Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 16:28:27 UTC
in custom model texture Post #243046
Im using XSI but I think there will be not much difference
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 12:59:26 UTC
in custom model texture Post #243036
I want to put all the textures of all the sides in the same 512x512 thing just like the hl2 model textures.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 00:49:34 UTC
in custom model texture Post #242992
I was making a model and then whe I was going to texture it this doubt came to me
When I see the hl2 model textures in hammer, all the sides are in the same texture, but I didnt pay attention to this
The txture wont lose its details if I make it like this? Because fit all the textures of the model in the same 512x512 file, I would need to resize them down, so how can I make it so I can keep the detail of the texture? Because I modeled a TV and textured it this way and its texture quality was very downgraded than the normal individual textures.
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-13 14:35:43 UTC
in Custom texture problem Post #240839
I made a custom texture with Specular and normal map, they look fine in hammer but in the game they are just reflective purple and white squares
I have done everything correctly, I have put cubemaps and I typed buildcubemaps in the console and restarted the game, here's how my vmt file looks like

"$basetexture" "kitchen/kitchenw1"
"$surfaceprop" "brick"
"$envmapmask" "kitchenw1_spec"
"$bumpmap" "kitchenw1_normal"
"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"$envmaptint" "[ .3 .3 .45 ]"

I have all the three .vtf and the .vmt files in the materials/kitchen folder I made, so what am I doing wrong?
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-12 14:02:15 UTC
in SDK not opening Post #240751
Of course I have played the games
I had already mapped a little for Source.. I have stopped, and I remember it has been updated one day, I didn't bother because I wasnt using it anymore, now today I have some ideas and It won't work anymore

Where is this reset configs button?


I checked the SDK folder and there is DOD and HL2DMMP there, but I didn't installed them
Should I remove these folders?
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-12 11:45:52 UTC
in SDK not opening Post #240742
No, there's nothing in launch options
And I tried removing that file, when I try to open SDK there's a message "This game is actually unavaiable, please try again another time".

Any ideas?
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-12 10:57:49 UTC
in SDK not opening Post #240740
I was going to map but when I open Source SDK, after that window Preparing to launch Source SDK... disappears, nothing happens, nothing opens
I tried removing it and redownloading it again but it didn't work
What is happening?
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-10 10:01:03 UTC
in some questions Post #240475
Ok I'll try
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-09 12:36:12 UTC
in some questions Post #240391
I told this doesnt work
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-07 20:17:32 UTC
in Selecting something in 3D view Post #240158
When you try to select it are you still with that camera tool selected? U should have the Selection Tool
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-07 19:59:29 UTC
in some questions Post #240156
I tried targeting the multisource and it halfly worked. I can now press the lever only when I cross the line but I cant press it next round, but the round after it I can press again
What now?

Ok. I have a func_rot_button, a multisource, a trigger_multiple( which I use to be the thing that allows the button to be pushed ) and a func_breakable (the bridge to be broken). Which one of these should I target?

And another thing... this door, can u explain the theory? How it triggers the multisource? Because it doesnt move or anything at round start.
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-07 17:28:24 UTC
in some questions Post #240142
I've searched some ways of resetting entities but none of them seems to work with buttons
So there's no way to reset them?
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-07 14:35:12 UTC
in some questions Post #240135
Hello again
I made a lever which destroys a bridge only when you cross a line, using a multisource as you guys told me I could do it
BUT... it only works once
Before you cross that line, you cant use the lever to destroy the bridge.
But after you cross it the FIRST time, you can use the lever anytime, when it starts a new round, you can use it freely, before crossing the line
I used a trigger_multiple to make the line thing and a multisource
How can I make it work only when you cross the line on every round?

And another question... how do i make a button works only once per round?
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-05 13:25:07 UTC
in Why it wont work? Post #239948
I made a lever and I wanted it to get working only when I crossed a trigger_multiple which would be reactivated every 30 seconds
But I cant get it to work
I put the trigger_multiple name under Master on the lever entity, but in the game I press the lever and it works before I touch the trigger_multiple, and it says at the top of the screen:

Master is null or there is no master

something like that
What is this?
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-04 20:42:55 UTC
in Lightmap for texture too large Post #239902
I did tie, I tied to a trigger_hurt and I was going to kill an entire base
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-04 11:23:50 UTC
in Lightmap for texture too large Post #239857
This is happening everytime now
I saw that when I get this error the cause is map corruption, but this is the second map in a row that I'm getting the error, when I make a big aaatrigger brush
What the f*** is happening?
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-02 22:20:03 UTC
in Problem when running the map [+textures] Post #239718
There were lots of errors, I just fixed them but some of them woudnt disappear, pressing fix didn`t work, and even by deleting the entities with the errors. I will remake the map anyway, I made a lot of mistakes and now I`m going to make it better
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-02 16:03:15 UTC
in Problem when running the map [+textures] Post #239658
this is happening everytime, even with something that is not stretched
I can't use big brushes to make entities and there comes this error
I think the map is corrupted, guess I have to make another one.
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-01 14:21:30 UTC
in Problem when running the map [+textures] Post #239568
Uhm.. another problem
The texture just turns into pink and black squares in the game
The wad is in Hammer folder, no /valve, and I`m not using the -wadinclude command
could this be it?
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-01 00:25:28 UTC
in Problem when running the map [+textures] Post #239526
"These often come from "fitting" a texture to a brush, especially thin brushes like signs or doors. Then a texture may get shrunk too far also, so do not go below 0.1 for scale or over 10 for scale, either causes frequent problems."

Who, that's exactly what I was doing

thanks a lot
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-30 23:42:26 UTC
in Problem when running the map [+textures] Post #239524
I was making a map, when I compile it everything goes fine, I use ZHLT of course, I also made a texture for my map which its size is 256x256 and I used it in a func_illusionary entity, everything is fine in the editor but when CS starts loading the map, only two squares are loaded when CS abruptly closes and show the error:

Bad surface extent 4208 at position (-112,-663,-148)

I tried removing some brushes, the most cropped/carved/modified ones, but the problem was not there. I tried removing the entities which used my texture and it worked.

The texture uses pure blue on the background so when se the Rendering Mode to Solid it won't show ingame.

What am I doing wrong?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 12:31:07 UTC
in Won't create brush... help? Post #221235
My friend started mapping today and he said to me in MSN that when he made a brush and pressed enter it won't create it.

Here is a screen.

So, what can be happening? He uninstalled and installed again but it didn't worked. :confused:
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-06 12:55:01 UTC
in Serve failed to transimt sound problem Post #198714
This time I just put an ambient_generic in my map to make the sound of a waterfall. Ok, but when I test it, it stops at "Verifying resources..." and a yellow message appears on the top of the screen saying "Error: Server failed to transmit sound C:^/" and the map stops loading.

What I do? :(
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-06 11:49:07 UTC
in Omg... steam problem. Post #198708
Ok, I just opened Steam and it was calling for my password. I put it... and... well it says it is WRONG! What the f*ck??? I didn't changed it, please help!
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-19 17:17:17 UTC
in WHAT THE...! Post #196964
Sry I cant post my compile log because i am not in my computer right now.
Slave... in my compile log, it says it coudnt find file, then quotes open, and in them there is the directory of the folder I store my .rmfs, then another quote is opened, and in this one there is my mod directory. Is this what you was expecting?
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-19 13:00:37 UTC
in Steam problem... Post #196956
After I had that thing with compiling, I saw the Steam icon was with these little white dots (when it is updating). But nothing was updating. Ok, later I try to enter a game, one with VAC protection.
When the game loads now, everytime it shows this message:

"A connection to the Steam VAC servers could not be made. For troubleshooting network issues, please click the link below.

Click here to visit Steam support"

That link is broken and everytime I enter a VAC server it won't work, will show that message. Please, this wasn't happening before I had that problem with the map compiling.

Help, please!
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-19 11:35:22 UTC
in WHAT THE...! Post #196941
Yeah I mean BSP sorry... but it is in the mod map directory. But when I run it, the changes I made aren't in the map. :confused:
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-19 11:29:25 UTC
in WHAT THE...! Post #196939
It's the second time this happened. I just saved my map and tested it, and when it finishes compiling, it just says that coudn't find the map file. Why is this happening? The map file IS there. But it still says that coudn't find it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-11 15:14:46 UTC
in CS 1.6 Model Help! Post #196307
Hey... I don't know if this happens for everyone now or its just with me, but when I enter a server in Steam, I can only see people playing with the Elite Crew model for TR and that fourth model for CT. I tryed changing it, but when I got killed, I saw that I was still using that green shirt guy. Are model files lacking in my folders? Because it was just after I reinstall Steam. :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-08 18:19:25 UTC
in Where are my files???!! Post #195994
I just reinstalled my Steam and downloaded CS 1.6 and HL, and I started configuring my Hammer, so I noticed that my Maps directory was missing! I downloaded fy_pool_day and it appeared, but the standard maps were missing yet. I ignored, but when I was adding the .wads, I notticed that the wads were missing too! I can't find it anywhere, that never happened! HELP!!!!!!!!!! :zonked:
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 11:46:45 UTC
in Lever Post #182573
Ty people :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 11:46:04 UTC
in Problem running game Post #182572
This never happened before. I dont know why this happens.

When I run the game (after compiling the map) , instead of running, I got two bad situations:

1: First, when I compile the map, it said something about "cannot find nameofanarchive . Continue process?" it wasnt precisely this message, but something like. I click OK and it shows me the message AGAIN! I press OK again, now some seconds later, another window shows up, smething like this: could not read file "hotmail". Continue process?" I click okay so..... AN HL WINDOW SHOWS UP CALLING FOR CD KEY!!!! WTF???? Why this happens? I dont want to run hl I want to run CS, but I lost my CD key. I can compile the map but cant run the game directly from hammer. Thats very annoying, I need to manually move the file, open the game, choose the map, wait.... Wtf...

2: I tried mesing up with game configurations, and now, when I compile, just the CD-key window shows up.

I check the "dont run the game" box in the compiling properties but even not running the game the CD key window pops up.

I cant fix that I want to run the fame directly !!!! :furious: :furious: :furious:

Someone help me.!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-28 21:44:38 UTC
in Lever Post #182464
Thx alot I never used this entity :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-28 21:23:57 UTC
in Lever Post #182461
This time I don`t want to make a simple button, but a lever.

How do I make my lever rotate 72 degrees when I press it and then get back to normal some seconds later?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-28 18:12:52 UTC
in Can I group entities? Post #182441

But theres a problem. When I press the fake button, how it will change colors? Ex: that red and green button, that when is pressed green light turns on and red off.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-28 17:36:30 UTC
in Can I group entities? Post #182439
Oh okay I think I understand ;)

I didnt know that WorldCraft was an old word xD How can I call Hammer from now?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-28 17:07:55 UTC
in Can I group entities? Post #182435
Hey people, first I want to say hello I just registered here :)

I`m making this question because I can`t test if it works because my PC is broken and it will be fixed only next week and this one is a Mac so I can`t get CS or WorldCraft, so here we go.

I want to make an elevator(I know how to do it) but with the button inside it, so both func_button and func_train goes up together. But I think grouping the button to the func_train will make all the elevator turn into a button or when the button groups I can`t press it... right? Or no right?

If it`s not right can someone explain me how I put the button into the elevator and make it go up too? :confused: