Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-09-17 11:09:15 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #196776
I miss bashing the scientists squishy little heads in.
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-17 11:05:26 UTC
in Models from other games Post #196774
What are the legal ramifications for using other models, sounds and textures from other games in my mod?

I plan on doing just that because it's fun! Like using Max Payne's "Interfectum: Kills Your Pain" poster in my subway. And making the Vortigaunts sound like Elite Force 2 Attrexians, etc

Sure they're copyrighted, but, if nobody's profiting from it and the games are kinda old and relatively few people will see it... is it really such a big deal?
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-15 23:12:58 UTC
in own textures Post #196605>

Was anyone able to follow that tut?

"you may have to create the "sdkcontent" and "materialsrc" subfolders referred to here if you have not used the SDK up to recently. Go to your sourcesdksdkcontentmaterialsrc and create a folder."

The folders didn't exist, so I made them.

"CS:S it would be counter-strike sourcecstrikematerials) and create another folder, with the same name as your previous one."

I'm making a hl2 mod, so I made a "mytexfolder" there.

"Now export it to your directory that you created earlier (sourcesdk_contentmytexes). "

When was I suppose to make that? I guess, I should have..? Which would make 3 folders, not 2 like he said, right? Unless it's a typo...?

After I change all the txt files to vmt, do I copy them all into the other 2 or 3 copies of the mytexfolders? Or just ignore them?

BTW, I'll try to follow Habboi tut after I slept a little
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-07 22:32:38 UTC
in how do I create new characters in hl2? Post #195932
I would like to take the stripped combine model (dead bald guy with the hole in his throat) and add the classic zombie's animations and AI to it.

I know I have to decompile the zombie, but what program should I use? (and how do I use it?)

The only tutorials I can find deals with adding a box to HL2 -although I'm having trouble with that too.

What sucks even more is I tried to get the stripped combine to speak a HL2 wav, but he's not lip-synched equiped. It would be really cool if I could get it to do that.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-21 18:13:22 UTC
in SAD map Post #194064
Students Against Drunks..?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-21 11:57:07 UTC
I'm trying to create a Single Player Mod with new characters that say new things.

I been using: Create a Mod > Modify HL2 Single Player (and once Start a Mod from scratch)

1) The 3D camera view set to textured comes up black until I:
Check for Problems > Go to error
Then, I can see it.

2) But even with a room of just 6 brushes, a light and an info_player_start it crashes I get:
MountAppFilesystem()failed: failed with error 21: A different version of this FS is already in use.

I have deleted local content, refreshed it and reset the game configurations. I've even un/reinstalled HL2, and tried formating my c: drive, although that was a while ago.

After several days of that and finding others with similiar problems, I figured the update had errors. So I tried getting models into the modelviewer. But the modelviewer only reads the GFC files. So, I got GFCscape, but it doesn't import, so I got Blender, but that needs an add-on, and it's link was invalid. I also tried XSI, but I think I have to go to school to learn how to use it. I'm using models like the Fisherman in Lost Coast and Odell in the Beta version. I still have to figure out how to get them in my mod, but first thing first.

After several days of that I tried Face Poser. I installed MS Speech SDK5.1, but whenever I try to re-extract or redo extraction, it crashes. I can reload it and open up the myfile_work.wav, but the option to Commit isn't there, so I can't make the model lip sync. I wondered in my wavs weren't formatted properly, so I tried HL2 wavs and they do work, but it still crashes when I re-extract.

After several days of that, I tried to get help from HL2World. But they still haven't sent my an email to register so I can login. So I'm trying here and I accidently backed to the previous screen and lost my first plea for help and had to retype this all over again.

So, is it possible for me personally to create a mod, or should I just throw away my computer and become a worm farmer or something?
please be gentle, I had a rough week