Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2007-11-23 11:06:58 UTC
in very long compile times? Post #239062
ok, fair enough about compile times... il just have to stop testing it after i put in each small new thing :P

the glass texture i used is one of the ones that came with the sdk, i did try one of the other textures and had the same problem... maybe i jsut got unlucky and picked two textures that dint like my map, lol. il give some of the other oens a go.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-22 22:21:40 UTC
in very long compile times? Post #239026
ok, iv been playing with making TF2 maps, and the more i add to my map (nothing everly complicated i dont think - more brushes, a 3d skybox, etc) the compile time has gone up to like 10 mins :S is this normal or are does anyone have any tips ro reduce compile times or anyting? another small thing im having trouble with (im sure im just being daft :P) but when i put a glass texture onto a brush, it looks fine in hammer, but when i load it up in TF2 the glass has a purple checker all over it, as well as the proper clear glass texture... any info is appreciated :) cheers
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-12 14:28:21 UTC
in wanting to get into map making for TF2.. Post #238208
cheers all... am physically able to make a map now :) just gotta start figuring out about all the entities that go into a tf2 map... wanting to make a capture point one... wish me luck :biggrin:
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-06 20:43:43 UTC
in wanting to get into map making for TF2.. Post #237812
ok, cool. my steam was being funny today (kept not responding) so i will be giving that a go next time it is working... pressuming i can just google to find how to's etc?
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-06 19:53:40 UTC
in wanting to get into map making for TF2.. Post #237808
ok, im a total noob to map making for source games. i do have a resonable programming knowlge though so im not completly helpless :P im just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction? i have downloaded worldcraftv3.3 but in the setup it is only speaking about half-life map making... nothing about HL2 etc... and i cant find some of the files it wants because i have halflife source, not the origional... if anyone knows a good setup and get started tutorial (even if it is just for HL2 cause i know TF2 it pretty recent) cheers in advance for any help :biggrin: