Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2008-07-02 17:56:18 UTC
in Hammer gone weird! Post #252076
Initially I did use the uninstaller provided by ATI, But it didn't work the way it was supposed to I guess. I wasn't able to install ANY drivers on my computer after that!
I found this link to a very thorough description of the uninstall process for the ATI drivers:

Haven't been bold enough to try again, since I had so much trouble last time I tried!
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-02 15:33:18 UTC
in Hammer gone weird! Post #252071
I found kind of a fix...
I remembered window system restore, and lucky enough there was a restorepoint I could use three days back (puhh)!
So now Im back where I started, got my 8.4 drivers installed and am able to use my comp again, hehe.
Now I only have to figure a way to travel backwards in time, (driver wise) to 7.11 to have my Hammer work too
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-02 15:05:00 UTC
in Hammer gone weird! Post #252069
Hi again!
There seem to be no end to this story for me =(
I tried to uninstall my drivers by using the add/remove utility in windows XP, removed my 8.4 drivers completely.
I used the drivers you supplied through that link, MuzzleFlash!
Installation starts......then comes this message about not finding the right driver for my system!! Arghh!
Downloaded the drivers (7.11) from Guru3D, the complete version with everything included..CCC WDM amd whatever it's called.
Tried installing those, no go.
Uninstalled again (there were parts of the drivers in add/remove)
Restarted my comp, installed a program called "Driver Cleaner", which said it would remove every trace of old drivers in my system.
Used the program, restarted comp and again tried to install 7.11 drivers.
Again...couldnt find a driver for your system (WTF?)
At this point i have uninstalled and tried installation of several different drivers, including the ones I had to start with (8.4)
Same message: Couldnt find a driver for your system ( or similar message)
I have got the ATI X1950XT card, on a XP SP3 computer.
So now its not Hammer that is my main problem, lol.
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-01 17:26:03 UTC
in Hammer gone weird! Post #252022
As a matter of fact, I actually DID install new drivers for my ATI card.
Just a couple of days ago.
I Run XP on my comp, couldnt get used to all the blue screens on Vista =).
Never had a thought of the drivers for my graphics card though, going to try a rollback right away to older version.
Thanks again for taking the time to help me, I appreciate it !!
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-01 16:54:41 UTC
in Hammer gone weird! Post #252017
Iv'e been working on this map of mine a while now, using hammer editor as always. Iv'e been using hammer a long time and never had any problems I couldn't fix......

Now, all of a sudden hammer has decided not to let me use the camera mode
If I leftclick any given object in the camera view, absolutely nothing happens. I mean NOTHING.
Let's say I want to change some texture, i's impossible to point at it and click it to activate the surface. I am able to move my pointer anywhere without problem, but it just don't happen anything when clicking on a surface.
The other windows are working just fine and I may select an object there!
Thing is...then I select the WHOLE object and can't adjust only one side of the objects texture.
This happened just the other day, and it seems all by itself too?
I tried of course to reinstall hammer over itself without removing the complete install, thought I then would have my settings intact. (I had)!
But no difference at all, hammer opened up with all my settings there, and camera window not working. Still can't select an object in it!

Anyone got an idea as to what I should do here?
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-18 15:02:16 UTC
in Can't get my light_spot working =( Post #248914
satchmo, you did solve this mystery of mine =)

I created a hollow cube with a texture of a wall, changed the roof texture to sky and put a starting point and a light_spot in that room too!!

Deleted the room, created another room with skytexture on all sides, changed the walls into wall texture. Compiled, and BINGO, I had my light_spot working =)

Seems to me, no tutorial has ever mentioned the fact that ALL the sides of a brush has to have sky texture, for a light_spot to work.

Well, now I'm going to see if my new found knowledge can be put to use in my map?

Thanks guys for helping out, I appreciate it!
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-17 16:12:40 UTC
in Can't get my light_spot working =( Post #248885
I'm presently working on a map that will contain both indoors and outdoors spaces. In my outdoor space I tried to use that light_spot entity as the source of light. Set it to be "sky" to have some nice shadows in my level. Thing is.....after compiling the damned thing is DARK. If I put a light, I get a light at that very spot, so thats working okay. But if I change it to a light_spot OR a light_environment, it wont work at all. All I get is a dark room with a skytexture on top of it!
I must be doing something very wrong here, but WHAT?
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-27 15:28:54 UTC
in Diff sounds in textures, how? Post #235127
yepp, I did as you guys said.....
Now my texture sounds the way I want it to :P
When I start a server with my map however, the texture has got the
default sound to those joining my server. They don't have the changes to materials.txt that I made to my own texfile, so they can't hear the sounds I want the textures to have. The whole thing about this texture sounds are getting
I guess I could put the materials.txt in my .res file so that it downloads with the map and soundfiles, but that doesn't feel like a good idea :biggrin:
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-24 14:09:02 UTC
in Diff sounds in textures, how? Post #234896
No, I am not trying to ADD a file, I am trying to edit a textfile already in there. The textfile I am trying to edit is Materials.txt, it's embedded in the half-life.gcf. The file lists a number of textures, and the sounds the player makes when moving on those textures......
If I move on a metal plate the sound is related to the metal, and if i move on concrete the sound changes accordingly. To make a new texture sound the way I want it to, I will have to edit the file and add a texture to the textures already there.....and the sound I want it to have!
My problem is that I can see the textures in the textfile but I can't edit the file because the program can't save my changes to the file. Hope I made my little problem more clear.... :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-23 15:01:05 UTC
in Diff sounds in textures, how? Post #234848
I guess I'm a bit stupid......
I installed GCFScape, and it's a simple enough program to understand.
It opens the half-life.gcf file just like any browser, and lets me see the file I'm interested in, in my case the materials textfile. Problem is....I can add my texture to the kind of sound I want, but I CAN'T SAVE it!
The program even lets me export the file to any given location, where it can easily be edited. But then I can't import it again, hehe :
As I said earlier, it's no big deal. :cool:
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-22 16:02:26 UTC
in Diff sounds in textures, how? Post #234766
Thanks again!!
I am not familiar with the program GCFScape, but I will try to find it and
use it to find what I am looking for. This is not a matter of life or death, but I think it's fun to just fool around a bit with mapping, it's near as fun as playing the game itself.....
So once again, thanks for taking the time to help me!
Good to have a community like this one to help out :D
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-22 14:12:34 UTC
in Diff sounds in textures, how? Post #234751
It seems that the Pak0.pak file is only present in my old halflife, I can't find it in my STEAM version of halflife. Since I play hl on STEAM, I suppose that's the version of hl I will have to do my changes to......?
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-22 07:07:21 UTC
in Diff sounds in textures, how? Post #234714
:) Thanks guys!
I will certainly have a close look at that textfile embedded in pak0.pak!!
Perhaps it's even possible to add some more sounds to the ones already
in use?
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-20 16:23:38 UTC
in Diff sounds in textures, how? Post #234636
How can different textures have different sounds to them when you walk on them? Some floor textures has a squeky sound, and some gravel textures sound like walking on gravel of course, but where can I find the properties for the sounds in a texture? I have made my own grass texture, but it sounds like walking on asphalt or something.....hehe. How can I make a change in the way a texture sounds?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 17:06:02 UTC
in Hammer acting weird.... Post #226004
Thanks for helping me guys!! :D
When I started Hammer just minutes ago to try your ideas out, it worked just fine without any changes at all........
I have been restarting both my computer and Hammer before as I mentioned, and not fixing the problem that way. Then all of a sudden it works?
Beats me...
Is it worth the effort to upgrade to Hammer 3.5 anyway, and how will I be able to tell the difference?
Once again, thanks for helping =)
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 16:09:08 UTC
in Hammer acting weird.... Post #226000
Hi there !
I'm currently working on a map for hl 1 deathmatch. I have been using Hammer, always used it before and never found anything better. I'm using the version 3.4. the middle of my mapping, Hammer starts giving me this problem! My problem is that when I have selected an object and want to turn it around a bit, I have always before been able to click on the object and those small white boxes have changed from six to four. Then I have been able to rotate my object by gripping one of the handles and thereby rotate. Thing is.....Hammer no longer lets me change by clicking the object, nothing happens when I do.......
I can still change the dimensions of the object and I can move it, but no matter how I click it I can't rotate it?
Restarted both Hammer and my computer, no go....same problem remains. I'm probably just stupid, as there must be some simple way of changing this........
Please help me with this if you can, its making me both stupid AND angry! :
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-10 16:29:32 UTC
in How do I include sounds in a map? Post #162517
:P Thank you very much Captain P, now I have something to work with.
I will try to make this work, I am quite new to making maps as you already have guessed no doubt.....
Thing's so fun to make those stumbling steps towards a map. First one will probably be crap anyway, but as long as it's fun I will keep on trying! Thanks again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-10 11:13:55 UTC
in How do I include sounds in a map? Post #162444
Sorry for beeing stupid, but when I download a map from a server and there are some new sounds on it that I dont have, server will always send it to me. I can see the names of the new files and where they are going to, in which folder. How can I make those sound files follow my new map?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-10 11:03:46 UTC
in How do I include sounds in a map? Post #162440
Sorry if I made a wrong post.
This is for hl, no source
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-10 10:59:38 UTC
in How do I include sounds in a map? Post #162437
How can I include my sounds in my new map, so that anyone downloading it can hear my sounds?
Is there anything like -wadinclude but aimed at including sounds instead?
-wavinclude (lol)?
I would be grateful for any help on the subject!! :confused: