Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-05-26 19:28:52 UTC
in No Draw Brush Post #250552
yeah i think muzzle is right. because under other displacement structures throughout the map there are nodraw brushes behind or under the displacements.

but that brings me to another question. does the sky box not qualify as something to seal leaks in source? or are there other types of leaks that come with displacements.

i just learned about displacements yesterday, thats why i am asking.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-25 17:33:50 UTC
in No Draw Brush Post #250476
so i decompiled this official tf2 map today, cp_Dustbowl. just so i could understand the entities and what textures are widely used.

and i came across a few randomly placed no_draw brushes. all of them had the no draw texture on all 6 sides of the brush and were placed seemingly randomly into the cliffside.

i know decompiling can cause brush errors, but i just wanted to make sure there is no greater purpose for doing this.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 21:45:14 UTC
in Entity question Post #192721
yeah ironically i was browsing the entity list after i posted, just looking at entitys and found the changetarget entity.

thanks guys !!!
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-05 23:32:42 UTC
in Entity question Post #192634
I have a question basically on something that was in halflife. If you guys remember you had to turn on oxygen fuel and power the test firea a rocket to kill this 3 armed monster growing in a test silo or something along thouse lines. Well i am aiming to do something the same.

what i was wondering was how to keep an entity from being triggered like test firing a rocket. before turning on the oxygen and fuel buttons, seperate entitys. basically just holding off an entity to be triggered before others are triggered. thats the best english i can put this in. any help would be appreciated
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 12:48:18 UTC
in 2 questions Post #191729
i just decompiled de_prodigy and just saw ambient_generics w/o an triggers so thats how i am going to leave it
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-25 22:21:22 UTC
in 2 questions Post #191676
k thanks
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-25 19:19:45 UTC
in 2 questions Post #191671
#1 i built a func_rotating in my cs map and what im trying to achieve is it to kill someone when the player comes in contact with the entity. I set damage to 1000 and the speed is set at 99 i believe. However when i test it out the func_rotating only does 30 damage. I have fan pain set.

#2 I heard somewhere that ambient_generics only play in the first round of a cs map i was wondering if that was true because when i test the map out. i kill myself and it keeps playing however the rounds really havent started because i am the only one playing. and if this is true how would i get this to work? have an ambient_generic start silent flag and triggered by a multi manager named game_playerspawn.? kind of like weaponstripped?