Forum posts

Posted 8 months ago2023-12-23 15:35:09 UTC
in Trigger Condition on a Monsters Entity Post #348338
Can anyone in here explain more of what does the Trigger Condition do to the NPC?
Like an in-depth explanation of these "Trigger Condition" so I could understand on where and when to use this...
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 10 months ago2023-11-02 11:18:13 UTC
in Mapping game of telephone Post #347990
This sounds like a fun mini-game for a mapper..... I'm on-board with this.
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 1 year ago2023-06-25 03:41:12 UTC
in Texturing Sign Post #347648
Great choice of font to be honest, but I do feel that some of the text that are used is the default Arial font?
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 1 year ago2023-06-24 08:24:22 UTC
in Texturing Sign Post #347644
Is there any possible tips for re-using those sign texture that is seen trough out Half-Life and it's expansions?
Like removing the text and adding it...
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
The Infamous lost video of office.mpg that I believed showcase the office of Valve at that time and some of the clips shows the development process of Half-Life.
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-28 05:39:22 UTC
in Light Appearance Problem Post #345484
Awesome, thanks for the help
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-27 15:43:15 UTC
in Light Appearance Problem Post #345482
I have a problem while i testing my level

So i created a light that would break and turned off using the multi manager
so that means i named the light
But, the light ( When i set the appearance to Fluorescent flicker ) it just stays normal like it had no appearance

Tried everything, but it's just does not work
So you guys had any idea how to fix this?, that would be appreciated
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-02 07:39:36 UTC
in Only the server may changelevel, problem Post #345395

I fixed the problem
This happened due to the Uppercase name for the BSP File.
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-02 02:00:47 UTC
in Only the server may changelevel, problem Post #345394
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-02 01:54:34 UTC
in Only the server may changelevel, problem Post #345393
Simply by walking trough the changelevel?

I will upload the map file to see iif you can spot the problem
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-01 08:38:56 UTC
in Only the server may changelevel, problem Post #345391
I tried that, it's just does not work
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-01 05:33:05 UTC
in Only the server may changelevel, problem Post #345389
The map is intended for singleplayer, not multiplayer tho
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 3 years ago2021-02-28 15:01:05 UTC
in Only the server may changelevel, problem Post #345387
I getting this problem when i try to do a trigger_changelevel on a elevator.
Now, this only happened when i load a BSP File from 1 to 3 or Level 1 to 3 or something like that.
But, when i load the second or Level 2, the trigger_changelevel eventually work as intended.
Also, i try everything i could but none of them worked.

So... someone please help me fix this issue? Thanks.
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 4 years ago2020-07-20 17:16:46 UTC
in Dumb Question, But..... Post #344556
Yeah, both of you is right
I think the door is not 7 Gram, the door is heavier.
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Hmm, this would be hard. But i recommended just using HL1 Flashlight, cause it really fit for the game.
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 4 years ago2020-07-20 10:11:20 UTC
in Dumb Question, But..... Post #344552
I talking about the Security door from Half-Life 1

Is 7G means 7 Gram?
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Posted 4 years ago2020-07-20 01:36:05 UTC
in Prediction not working Post #344550
What is a weapon prediction actually? :|
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Thanks, it works
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
Oh ok
I will try it
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord
How can i make it stop sinking, i tried to do something but it wont work
John Pot John PotIt's Me, From Discord