Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-19 00:20:03 UTC
in Understanding Soundscapes Post #222603
Um ok, i see no help is coming forth. But let me try again. I have found some tutorials on soundscapes. I made one and put it in my map, and the sounds play...HOWEVER...the one sound I have set to looping, does not loop. It plays once and thats it. The random ones, do play randomly, perfectly. So why cant i get this looping one, to loop?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 05:54:37 UTC
in Understanding Soundscapes Post #222192
Hello, I am new here, and new to mapping. I started making a map, for CSS, but am having a hard time understanding everything. I guess I need to be talked to like a 3 year old. Currently, am having trouble understanding soundscapes. I read the nice tutorial here, on using them, but I don't understand. First off, it mentions all the soundscape .txt files are in the /scripts folder. I looked in there, and there is only one? It mentioned "they are all in there", but I only see one. Am I missing some for the regular maps? Are more supposed to be in there? In my map, I have temporarily called "dungeon", outside the dungeon, I have rain falling, and would like thunder to randomly play, whenever a player is outside. I'm not sure how to do this. I know it must seem easy for all of you, but for some reason my brain isnt grasping this. Can anyone offer some help please?