Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-04 17:35:08 UTC
in Creating or Cutting Walls Post #218029
Maybe I'm just to noobish... but I use clip, carve, hollow etc all the time. Only thing I do is only carve square objects, and try to line them up to ensure the least amount of brushes created.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-04 15:03:18 UTC
in Blue texure not showing transparent.. Post #218004
I found it. The background of the BMP was set to 252 (the "other" blue color.) How that happenned, I have no clue, as I just moved it from one WAD to another. And yes, the name does start with a { (the screenshot was a litle blurry)

Thnks guys... I was tearing my hair out over this one...
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-03 23:41:55 UTC
in Blue texure not showing transparent.. Post #217945
I checked... the name in the WAD has the { in front of it (Its actually from the condition zero map de_airstrip, so its fom one of those wads) and Here is how I checked the color pallette. It looks like the last one is 0 0 255, am i right? Then why doesn't this work?
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-03 21:40:15 UTC
in Blue texure not showing transparent.. Post #217936

I have a func_wall, with a msaked texture of a fence, it always worked before, but after my latest compile, it shows up blue. Two other textures do this to me too. Here are the details:

Here's the object properties
User posted image
Here's the texture BMP (I had the remove the { becuase of invlaid file names for uploading purposes, it has the { in front of it in the WAD)
User posted image
And here is how it turns out in game!
User posted image
I can only think of two things that would cuase this: Either the func_Wall properties are wrong (I've done this dozens of times and never had any problems) or the BMP image blue is the wrong value, but I checkd in wally, and I'm sure the blue is 0 0 255.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-03 21:35:12 UTC
in I can't get env_smoker to work Post #217934
tried health -1, I will try the trigger state thing.

I tried it with both trigger states, on and toggle. Still wont work. maybe its just a bad entity? ANybody wanna give it try to do a small example map?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-02 20:21:30 UTC
in I can't get env_smoker to work Post #217807
You guys have it listed in the CS entity guide, just not filled out.

I also noticed it listed on VERC and a few other CS forum sites. Somebody also asked about it here
but they never said if they got it to work, and I didn't want to bump an old post 0_o.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-01 20:16:08 UTC
in I can't get env_smoker to work Post #217696
Maybe I'm missing something, i dunno, but I have several env_smokers set up in a bombsite. They are triggered by a mulit-manager (which is triggered by the func_bombtarget.) To simplify things, here is the entity set up for the smokers and the mm.

name: box1_gone
strength 1000
smoke scale 1

and the MM targets the name box1_gone. (the name box1_gone is also used by an env_render to hide the box, an env_shooter, and an env_explosion, so everything happenns at the same time.)

I know for a fact the problem isn't with the multi-manager, becuase it targets a gishooter(for a model of a body) several env_shooters (metal/wood gibs) and several env_explosions, and they all work without a hitch. I've tried setting health to -1, 100, etc, and still no luck, I also set the sprite scale to 2, 3, etc.

I also have a bombed out car I'd like to start out smoking (when the map loads) I also have an env_smoker their, tried naming it game_player_spawn, and also tried targeting it with a trigger_auto. it deosn't work either.

Yes, I could use the smoke sprite method, but it bugs me that I can't get this to work when its in the damn FGD. (of which I am using the latest one from slackkillers site.)
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-22 09:20:37 UTC
in (CS.1.6 mapping ) Custom Models? Post #216693
are you using hammer 3.5? A buddy of mine was using hammer 3.4 and he coulndt add models either. After he updated to 3.5, he had no problems.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-18 12:05:45 UTC
in CS: ingame file downloading. Post #212907
Here's info about the sky:
Just make your TGA's and put them in the GFX/ENV folder.

As for models, (and other downloadable stuff) you need a resource file.
Just make a text file called MAPNAME.RES in notepad (replace mapname with your map's name, obviusly)

Then just type the path to the stuff you want to DL, so an example RES fil for de_tuscan would be a file in the maps folder called de_tuscan.res and would contain:

Posted 18 years ago2007-02-17 00:37:29 UTC
in Sprites for entities in hammer 3.5? Post #212729
So what's the best FGD to use? I have this one:

It came with the sprites for the entities, and I put them in sprites/CS (that's how they were zipped.) but no sprites show up in hammer (just ugly purple cubes).

I was using a similiar FGD, cs_expert-tom793b_wc35aa.fgd, and with that one I got a model preview of my spawn points, and a lightbulb sprite for a light entity, but 793c_wc35 doesn't have those in it, even though it looks like a newer version?
Nevermind, I'm such a dolt..... Here I thought my hammer install was in c:/valve hammer editor, turn out I was using s desktop shortcut which pointed to c:/program files/valve hammer editor.

I moved the sprites to the one in program files and it works fine.

Now if youll excuse me, I'm going to go put a bag on my head and sit in the corner......
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-15 01:28:16 UTC
in Sprites for entities in hammer 3.5? Post #212521
Hello all...

I recently downloaded a newer FGD (tommy's) and I noticed that in the ZIP there were sprites for all the point entities in hammer (ambient_generic, etc) I am assuming that these are so you can use hammer to "sprite" the point entities like in hammer 4 (for source SDK) so instead of seeing a purple box, you see a speaker for an ambient_generic, a camera for a trigger_camera, etc.

How do you set this up? My models are already previewing in hammer (cycler_sprites) I noticed a folder called "sprites" in the valve hammer editor directory, I put all the sprites in, and still did not show up in hammer?

I suppose this isn't a big deal, but it would be nice to see "sprites" of point entities instead of all those different sized cubes, and for complex entity setups, it would make keeping track of them easier.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-15 01:18:53 UTC
in Pneumatic tube transport system Post #212518
I'll bet it could be done with a func_train, although I'm not sure how (I haven't played with a func_train yet)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-15 15:40:10 UTC
in A twist on CS:S gameplay? Post #209676
great idea. Definetly go for it. You could have the func_bombtarget inaccesible to the T's unless a button is pushed somehwere, i would make sure there were at least two buttons to open it though, so the CT's just dont camp. It would also be good to put environmental dangers in, like falling glass that damages (use a func_breakable to trigger a game_player_hurt) or radioactive/toxic water. You could also have damaging steam emit from pipes when a valve is shot open.

One thing I positively hate about CS is that 1) everyone plays DE maps, and 2) Plant, defuse, win. over and over again. I still remember playing "the hunted" map on TFC and wonder why nobody plays AS maps anymore.....
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-15 15:34:00 UTC
in My first map dosent work ? Post #209674
I would suggest using nem's batch compiler from

It has a wizard that helps you set it up for CS 1.6, or whatever mod your mapping for. I've never even used the F9 to run map (hammer always crashed for me)

The batch compiler also makes it easy to change compile settings.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-12 11:09:47 UTC
in hint brushes: basic understanding? Post #209419
thanks for the help. I didnt bother to clip the hunt brush to match the arch, and it still worked fine in the map, just like it should. Dropped my w_poly's by 200.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-12 11:07:33 UTC
in How to force terrorist to win? Post #209417
so its basically like the "capture and hold" points in day of defeat? You could try seeing how they did it in there or in team fortress classic, but I'll bet they have a specific entity in TFC and DoD that lets them do that, just like CS 1.6 has the func_bombtarget and stuff.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 00:11:17 UTC
in hint brushes: basic understanding? Post #209168
that site has alot of good stuff on it thanks for the links...

Just thought of another question? any ideas on how to do hint brushes in corridors with curved ceilings? I have tunnells with curved ceilings, made with the arch tool, I suppose I could just match up individual hint brushes to the ceiling brushes and make sure they all touch...
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-09 19:26:48 UTC
in hint brushes: basic understanding? Post #209149
I've been reading alot about hint brushes, and what I gather is this: so tell me if iim right, close or wrong. Yes, I read the tutorial.

When you build brushes in HL, the engine splits up world brushes where they contact, so if you build one big flat brush for the floor, stick a box on top of it for a crate (and keep it a world brush) the box will break up the floor into pieces where the lines intersect, and will show up using gl_wireframe 2.

In areas with lots of turns, you want to break up the geometry so the engine will only render what the player can actually see, so if you do a corner of a hallway, you only want the engine to render the walls/floor/ceiling that the player can actually see, not the entire length of the brushes (i am assuming the hallway runs far out of the player's sight)

So, basically, does all a hint brush do is break up the brush geometry where it touches other brushes, thereby creating more brushes, but resulting in the engine rendering less and smaller brushes? If that is the case, why not just use the clip tool to clip the brushes were the hint brush would touch? or why not just make a brush a func_illusionary instead of hint?

yes, I'm a mapping noob, but I'm a smart mapping noob and I like to learn.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-28 01:07:38 UTC
in Custom sound problem Post #207761
that tutorial was most likely written pre-steam. Just put it in your half-life/sound folder, and browse to it in hammer.

not sure, i only map for cs 1.6, I just use cstrike/sound(s)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 23:23:19 UTC
in need help finding a leak Post #207752
I was thinking I liked the layout of source veion much better, and thought it could be done in 1.6. I actualy did rescale all the textures to 1, and converted them to quarter size in wally (that took quite some time.) i think instead I'm just going to start from scratch. that will be more fun anyway.

I am doing this as a favor for one of my clan buddies.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 21:35:39 UTC
in need help finding a leak Post #207746
illegal? well, i suppose valve could look at it like, why would someone buy source for their version of de_nuke if they can play it in 1.6 for free.. but I didnt think anything of it, considering that the Valve SDK wiki has an article on how to decompile a source map using vmex, they even tell you how to remove the nodecompile value in any entity.

Just as well anyway. I hate to rip it off, even if its from valve.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 15:51:33 UTC
in need help finding a leak Post #207712
I am converting the ousrce version of de_nuke to 1.6. I have most of it done, but somewhere in the prcoes i devloped several leaks. Some I found, but the latest has me stumped. I tried the pointfile method in hammer, by loadpointfile, and using the .lin file, and it looks like someone dropped a large plate of colored spaghetti over my map. I followed the line from the entity it said in the compile report, and the line ges right through a solid brush (a world brush, not a func_wall or anything)
I also used leakmarker 0.1, and it put a leakmarked entity right in the same spot.
Anyone wanna take a look?

I decompiled the source bsp, configured hammer 4 to map for 1.6, opened the VMF, converted it to MAP, then opened again in hammer 3.5. I sure all the brushes are correct, I did have to make it smaller, but I'm pretty sure all the areas I edited are leak free.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-08 01:17:37 UTC
in need help texturing a stairway railing Post #205444
So i built what I think is a nice fanned-out stairway, only problem is the ralings don't match the slant of the texture. So I figured I could make the railing horizontal, texture it, then hit texture lock and reshape the railing to match the steps. Only problem is it doesnt work. Here, lemme show you what I mean.

Here is the railing horizontal to the floor.
User posted image
so I got the texture I want, then I click on it three times to "shift" the one end down like this, which makes the texture look good...
User posted image
but when I let go of the mouse button, the texure reverts back to horizontal, not to how I dragged it., like this
User posted image
the railing textures provided are not the proper angle. They decend at like a 45 degree, my stairsa are closer to a 60 degree angle. I can rotate the texture to match it, but then the rail poles aren't verticle. How do you guys texture stair railings?
BTW, the large cylinder in the room is going to be a fish tank. It looks funny for now, needs work.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-05 00:25:47 UTC
in different models for func_fish_pool? Post #205072
I'll have to check out the fish in milita. I knew about the moving river, but not about the fishes.

Yeah, I'll probably just reskin the gold fish. There are several marine fish that have the same shape of gold fish, just silver and larger, so should be that hard. Once I'm done, I'll post it in the map vault for anyone else who wants em.

thanks for the help.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-04 12:29:23 UTC
in different models for func_fish_pool? Post #205013
I am in the process of porting my bar map to source, although it is so different now it hardly looks anything like my cs 1.6 version. I liked the idea in de_inferno of the goldfish ppond in bombsite A, and I figured I could recreate it and add a fountain with moving water. Well, i decided to scrap that Idea and do a large cylindrical fish tank in the middle, going from floor to ceiling, and have the fish swim around in circles on different levels. I'll probably just make the glass bulletproof (I don't think source can drain a fish tank, at least no realistcally when shot)

So, the only model that comes with source is the goldfish one in de_inferno. Anyone ever come across any other fish models? or would someone be kind enough to reskin one for me?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 21:24:37 UTC
in Need some hints. Post #204776
Couldn't you just use 1/4 of a flat torus? I think you can make one 90 degress, then just cut the bottom off.

BTW, looks nice. Gives me inspiration to add some archways and stuff around doors.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-23 19:11:29 UTC
in Is a fountain possible is source? Post #203830
So the easiest way to do it would be to make a seires of brushes for the water spray, give them the water texture, and make them a func_conveyer or something? How would the water fall back down then?

In half-life 1 (although this wouldn't look quite right) I thought of just making a pool of water, and having a few env_blood shoot straight up (like a reverse drip) but the stream isnt very thick, and the water looks like little balls in a line. I thought maybe source would have a better version of this? I was surprised I didn't see any "fountain" or geysey effects in single-player half-life 2, especially in the canal zone.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-23 10:42:22 UTC
in Is a fountain possible is source? Post #203768
Hey, if someone would make it for me, that'd be great (i'll be sure to put your name in the map credits.) I wasn't sure if you could just put an env_shooter at the top and have it shoot water, and let the engine handle the water physics.

Like i said, nothing fancy, but would defintily be big. Multiple sprays would be nice.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-22 23:44:07 UTC
in Is a fountain possible is source? Post #203745
Okay, I am porting my bar map to source, and I'm largely basing it off the teahouse level in the upcoming game "John Woo presents: Stranglehold." I have a good idea for a large fountain in the middle (like the ones they have in most shopping malls) It doesn't have to be fancy, like a rectangle with a few fountain heads that shoot water straight up. I think it would be cool to shoot someone and watch them fall into the fountain.

So is it fairly easy to do in source? I'm still rather new to the newer version of hammer. If I can't do a fountain I may just stick with a koi (goldfish) pond.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-16 07:31:56 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #196620
okay, i officially screwed up packing up the map. If anyone wants to try it out, after you unzip everything, create a new folder in your models directory called 'props'. Then copy the popcornmachine.mdl into it. I'll be sure to fix that upon release.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-15 11:32:36 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #196575
Okay, I made the middle of the bar solid, and put a wall upstairs to effectively divide the map in half. I hope it dosn't detract from the gameplay value, but that has made the w_polys much better. From either side spawn, w_polys are around 2000, but as soon as you move up, they cut down to around 1500, and some areas are even under 1000. My steps are a bit of a mess (gl_wireframe makes my eyes hurt lol) so I need to brainstorm some ideas there, and I have a few transparent wine racks in the back hallway that I ned to build brush frames around (they look alittle funny now.) Here is the (almost) completed map. Is someone woudn't mind taking a look at this for me I woud apprecitate it. I think I packed it up right, lemme know if you get any "model/whatever not found errors" also included is the BSP, and I haven't done a RES file yet.
Lemme know what you think. Also, there are a few easter eggs, dealing with the jukebox and pacman machine.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-11 22:02:05 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #196333
well, elon, I'd sure like to see what you came up with. If i put it in the map i would definetly give you credit (although nobody reads the credits anyway)

About the w_polys. Just about all unseen brush faces contact another brush face (a good side-effect of making a blocky map!!) about the only ones that don't contact are a few of my steps and such, and those are set to null. I'm pretty sure by default zoner's tools (I use nem's batch compiler) does not render any brush faces that contact each other, and anyones exposed to the void. I'm also running vis on full.

I have an idea to cut the w_polys in half, but it would ruin a little of the map. I would make the glass shelves of the bar solid(maybe a glass block texture) and stretch the bar out alittle, and tie it back to world, which hopefully would make the HL engine only render half of the map at a time. However, half the fun in this map is shooting people through the glass, breaking bottles along the way, and I would hate to remove that gameplay element. All details are func_walled and gl_wireframe 1 only shows the large brushes being broken up along their texture lines (and i use big textures too) so I think that may be as good as it gets.

Once the map is as good as i can get it I'll upload it so anyone can take a look if they like. should be done by this weekend. BTW thanks to all who helped with ideas and entities, I'll be sure to put your names and the website forum in my credits!
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-10 18:46:41 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #196249
Okay, I added some good details that will make this really fun. The jukebox is now shootable, via an invisble func_breakable which triggers a song "prop me up beside the jukebox wjhen I die" and then explodes after 30 seconds. I also have pictures of duke nukem and lo wang that talk when you walk past, and when you die. Same thing with a ms pac man machine. I'm gonna try to add a fish tank with some bubbles in it too, should look nice.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-09 21:24:29 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #196114
I've got some new screenshots done. Map is near complete. i also added labels to all the bottles(not shown) lemme know what you think of these textures.
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
w_poly's are down to around 3000 with the whole map in view, but getting better at around 2200 closer to the bar. Any ideas on how to improve that further? I already func_wall'd alot of stuff. I'd be happy to post the RMF or MAP if someone is kind enough to look into it. I am using ned's batch compiler with zoner's normal tools, all default setting except VIS is set to full, and i am using the -wadinclude settings.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-09 15:09:53 UTC
in I need props Post #196078

the cz map pack (top of page) has about 100 good quality models. Poly counts are a little high though.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-09 14:53:20 UTC
in env_blood color not working. Post #196075
so, im not sure i follow you competely. I have several of these, but all basically the same. a func_breakable brush (no name) that looks like a six-sided bottle. Just behind the bottle, there's an env_blood named spray1(spray2, spray3, for each bottle, etc.) When the bottle is shot, it targets the env_blood, which will put out either red or yellow blood (depeneding on what it is set to) but never black and white. I don't neccasairly want it to spray blood decals, just look like liquid when the bottle is shot. I may just take it out completely, as it doesn't look to realistic. Do I need to name the bottles?

As for the bar, keep in mind my w_poly count is pushing 3000 with the whole map in view, so I'm not quite sure how much more detail I can really put in there.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-09 11:10:13 UTC
in env_blood color not working. Post #196060
Is this a bug in hammer or something? In my bar map I have a few env_blood's that are targeted by func_breakable bottles, to make it look like liquid is spilled when the bottle is shot. I set the color to black/white with yellow decals, but it still comes up red in game. I disabled smart edit, and set the values manually. a 0 (which should be black and white) is red, a 1 is red and a 2 is yellow. I was really hoping to get the black/white to work (red and yellow just doesnt look right.) Anybody got any ideas? i don't have any flags checked either.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-05 16:12:30 UTC
in "invisble one-way wall" problem Post #195723
I actually went back to a previous build that didnt have the error, and copied/pasted my new work into it, and it worked okay. Thank god for betas!!! (i think im up to beta 16 or something now) It just bugged me that I couldnt figure it out, esecially since I don't have any visgroups set up.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-05 11:40:36 UTC
in "invisble one-way wall" problem Post #195703
Okay. I try to figure most problems out myself now, but this one has me stumped. I have a few invisible objects that block the players path at three spots in my bar map when there shouldn't be any objects. Its an open area behind the bar, I didn't put any thing there in hammer, but when the map is compiled (without vis or rad mind you) there is something preventing movement, but only from one direction. If I strafe right, I get stopped by thin air. If I go around and strafe left, I can pass normally. It seems there is a one-way invisble wall. I've looked in hammer, and nothing is sticking out. Is this a bug in hammer or something? I can post the map if anyone is willing to investigate.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-02 18:26:57 UTC
in long compile time ... Post #195433
if you have a lot of brushes as details, make them func_wall. I had tons of them in my map and it reduced VIS compile time from about 12 hours to about 2 minutes.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-29 13:14:12 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #195023
EDIT sorry, forgot the "]"
User posted image
I did make it less blocky, the bar now curves using arches instead of angles. Other than that, how could I make it less blocky? If I can find models ill try replacing the stools and the microphones, and the large block above the bar is going to be turned into a dance floor/balcony with a few steps. As far as textures, I'm not sure what else to use. I had some brick walls but I thought that looked crappy, so iripped some walls off of cz_italy, I thoguht they looked much better. I replaced the wood grain on the bar with a darker, verticle grain, and the bar top is now tile, although I'd like to find some black marble or something. I'm always open to constructive critisism, what kind of textures should I use?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-29 11:24:38 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #195015
added some new textures. looks better now [img][/img
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-29 08:19:27 UTC
in how do you trigger a cycler_sprite? Post #194997
oh, okay, so i need three seperate models, each one showing the animation i need. okay. I thought maybe i could get away with using the same model with all three animations, and setting the 'model only sequence # of animation' to the sequence i wanted to show. It actually worked in hammer(check out my example map), just not in the map. If i set the 'model only seq#' to '1', it just shows the table falling over and over again.
Oh well, I kinda figured that, becuase 3d_mike's de_deadlock used seperate models for the hookers falling and gettin shot. I'll let ya know how it comes.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-28 22:18:57 UTC
in Laptop Drives Post #194965
laptop hard drives are all the same. Only thing you need to be aware of, with any PC, is that older BIOS will only recognize a certain size drive. ex: my PC's motherboard will recognize any hard drive less than 160GB. anything over that and the BIOS will not recognize it. Sometimes there are utilities that split the partition down, or into 2 partitions, and sometimes BIOS's can be flashed to read newer technology.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-28 22:16:11 UTC
in File Recovery Help Post #194964
try this. Works for me alot, however, some files may have parts that are gone alltogether, when the windows swap file overwrites free space. but give it a try. I once recovered a 650MB mpeg video. And its free to use.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-28 17:55:02 UTC
in how do you trigger a cycler_sprite? Post #194953
okay, i did the above instructions (well, i simplified a little, i just used a func_breakable to trigger the multi_manager) but its not displaying the "falling" animation properly. Here is the test map I made. Could someone check this out and see what happenned? I included the model file, and the RMF
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-28 10:36:16 UTC
in how do you trigger a cycler_sprite? Post #194922
That does sound complicated, but I'm only gonna do it for about 4 or 5 tables, so it shouldn't be too involved. Ill try it out and see how it works. If I get it to work, ill make and example map and upload it for others to try. Thanks for the help.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 23:01:39 UTC
in textures Post #194865
try looking here. this site has multiple map wads, but your probably going to have to make your own in wally.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 21:06:47 UTC
in how do you trigger a cycler_sprite? Post #194856
I added this to a post I made about models, but some may have missed it. I have a nice model of a cafe table that has animations. First animation is idle, 2nd is falling over, 3rd is lying on the floor. I know I can set it in a map as a cycler_sprite, and encase it in a null-textured box to make it solid, but how do I trigger the animations? I'd like it if the table would fall over when shot (or even when 'used' if possible) and then just stay on the floor. 3d_mike has a few hookers in de_deadlock that are animated, they fall on the ground when you shoot them, but i think in his case he took a hostie model, and split it into 2 animations. (i tried to decompile usiong winBSP but it just crashes, although i can decompile other maps ok) My model is already animated (its the cafe.mdl from condition zero de_stadium) sorry for all the noob questions. My map is near complete and this is the last little detail holding it up. You guys have been very helpful and my map wouldn't be any where near as good without all the help.