Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-06 20:08:12 UTC
in C++ Compiler Post #30919
So the FBI dosen't break into your house at 3am! :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 05:41:16 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26738
It's not about specs, Software mode is the only mode that supports "r_draworder" and "r_drawflat".
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 06:53:40 UTC
in Transformation Tool Post #26437
-It can be done manually, but it is best to use the transform tool, especially for rotating. And the trick to converting units to use simple maths. If you really really want it rotated x units in a direction, then use the circumference rule. If you want to stretch, take the current dimentions in units, and convert the percentage.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 06:35:58 UTC
in HINT brushes Post #26436
I don't think so. Just means more "cuts", and more textures. I don't se why you'd want to get into that situation in the first place.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 06:11:40 UTC
in 3d geometry Post #26435
HL dosent support it, but It's definately possible, it's
in the OpenGL library. If you code any OpenGL, you'll find you can draw spheres, cones, and cylenders very easily.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 06:03:12 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26433
-No diffirence, assuming no world brushes overlap!
Which should never happen, ever. It's a huge pain for both the compiler and textures if you're lazey enough to let it happen.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 05:59:53 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26432
If you room is on the inside, then there is Absolutely no diffirence
However, if the room is on the outside, like in the case of a hollow crate, it is best to use VM to ensure each brush has its outside verticies on the outside corners, and inside verticies on the inside corners. This would ensure even texture distribution on both inside and outside.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-04 00:52:16 UTC
Best Coperate effort: OpFor -The closest mod to rival the origional Half Life.

Best individual effort: USS Dark star. I've never played TH. Too Big. :P

btw, why do ppl bother posting this all over again? it's been asked... how many times? n^45.3 ?
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 06:27:26 UTC
in please help, level change probs Post #24494
I find it helpful to put all the level changes and landmarks in the same map, completing parts of the next map at the same time. This way you can safely compare and check that everything is level.
You then copy the room to the next map, seal it, and remove the extra changelevels.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 06:20:44 UTC
in How do i create round room Post #24493
Here's a tip: Use the arch tool to make the walls, then cylnders for the roof and floor. This means all your edges are nicely enclosed so you can apply textures much easier. -The common alternative is hollowing a cylinder. :zonked: Ick.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 06:12:15 UTC
in Noob needs help Post #24492
lol, Oops! -no quotemarks needed :P that's Here.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 06:10:38 UTC
in Noob needs help Post #24491
Right Here. :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-17 05:22:53 UTC
in Best tool in hammer? Post #22834
VM is by far my favourite tool. -And out of that, vertex scaling.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-06 07:00:44 UTC
in need help bad Post #21373
It could've just been that you ran out of memory. Try adding some more virtual memory and attempt a re-compile. Also, see if you can successfuly compile pieces of your map to eliminate any major problems that are ruining the rest of the compile. -Like a leak ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-28 08:37:33 UTC
in New mod: Ideas needed! Post #20723
How about giving them a decient camoflage, so that they don't stick out like sore thumbs. Ie, if it's dessert, why are they wearing white? If you make 'em tan you could have fun hiding them in dark sandy areas :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-25 02:12:31 UTC
in error ( please help ) Post #20423
If it
can't find the file
, it's because it can't find the file! You've probably entered the name of you map wrongly somewhere, or are trying to run something that isn't there. Check you spelling, and re-compile.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-25 02:04:13 UTC
in Absolute NewB question Post #20421
there are four seperate parts to a compile: csg, bsp, vis, and rad... which pass the map to eachother in that order. RAD, the last in line, does the lighting. VIS works out the VISible area (but it doesn't stand for that). If the map is leaky, bsp crashes, so vis and rad never execute. The only compile settings you need to worry about is that you make sure that you are running all of them.

To answer part of your original question, here's how to use console mode to find the leak:

Find the shortcut you use to run the HL executable. To the end of the "Target" directory, add the parameters
"C:Half-Lifehl.exe" -console -dev
From now on, when you start HL, it will run in console mode. The console will be available to you whenever you press the "~" key in-game.

A few basic console commands are: "map Map_Name_To_Load", "noclip" for no walls/gravity, and "Pointfile" to load the pointfile on to the map.

To find your leak, load the map, the pointfile, and then noclip to play "follow the string" ?it will take you on a cu_razey little adventure about the map, when it passes from the inside to the outside, that's your leak.

Btw, the compiler decides which is "inside" and which is "outside" based on where the entities are placed, so if you place entities outside the map, it will cause leak error.
Other methods of de-leaking include the "big block" method, where you seal off areas of you map to test for leaks compartmentally.


Seventh: edded at 07:33 25th Mar according to JB's cxns
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-24 01:50:23 UTC
in realistic Func_train Post #20352
NOBODY has yet said "Func_tracktrain" :o -so I just did.
Actually, I've built afew mine carts myself... You want to use func_tracktrains. The ONLY problem with them I've had is that if you want them to start all by themselves, you must have them start at the time the map starts. -ie, if you want to have to "activate" a func_train after the game has started, you will have to changelevel to a new map. -See the mesa transit trains in at the start of OpFor.

-But other than that, you can build quite a fun coaster-style mine cart ride... with about a hundred path_tracks, that is.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-24 01:31:37 UTC
in old compile map problem Post #20351
Whatever the problem is, It's certinaly not compiling. I'd agree with Zombie today.

I've killed a compile before simply with a leaky map, which swamped the compiler in it's verbose state. When I fixed the leak, the compiler survived. Try big-blocking your map and trying re-compiling bits of it.

Of course, it could still be something else at fault: unless it's some painfully simple human error (like spelling the compile path wrong), the only other answer is to back-track your steps untill you can compile successfully.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-22 01:43:36 UTC
in Invisible wall Post #20191
IMPOSSIBLEE!!?? :x never! Use a clip brush with a func_illusionary brush covering it. The illusionary looks like a wall, and the clip brush does the rest.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-13 06:04:23 UTC
in Comics Post #19210
Ah, yes... Those crazey snowmen in Calvin and Hobbes. ;) one of my favourites!
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-07 07:15:24 UTC
in Timefall Post #18620
Not Bad, not bad at all! I'm surprised you actually managed to pull of a mod that diddn't hsve an HEV! -That dosent happen too often! :D ... Just I keep having barney killed by either sentry guns, slaves, or both : The poor guy dosen't have a chance! If I disable the guns, they come back on again and shoot at us! Suitless, but nice so far... maybe I'll figure the rest out someday!
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-06 23:50:20 UTC
in Track Train Post #18594
Origami... Origin... Ah, Here it is:

Origin Brush: A brush textured entirely with the "Origin" texture, and used to determine the centre(of rotation) of a brush-based entity.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-24 06:35:09 UTC
in killing an apache Post #17189
Here's a long shot: have an ambient generic play a SECOND chopper sound once you have removed the real chopper. This way you could have a long fadeout. -Syncing the sounds may be a problem, though. :
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 06:35:16 UTC
in I wonder Post #16741
you could have an invisable func_door/just about anything brush that conseals it. Or try googling for the "lost" func_door_func_ladder entity. I've heard actually does exist! It's a ladder that can retract like a door! :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 06:14:19 UTC
in Yellow glowy things Post #16739
Try placing your models/monsters afew units abouve the ground. They will automaticaly float down to meet it.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-11 03:50:01 UTC
in i have a map with problems Post #15971
Sorry I can't download it at the moment, but if you only problem is the func_door_rotating, a common newbie mistake it not including an Origin brush. These are a simple cube covered with the "origin" texture, used to tell the game the center-point of any rotating entitys. If you don't include one, the doors use the center of the map as their CP, and fly about everywhere. Does this solve your problem, is it something else?
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-10 03:10:43 UTC
in fy help Post #15890
Use the info_map_parameters entity. Set the "buying" attribute to "3", if your fgd doesn't cover it. I've got one included in this example map so you can see how it works.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-03 22:12:45 UTC
in Stand on a thingy and it moves? Post #15140
collapse? What do you mean? You could use a func_door to move downward, or if you want something to break underneath you, use a func_breakable, and select the "Pressure" flag. You could use a trigger_once to activate a train or something else underneath you, even.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-03 02:41:03 UTC
in fy_<mapnamehere> Post #15048
You might want to look at my example map, anyway. I've got all the guns displayed already, so you can see which values corrospond to weapons. Also you might onsider using game_player_equips, which give the player guns without him needing to pick up. These are also included in my example.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-30 00:31:25 UTC
in any1 know what i should make? Post #14411
EXPERIMENT!!! :nuts: If you don't have any ideas, don't worry about them. Try reading some more advanced tuts to get the ideas going! The best way to learn is to experiment for yourself, so just muck about with hammer for a while... discover some of the more advanced entities and how to use them! :D How to use func_trains, ambient_generics, func_ladders, trigger_once/multiples, monstermakers, env_beams... most are actually quite simple to use, you just have to "discover" them! :D
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-27 05:26:33 UTC
in sphere Post #14070
You can select the individual verticies in the 3D view, but Why would you want to select individual verticies to make a shpere? The method I use has none of that tedium!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-26 10:59:39 UTC
in Cars Post #13962
You don't Have to do clipping... If you use a prefab. There's SUV prefabs floating about everywhere on Google -If you look hard enough. Tryprefablab for a start.

Oh, yes... If you want to make your own, then, Clipping! Lots of Clipping! Load up C2a5g to look at the HL SUV's It's shockingly obvious the're clipped, if you take time to look instead of running frantically!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 22:50:32 UTC
in weely big pwobwum! Post #13728
Sounds like your're triggering things too early: The game has just started, and the entitys are not set up by the game yet when you trigger them. Try adding a delay of 1/2 a sec before you trigger anything and see if that fixes it.

JB's right...
Depending on what you want to trigger, the level fadein normally takes about 5 to 6 seconds, the entities are initialised prior to this, so try giving your trigger_auto a delay of 10 seconds, and waiting around to see what happens. The if it works, just reduce the delay till you get it right.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 06:35:39 UTC
in Halflife Ending? Post #13535
I hate to give away such good endings, buuut... well... : OK! Just this once, I'll give it away. I really shouldn't, but i suppose just once can't hurt... You know, it's not half as good me just putting it here, you really should see it for yourself, ok? Anyway the ending goes like this:

"Valve is:

Ted Backman
TK Backman
Kelly Bailey
Yahn Bernier
Ken Birdwell
Steve Bond
Dario Casali
John Cook
Greg Coomer
Wes Cumberland

John Guthrie
Mona Lisa Guthrie
Mike Harrington
Monica Harrington
Brett Johnson
Chuck Jones
Marc Laidlaw
Karen Laur
Randy Lundeen
Yatsze Mark

Lisa Mennet
Gabe Newell
Dave Riller
Aaron Stackpole
Jay Stelly
Harry Teasley
Steve Theodore
Bill Van Buren
Robin Walker
Douglas R. Wood"

Oh, and nobody knows what actually happens to Freeman yet, that's hopefully going to be explained in HL2. With such a great production team, I can't wait to read THAT ending! :D :nuts: :cool:
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-22 07:19:44 UTC
in Things not to say... Post #13248
"May I please inspect you teeth? Trust me, I'm a dentist!"
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-22 04:02:53 UTC
in more info for Andy's Dimentions tu Post #13234
Andy, I was just reading your dimensions tut to see what was there when I noticed you included information about maximum crouch-jump-able height. I discovered once that you CAN crouch jump 64 units high provided the surface you jump up to is sloping down towards you between 45? -and 0?. Interesting bug in the game, and worth mentioning, I think.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-22 03:34:39 UTC
in Problem: Walls vanish ! Post #13219
Yes, DEFINITELY func_wall those pipes and lights... From what I can see they are likely to be the causing your vis problem. By not having those pipes func_wall-ed, the compiler has to "hollow them out", leaving poor vis to pick up the pieces. If that doesn't solve the problem after all, do it anyway... improves r_speeds by not fracturing the walls around about it. It may also be caused by some complex walls that you don't have in the screenshot?maybe a 32-sided cylinder or something- that sort of thing.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 22:43:20 UTC
in Pure Perfection in 2.3 Mb - "Someplace Post #13206
Hey! I've played that! -Yes, excellent mod! - I'm surprised they packed so much into just one map! :D A must-see! DOWNLOAD IT NOW!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 09:54:30 UTC
in Problem: Walls vanish ! Post #13099
I don't think it's very likely you could draw 800 wpoly with just THAT! :P It's clear that you're confusing VIS, Try func_walling those pipes and lights. They need it any way, It's quite likley your problem.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 06:45:25 UTC
in Cool new discovery! Post #12773
mabye, a ladder you can MOVE!? You mean I don't have to fake those?! :o
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 09:00:55 UTC
in Bikes Post #12548
Don't use it near water ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 11:52:49 UTC
in HELP! Post #12381
Or mabye he Does know how to write, and is just very drunk? Anyway...

WELCOME! brattylord! To TWHL! I really, honestly, and sincerely hope your problems are quickly and easily solved by the kind, friendly, and informative people here at TWHL! ?Where you can be guided step by step to the magical land of half life mapping!
There's no such thing as a simple "block" -perhaps you mean a brush. Here at TWHL we have loads of tutorials specially crafted for beginners like yourself. I would suggest you read Andy's "In the beginning" tutorial's followed by his tutorials on "Dimentions". You can find these listed on the Beginner's tutorials page while your at it, you may also find "Skeeve's tutorial on running your maps" to be handy. I really do hope this helps you. Please, if confused, feel free to post any more questions. Creating your first brush can often be quite a daunting experience at first. We are all glad to help!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-14 00:49:52 UTC
in Start with pistols Post #12029
You have to enter the weapon names manually for the Game_player_equip entity: weapon_usp; weapon_glock18;
weapon_deagle; weapon_p228; weapon_elite; and weapon_fiveseven should cover it.

Now Zombie DID have an example map, but he seems to have removed it. What a shame?
-But not to worry! ?Because I've also made one! Right?here. Take a look at the rmf, and that should answer any more questions.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-11 22:32:03 UTC
in creating a circle Post #11715
In hl, there's no such thing as a true circle... just polygons, I'm afraid.

for something close, set the arc radius to 360* and have the number of sides about 16, max, or it gets a bit messy.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-08 07:26:56 UTC
in AN IDEA??? Post #11186
Ok, the funniest map to make* is this, loads of fun**... ready? make a zombie stooting gallery using lots of clip brushes, and trigger_pushes. -include levels so that when certain zombies are killed, new trigger pushes are added to the already existing ones, making them move faster, and have monstermakers drop ammo and weapons on the player, so he has a limitless supply... Make it into a mod so you can give the zombies custom sounds... Reskin the zombies so they look like clowns... etc etc...

The people are becoming restless! we need another compo! ;)

*may not be the funniest map to make **may be fun only for non-specific period of time
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-21 21:48:06 UTC
in Function Wind? Post #8811
3000 Is a nice speed :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-21 09:36:08 UTC
in Function Wind? Post #8720
yeah, the movie with twin Deagles?:D I know the one. Pitty the buget diddn't allow for them to install a second revolving fan to finish that guy off. :lol: I'm sure a second fan would have been welcome! (-and perhaps a stupider stunt-doubble)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-21 09:12:29 UTC
in Function Wind? Post #8717
Why not, instead of trigger_hurt-ing the player, use a large exposed func_rotating fan (with "dammage inflicted"set to 200 or-so) to chop the player up once he is pushed against it? It seems kinda logical in a wind tunnel. You will need to put a grate-ish wall right behind it to hold the player in place so he dosent slip past the fan, tho.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-20 10:11:18 UTC
in My Quantity Two mod, need ideas Post #8524
Hmmm. That was me up there. :roll: