site , Finaly , i will Download the zip .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 15:53:04 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87515
But How ZombieLoffe ?
I Talk this Again for All Members :
This My First Map , I'm not Exported Yet .
You Export This .
And Then Give me The BSP File of MY ROOM .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 15:14:29 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87501
And Then Give me The BSP File of MY ROOM .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 15:13:46 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87500
This My First Map , I'm not Exported Yet .
You Export This .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 15:08:29 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87493
Sorry !!
it's not right .
Please , Add The Export *.Bsp Tutorial in the Mapping tutorials .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 14:45:08 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87488
See this Question : How to Export BSP File ?
This is the BEST Question .
Wait , I'm Now going to restart My Computer .
I think you're wrong .
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 13:56:58 UTC
in How to Export BSP File ? Post #87479
I Compiled but Not Saved On The Map Folder of HL .
Both Files (BSP And PTS) Isn't Found , In the Compile Process Window , I see this Sentence
The command failed. Windows reported the error:
"The system cannot find the file specified."
Can anyone tell me How to Export the Both Files (BSP&PTS) ? :(
Because I Have the Standard Edition (Valve Hammer Editor v3.4 Downloaded Edition) .
Thanks for Any Help .