need help finding a leak Created 17 years ago2006-12-27 15:51:33 UTC by eightballrota eightballrota

Created 17 years ago2006-12-27 15:51:33 UTC by eightballrota eightballrota

Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 15:51:33 UTC Post #207712
I am converting the ousrce version of de_nuke to 1.6. I have most of it done, but somewhere in the prcoes i devloped several leaks. Some I found, but the latest has me stumped. I tried the pointfile method in hammer, by loadpointfile, and using the .lin file, and it looks like someone dropped a large plate of colored spaghetti over my map. I followed the line from the entity it said in the compile report, and the line ges right through a solid brush (a world brush, not a func_wall or anything)
I also used leakmarker 0.1, and it put a leakmarked entity right in the same spot.
Anyone wanna take a look?

I decompiled the source bsp, configured hammer 4 to map for 1.6, opened the VMF, converted it to MAP, then opened again in hammer 3.5. I sure all the brushes are correct, I did have to make it smaller, but I'm pretty sure all the areas I edited are leak free.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 21:35:39 UTC Post #207746
illegal? well, i suppose valve could look at it like, why would someone buy source for their version of de_nuke if they can play it in 1.6 for free.. but I didnt think anything of it, considering that the Valve SDK wiki has an article on how to decompile a source map using vmex, they even tell you how to remove the nodecompile value in any entity.

Just as well anyway. I hate to rip it off, even if its from valve.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 22:44:11 UTC Post #207750
That's provided so that non-copyright-protected maps can be decompiled. Just because decompiling is something they condone, doesn't mean they condone doing so on copyrighted material :D .

Besieds, it's a bad idea in the first place to recompile a decompiled map.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 23:06:53 UTC Post #207751
This task you're trying to complete here is impossible, plain and simple. Don't you think, if you could build maps with the detail of Source in HL1 without any kind of negative effects, that somebody would have already done it?

One look at that RMF from even a slightly experienced HL1 mapper, and they will all tell you the same thing: it's not going to work. I mean, if this thing had even the slightest possibility of achieving a successful compile, you'd be (from my very rough estimations) looking at 5000 to 8000 w_polys, although this is probably a severe underestimation, considering that at least half of the map's textures are scaled to 0.25.

Seriously, what were you thinking?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 23:23:19 UTC Post #207752
I was thinking I liked the layout of source veion much better, and thought it could be done in 1.6. I actualy did rescale all the textures to 1, and converted them to quarter size in wally (that took quite some time.) i think instead I'm just going to start from scratch. that will be more fun anyway.

I am doing this as a favor for one of my clan buddies.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 23:47:19 UTC Post #207755
That's a better idea, to just build it on your own. Not only do you gain that much more experience, but you'll (hopefully) be able to optimize it for CS 1.6.

Here's a tip: In large outdoor areas, it really helps a lot to upscale textures, since they don't need to be as detailed. The ground should usually be 2.00, rocks 2.00 or 3.00 in some cases, and outside walls of buildings something like 1.50, or whatever fits it best. Using this approach, you'll find it much easier to keep the r_speeds low.

And remember: The NULL texture is your friend! Use it on absolutely ANY face you can't see.
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