Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2007-07-07 13:17:33 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #227787
appreciate the help bro :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-07 13:13:17 UTC
in Custom Maps in Condition Zero Post #227786
Condition Zero maps are just like counter-strike maps - needing only an info_player_start and info_player_deathmatch entity. The only difference is in how you use it.

In order to use a custom map in Condition Zero, make sure you place the map in the "condition zeroczeromaps" folder as opposed to the "condition zerocstrikemaps" folder. When you first run the map, the map will restart 2-3 times before it will start running normally. This is because Condition Zero must create the bot NAV file first. After it has done that, the NAV file is stored with the map in the "condition zeroczeromaps" folder.

If you ever change a map (recompile it), make sure you delete the previously CZ created NAV file before running the map (so that CZ can generate a new one). :glad:
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-07 13:06:09 UTC
in How do you use custom maps in CZ? Post #227784
Killer-Duck - YOU ARE THE MAN!!!

In conclusion, here is what the problem was.
In normal Counter-Strike, you always place custom
maps under the Counter-Strike folder:
[counter-strike directory]cstrikemaps

In condition zero there are two folders under the main folder:

I was of course placing the maps under cstrike. Wrong! :aghast:
(why it should make a difference I don't fucking know)

So now my maps are under:
[condition zero]czeromaps
and they work beautiful.

In fact the only entities you need in your map for it to run like a normal condition zero map are these:
info_player_start & info_player_deathmatch

NO WAYPOINTS, PATH_CORNER, ... :thefinger:!

Note - it takes Condition Zero 2 takes on the map before it
will start working because it has to create the nav file
for each party. This means you will die 2 times on your
first attempt at running your map before the game will run
as normal.

I blame this half on myself for not thinking of this and half
on Steam. If it wasn't for Steam, everything would not
have been archived and I would of seen where the maps were
to go.

dan ;)
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-07 13:01:31 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #227781
Killer-Duck - YOU ARE THE MAN!!!

In conclusion, here is what the problem was.
In normal Counter-Strike, you always place custom
maps under the Counter-Strike folder:
[counter-strike directory]cstrikemaps

In condition zero there are two folders under the main folder:

I was of course placing the maps under cstrike. Wrong! :aghast:
(why it should make a difference I don't fucking know)

So now my maps are under:
[condition zero]czeromaps
and they work beautiful.

In fact the only entities you need in your map for it to run like a normal condition zero map are these:
info_player_start & info_player_deathmatch

NO WAYPOINTS, PATH_CORNER, ... :thefinger:!

Note - it takes Condition Zero 2 takes on the map before it
will start working because it has to create the nav file
for each party. This means you will die 2 times on your
first attempt at running your map before the game will run
as normal.

I blame this half on myself for not thinking of this and half
on Steam. If it wasn't for Steam, everything would not
have been archived and I would of seen where the maps
were to go.

dan ;)
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-04 16:55:43 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #227372
Thanks for the input. I tried but no luckeh.
I posted a new topic asking how to use the epodbot. Maybe using that bot will work better. If I ever find the solution, I'm going postal and writing a new tutorial. :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-04 16:46:17 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #227370
How do you create them?
Whenever I search for "creating navigation files" I get pages about Counter-Strike Source not classic or CZ. :(
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-04 16:41:30 UTC
in Counter-Strike Bot Post #227369
Thanks for the suggestion.
You're talking about the one at right? :biggrin:
I downloaded and installed it and of course could not figure out how to use it. :)

I can't make heads or tales of the documentation:

How to start a Game with Bots:
Create a Game with a map that has waypoints for POD-Bot
(take a look into the "cstrikepodbotWPTDefault" folder -
all files with the extension ".pwf" should be valid waypoint files) [ :confused: how do you make these files for your own maps?]

Bots will automatically be added to the game using the "podbot.cfg" : file found in the /cstrike/podbot directory.
If you wish to change the number of bots that are created automatically you can edit the podbot.cfg file using any text editor.

Since V1.4 a helpful User Menu [ :confused: where] is available for performing the most used actions.

It's bound by default (you can change it in podbot.cfg) to the "=" key. If you're pressing the "=" key a Menu with the following options should appear on your Screen: [ :x doesn't work ]


Does anyone know how to use this thing or know where there is better documentation? I obviously don't.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-04 15:58:03 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #227364
Thanks for the input.

I'm making maps for counter-strike and running them in Condition Zero which has bots by default. When I was making maps for half-life or when I play without bots they work fine. This is why I think the problem is the Condition Zero bot engine.

I'm placing the maps in the following directory:
C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppsdan492condition zerocstrikemaps

I don't think this is the problem because the map is included in the condition zero startup screen map list. Obviously the game is able to find the map so it must be in the right place. :)

THANKS again. :glad:
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-03 21:00:41 UTC
in Counter-Strike Bot Post #227293
This might not be the right place to be asking this.

Anyway, what bot do you recommend for the latest version of classic Counter-Strike (not Source)?

Posted 16 years ago2007-07-03 20:50:31 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #227292
I verified the game cache like you said Tetsu0.
It is 100% valid.
I appreciate the time man.

dan :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-03 20:06:50 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #227288
I did. :roll:
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-03 20:00:47 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #227286
Thanks for the map Tetsu0.
Because the map was compiled for half-life I couldn't run it.
But I'm sure it would work if I installed half-life.
I forgot to mention in THIS topic that the map works if I don't play with bots (just myself). It is only when I add bots that the game acts like a bitch.

After all this time I think the problem is because the Condition Zero bot requires some sort of special nav file or something and the Condition Zero engine is too stupid to make it by itself.

IN CONCLUSION: The Condition Zero bot SUCKS BALLS. :biggrin:
AFTERTHOUGHT: Steam SUCKS BALLS. :biggrin: :biggrin: :thefinger:
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-03 18:42:51 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #227281
Thanks for the input Tetsu0. Can you do me a really big favor and email the compiled map to me at ""?

This will answer all my questions. If it still doesn't work then the version of Condition Zero I have must of been :thefinger:ed up by Steam or something and I will know that it is a problem with my system.

I'd appreciate it a lot.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-02 14:16:46 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #227173
Thanks for the suggestion.
I tried the ZHLT tools.
No worky. In fact, now the lighting is all :thefinger:ed up.
But of course, I'd be happy if it worked at all (forget the lighting).

Have you tried running the map on your system?
It's just a really simple test map. :cry:

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-02 13:37:22 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #227168
I've tried creating maps according to the tutorials.
I've also tried using custom maps.
Neither work at all. See the following topic:

I figured since my maps don't work but the stock ones do, maybe I can just simply edit those first and start my map from there.

Note that I have made many regular Half-Life maps before which run beautiful, but I never got counter-strike maps to run. :aggrieved:

Check the map out for yourself. Tell me if it runs on your system.
BSP file (51 KB) - this should be all you really need

RMF file (21 KB, Valve Hammer Editor 3.4)

Compile Output
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-30 15:41:44 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #226937
I figured since the only maps that work on my system are the stock CZ maps, maybe they will work after editing them since they already do. :roll: And if that works, then I can take an existing map and delete almost all of it and start from scratch (so to speak). This will probably be the only way I can create maps.

But how do I obtain the RMF files?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-30 13:43:01 UTC
in Editing Counter-Strike or CZ Maps Post #226922
Since I can't create my own maps or use custom ones (see link below):

I'm wondering if it is possible to edit the ones that are already there.
I'm using CS Anthology which means I'm gonna have to deal with steam (sucks) and dig into one of the steam archive files.
Anyone have any suggestions?

Dan :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-03 03:50:30 UTC
in How do you use custom maps in CZ? Post #224278
If anyone still cares the urls to the files have changed:

BSP file (51 KB) - this should be all you really need

RMF file (21 KB, Valve Hammer Editor 3.4)

Compile Output

dan :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-31 09:24:00 UTC
in How do you use custom maps in CZ? Post #223930
Hi again.
Both my info_player_start and info_player_deathmatch entities are off the ground and in the room. Take a look:

RMF file (21 KB, Valve Hammer Editor 3.4)

But again, this happens with ANY third party map, even ones that I download from THIS SITE!

dan :cry:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-30 20:05:39 UTC
in How do you use custom maps in CZ? Post #223875
Hi again.

I used the ZHLT compile tools. No change though. I still die as soon as the game starts and the map reloads. (?)

dan :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-30 11:23:32 UTC
in How do you use custom maps in CZ? Post #223816
I think I need to talk to Valve "Technical Support" even though no such thing exists especially for this kind of topic.

dan :cry:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-27 15:21:54 UTC
in How do you use custom maps in CZ? Post #223615
Thanks for the feedback, but does it work on your system?

dan :
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 13:38:37 UTC
in How do you use custom maps in CZ? Post #223442
I uploaded the map's files. If someone would please try it in Condition Zero just to see if they have better luck than I. It is a very simple map anyway.

BSP file (51 KB) - this should be all you really need

RMF file (21 KB, Valve Hammer Editor 3.4)

Compile Output

dan :
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 19:59:51 UTC
in How do you use custom maps in CZ? Post #223351
Thanks for the input.
No, I have no other programs running in the background.
(all that is running is steam and counter-strike: condition zero, and some normal OS processes according to task manager)
I just tried adding some waypoints (which are path_corner(s) entities because the counter-strike FGD doesn't seem to come with the info_node entity) but that didn't help.

For grins I tried letting Counter-Strike do its thing (rebooting the local server and map over and over again) thinking it might eventually start running correctly. It restarted 15 times before I gave up.

I'd gladly upload the map online if you want to check it out. Its very simple anyways - just one medium sized room with an info_player_start and info_player_deathmatch entity.

I'm running Windows 2000 SP4.

dan :cry:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 14:07:22 UTC
in How do you use custom maps in CZ? Post #223318
I do. But then right after its done learning it, it starts reloading the map again (I see the screen go blank and then the "starting local server..." dialog appears). After it's done loading the map (again) it goes through the entire learning process again. After thats done, we're back to reloading the map and starting the local server (again & again). (?)

dan :aggrieved:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-23 19:46:12 UTC
in How do you use custom maps in CZ? Post #223251
Whenever I try using custom maps (be it one I created or downloaded) in Condition Zero the following always happens.

CZ will load the map; start its "learning" process; and then after its done that, starts all over again reloading the map. I never get to actually play it. Has anyone ever used a custom map in CZ before? How did you do it?

dan :nervous:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-23 18:01:38 UTC
in Problem Running Simple Map in CZ Post #223239
I forgot to mention that when the map starts, I see a progress bar saying "learning map..." After and only after the progress bar completes the map restarts for some reason.

Dan :aghast:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-23 17:27:38 UTC
in Problem Running Simple Map in CZ Post #223237
I created a simple map just as the following tutorial said.

I then ran it in Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.
Without any bots, this map works beautiful. No problems.

But once I run the map with a bot or two: the map loads like normal (starts the local server, etc...), then once the level starts I have about 1 second before the game is starting the local server again and loading the map all over again. Weird.

Once it loads again, I get a second into the game and wham back to reloading the map. Anyone know what is going on or what I should do?

Dan :