Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-10 12:03:25 UTC
in Question about an exploding door... Post #221594
Hello again.
I've got a door that can be opened both with a button AND by a trigger_multiple. BUT it can also be locked from another location (another button in the control room). I've set up a non-solid func_breakable around the edge of the door which 'killtarget's the door. Everything working fine.
Problem is, I don't want to kill the door permanently.
Now, I've read a few posts here and it sounds like you CAN'T bring an entity back once it's been 'killtarget'ed. So does anyone know of another way I can have a working door that can be opened by a button, opened by a trigger_multiple AND locked from another location AND destroyed AND brought back for the next round?
Jus' wondering...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-08 17:58:08 UTC
in Counting entities? Post #221446
Oh, Jesus! Wh... I swore it was Espen! Sorry Daubster! Really NOT looking today.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-08 13:53:28 UTC
in Counting entities? Post #221424
Speaking of 'should have looked harder' - I just found out from Slackiller's 'Tommy14' error page that HL has space for 2048 entities (brush or point based). So that's probably not the problem...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-08 13:05:57 UTC
in Counting entities? Post #221421
Oh... (probably should have looked a bit harder). Thanks (again!) Espen!
Sorry, but what ARE the maximum amount brush and point entities then?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-08 10:39:24 UTC
in Counting entities? Post #221397
Hello there.
I'm just about finishing a CS 1.6 map (I always seem to be at that stage..) and it's compiling fine. Problem is when I go to run the map, it starts loading then just jumps back to the opening menu. The log file looks fine. No leaks. No MAX PATCHES. No MAX CLIPNODES. It might be because the map has too many entities, but how can I tell? I can't find anything in the compile log that tells me how many entities there are, and in Worldcraft, I've only been able to find the map properties/entity list, but that doesn't count them. I could count the list, but that could be up to four hundred, and I start losing count at about 3 (really I'm just being lazy). But does anyone know of an easy way to find out how many entities you've got in a map?
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-30 16:45:38 UTC
in Anyone else have this problem? Post #211158
I think I know what you mean - I'd effectively be swapping between two elevators each round - the original and a 'decoy'. Will see if I can get that working.
As it is, the elevator doesn't STAY in its light box. Weirdly, when it gets triggered in the second round, it moves from its position in the lightbox TO the path_corner it WAS moving toward in the previous round. Baffling.
Thanks again for replying so quickly!
There's another problem I have to solve too. I still need to figure out how to reset the elevator's rotation - Did I tell you that the elevator rotates? I've got it rotating fine, but need it to start at 'zero rotation' at the start of each round. But maybe that's another whole thing...
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-30 15:23:19 UTC
in Anyone else have this problem? Post #211151
Hello again.
Yeah, I know about using a func_door to trigger the reset and that's what I've been doing. That all works fine if the elevator (actually a func_train) is at its last stop. If it's BETWEEN stops, triggering it seems to do nothing - it starts positioned in its light box - NOT at its first stop target.
Sorry espen - you've been helping a lot! But I can NOT figure this out.
I've set up a bunch of multi_managers and trigger_changetargets to try and force the elevator to its first stop, but that only works if its at the last stop when the round finishes. Otherwise - yup - the elevator starts in its light box.
Anyway. Probably should just give up. Unless anyone knows what I'm doing wrong...
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-30 10:13:17 UTC
in Anyone else have this problem? Post #211125
Hello again.
I'm STILL trying to solve a 'resetting entities' problem. I've read the tutorials here and on other sites and THOUGHT I had a pretty good understanding of entities.
My map works fine the first time. It's when the round re-starts that all the elevators don't start at their 'first stop target'. They start where I've designed them in the rmf file (in their light boxes).
Does anyone have a solution to make them start each round at their first stop target? I've registered on a load of sites and asked, and I can't believe that SOMEbody doesn't know how to do this... It seems like such a simple thing. All the maps I know have the elevators start in the right place each round. How?
I've tried eveything I can think of - 'killing' the elevators at the end of the round then re-triggering them; trigger_changetarget-ing the first stop target of the elevators to where I want it to go; even triggering the elevator the right number of times to send it back to its start point doesn't work - that just toggles it between moving and not moving - I need it to JUMP to the start point for the start of the round!
Nothing works! Every time on the second round they start where they are in the rmf. This is so frustrating. Do I just give up?
If you know what I need to do, PLEASE help... I would really appreciate it.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 11:33:02 UTC
in Resetting Entities at Round Start? Post #206920
Hello again.
Well, I'm making good progress on a level (thanks to this forum!) that uses a lot of moving func_trains. Think I've sorted out multi managers and change target triggers. It's all working pretty well!
But I'd like to know how to get all the entities back to their original positions at the start of each round. One of the func_trains has some y-axis rotation that I need to reset to zero too.
If you do know, could you please explain step-by-step how this is done? Thanks.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-12 12:46:49 UTC
in Func_train to rotate on Y axis? Post #205883
I kind of WANT the level to be panic-inducing. There's should be a real risk of going down with the ship.
But (and I just don't want people to think I'm posting for no reason...)
I'd REALLY like to know how to reset the ship to its first position at the start of each round.
Should I post this question as a new topic, or does anyone here know how to do this?
I'll upload the map when it's done.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-12 10:35:27 UTC
in Func_train to rotate on Y axis? Post #205875
Sorry, Orpheus, but that didn't really clarify...
The only entities I'm having are starting points for the players, path_corners, some water, maybe a VIP rescue zone and the ship (func_train) itself. I'm going to run this map as a cstrike level, so I'm not sure which entities you mean when you talk about respawning...
Sure, the rspeeds might be high, but I think that will be out-weighed by the novelty of the map. The horizontal is gradually going to change to the vertical which should make for interesting play.
But back to my question - at the start of each round (when the players respawn) I want the ship to start in its orginal, un-sinking position (to prevent 'borking', I guess). Any ideas how I can reset the func_train to it's first stop point at the start of each round? Please!
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-12 04:55:01 UTC
in Func_train to rotate on Y axis? Post #205859
Yes, I'm going to have the players walking around inside the ship (func_train). I've used textures to light the ship. Lighting inside will be deliberately dim, so hopefully any 'bleeding' through the walls shouldn't be too bad. I realise I won't be able to have enitities on board - unless someone knows of a way to get ladders to move...
And Orph.... the ship is the entire playing area (unless players jump/fall off and swim around in the water). The level will start with an explosion that causes the sinking. I've got the ship working how I want, but the question I have now....
HOW do you reset a func_train to start at its first stop point at the start of each round?
Thanks again.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 12:24:16 UTC
in Func_train to rotate on Y axis? Post #205371
Yeah, it's HL1 (well, Cstrike). I think I had an older version of the half-life FGD. I added a set of 'avelocity' parameters to the func_train and now it's working sweetly! I'll post it up when it's done. Thanks again.
Oh! But a related question... (sorry)
How do I get the func_train to start at its 'first stop' at the start of each round? I had problems with this with my last map (and kind of ended up getting around it), but with this one, the ship (func_train) REALLY needs to start in the non-siniking position. I've read tips that say you can use a door to trigger an entity to reset, but that didn't work last time. Any ideas?
And sorry for all the noobie questions.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-06 15:32:59 UTC
in Func_train to rotate on Y axis? Post #205233
I've added an origin to the ship (func_train). I couldn't find a parameter called angular velocity so I altered the 'angles' (you can access them with smart edit off), but that just changes how the ship's positioned at the start. There's a rotational velocity in the properties of the path_corners, but that doesn't seem to do anything! What am I doing wrong?! Argh!
Basically, if someone know how to make a func_train rotate (at ALL, would be fine!) PLEASE let me know.
Thanks again.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-06 05:25:08 UTC
in Func_train to rotate on Y axis? Post #205208
Orpheus... Uhm... Like I said, I'm having starting points for players, so yeah, there will be people.
SlayerA and Kasperg, thanks for the tips. I haven't included an origin brush with the train yet. And I haven't used train tracks before, but might give that a go if the origin brush doesn't do the trick.
Thanks again.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-05 19:58:08 UTC
in Func_train to rotate on Y axis? Post #205170
Well, the aim is to make it playable.
Just to clarify - It is JUST the ship that moves, and I'm not going to have any other entities in the map (other than stationary water, starting points and a VIP rescue zone in an UNMOVING hovering helicopter).
It's working as it is, just not rotating how I want. If anyone can tell me if (or how) you can rotate a func_train on an axis OTHER than the Z, I'd appreciate it.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-05 16:25:37 UTC
in Func_train to rotate on Y axis? Post #205149
Hello there.
So I'm trying to make a sinking ship level. At the moment I'm making the ship a func_train. Thing is, I want the train to rotate as it's sinking, a la Titanic. Y'know, with the bow up in the air. But damn it if it won't rotate! It just sinks slowly down into the water. I've set the Y rotation on the path_corner properties. And, weirdly, next to the Z-axis-rotation-thing, there's also a drop down you can set to 'up' or 'down'. I've selected 'up'. Am I even on the right track? Sigh. Why is nothing in life simple?...
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-27 14:50:25 UTC
in Hostages on a func_train? Post #204234
I've been looking around the site for the last couple months and haven't been able to find anything about if you put hostages on a moving func_train. In the map I'm doing I've got a train moving back and forward between two underground stations and I've positioned the hostages inside where the train first appears on the map, but when it does, it appears, drives off and the hostages are DEAD underneath! Any suggestions?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-09 14:02:12 UTC
in My func_train not behaving itself... Post #202349
Travel limit? You're right - I didn't know that. So, (and excuse my noobiness) but just including an origin brush somewhere with the func_train will solve it?
I've uploaded the map to the Problem Maps section BTW if you want to have a look - de_underground24
Thanks for the tip! Awesome.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-09 13:33:38 UTC
in My func_train not behaving itself... Post #202347
Yeah, I know that the train starts at the designated path_corner (I've even got the train positioned in its own 'light box'). That's all working OK. It's just 'drawing' it offset to one side.
From what I've read in the tutorials a func_train doesn't use an origin brush though. I thought just the func_trainTRACK did... Is that wrong?
Hmm... I'll have a go at uploading the map shortly.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-09 11:56:59 UTC
in My func_train not behaving itself... Post #202338
Hello again.
So I've almost got my first map finished, but a func_train is being drawn in the wrong place once it compiles. The train moves fine between the path_corners, but is visually TO ONE SIDE of where it should be. Additionally weirdly, the train knocks the player along (ie; is solid) where the train SHOULD be, while its visible self appears a few hundred units off to one side. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I'm about to give up on having a moving train at all, and that was the basis of the level to start with. So close!
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-19 16:21:57 UTC
in I'm new here - can't get ZHLTs w Post #200148
Grrr! So close! Got the new (well, older) tools - so NOW it's doing the csg and bsp but coming back with 'the portal file.... does not exist, cannot vis the map"
So what generates the .prt file? And how do I get one?
Just. Work. Damn it!
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-19 15:55:33 UTC
in I'm new here - can't get ZHLTs w Post #200138
Just tried a small test map with Hammer (Zoner tools in the same folder as the default ones, Hammer configured to use them) and I get the same error - "could not execute the command". Very frustrating. I'm using version 3.4 of ZHLT. Is that the right version?
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-19 14:03:51 UTC
in I'm new here - can't get ZHLTs w Post #200118
Uhm.... qrad and hlrad do the same job, don't they? (The lighting, I mean). How would I use them BOTH? Basically I just want to know if there's some set up stage for ZHLTs that I've missed. Am I supposed to put them in the same folder as the default tools?
Thanks again.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-19 12:47:48 UTC
in I'm new here - can't get ZHLTs w Post #200106
Hi there all.
I've been lurking here for a while, working on my first map. I finally have to bug someone, sorry, because I keep getting an error at the RAD compiling stage - 'Makescales' counts up to 9 then 'error transfer<0'.
So I've downloaded Zoners tools (I know, I know) but can't get them to work AT ALL. Worldcraft tries to run the four stages, but at each stage says it 'Could not execute the command'. Zoners tools are in the same folder as the old default tools, and I've pointed Worldcraft to them on the 'Build Programs' tab. Is there some special trick I'm missing? Some other piece of software I have to install?
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-19 12:46:18 UTC
in My first post - can't get ZHLT worki Post #200105
Oh, maaaaaan. Sorry - I'm not running Source. Posted this in the wrong forum. Uh!
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-19 12:44:30 UTC
in My first post - can't get ZHLT worki Post #200104
Hi there all.
I've been lurking here for a while, working on my first map. I finally have to bug someone, sorry, because I keep getting an error at the RAD compiling stage - 'Makescales' counts up to 9 then 'error transfer<0'.
So I've downloaded Zoners tools (I know, I know) but can't get them to work AT ALL. Worldcraft tries to run the four stages, but at each stage says it 'Could not execute the command'. Zoners tools are in the same folder as the old default tools, and I've pointed Worldcraft to them on the 'Build Programs' tab. Is there some special trick I'm missing? Some other piece of software I have to install?