Forum posts

Posted 5 months ago2023-12-24 23:49:58 UTC
in Trouble going from one map to the next Post #348356
That solved all my problem!

Thank you very much! :biggrin:
Posted 5 months ago2023-12-23 23:54:41 UTC
in Trouble going from one map to the next Post #348346
Map 1 to Map 2 = works

Map 2 to Map 3 = does not work, but if I hit Quick Save and Quick Load then the transition works?!!? :/ wtf

It only works if I do a quick save and quick load... This is so annoying, so basically it is setup right but theres still some shit going on making it go bad randomly
Posted 5 months ago2023-12-23 19:47:23 UTC
in Trigger Condition on a Monsters Entity Post #348343
If you choose "death" and target the trigger to a specific door for example

The door will open with the monster dies :)

I just used this on a level Im making so you have to kill the boss for the door to open :)
Posted 5 months ago2023-12-23 19:36:29 UTC
in Trouble going from one map to the next Post #348342
Wait, I played through a couple of more times and sometimes the map transitions didnt even happen at all or gave any message.

Wow, this is so random :nuts:
Posted 5 months ago2023-12-23 17:55:15 UTC
in Trouble going from one map to the next Post #348341

Apparently the transitions works if I run the maps from the actual game

And not just "Run..." from Hammer!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Posted 5 months ago2023-12-23 14:56:24 UTC
in Trouble going from one map to the next Post #348336
Hmmm, now I cannot go form map2 to map3... It works if I start in map 2...

Wow I need to spend some time going through these mapchanges to make sure it really works when going from the intended start
Posted 5 months ago2023-12-23 13:39:00 UTC
in Trouble going from one map to the next Post #348335
And now I put changelevel and landmark for the 3rd map and Im ending up in a copetely random place xD

These things are finicky :D
Posted 5 months ago2023-12-23 13:30:03 UTC
in Trouble going from one map to the next Post #348334
I realize the better thread title would be "I can go to next map, but going back doesnt work"

And yeah I did change it a little bit because I wanted it to be easier for the human grunts to chase you through the corridor after a trigger_once in the next room... But maybe that change of room backwards screwed it up?
User posted image
Posted 5 months ago2023-12-22 20:30:02 UTC
in Trouble going from one map to the next Post #348327
I have started makeing map transitions for longer series of maps.

I tried easily with a mini map use two rooms connecting with a Z tunnel, and it worked... Can walk back and foruth no problem :cool:

But with my bigger scenario Im currently working on I get an issue. :confused:

No trouble going from map one to map two, but going back doesn't transfer me back but gives a message in the top corner:
User posted image
Map one name: super1a
Landmark name: landmark1
Trigger next map: super1b

Map two name: super1b
Landmark name: landmark1
Trigger next map: super1a

Posted 5 months ago2023-12-22 20:25:10 UTC
in How write sprite path?!?!?!?!? Post #348326
I am using J.A.C.K :) still missing some useful browsing functions like for this. :nuts:

And damn you are right. I was thinking about the sound folder paths.... Ha! :D
Posted 5 months ago2023-12-22 16:04:09 UTC
in How write sprite path?!?!?!?!? Post #348318
Hammer really lacks some functions to just "browse and choose" things and I have tried writing the adress to the sprite several ways and every time it crashes on start saying sprite not found!
User posted image
How to write it???
Thank you so much!!!!

I misundertood.

I thought the idle animation was what the guy would do after the action animation. xD
Weird, I tried in a new map and it worked.

On the prevous one I also had some leak for whatever reason, despite being 100% encolsed simple brushes room?
So I'm finally trying to learn "scripted sequences" and this drives me nuts, I have double and triple checked everything I wrote in the scripted_sequence entity, trigger_once brush and the scientist.

Its a very simple thing.

He's just supposed to walk over and "open" the laptop.


But the sequence starts even if I just stands still.

Why? =/

Second problem is that the idle animation does not continue. I want it to look like hes fiddling with the computer... "studycart" looked good enough.
But he just goes back to normal!

TRIGGER_ONCE (brush, aaatrigger)
Target: scientistlaptop

Name: scientistlaptop
Targetmonster: benny
Action animation: studycart
Idle animation: studycart
Walk to position: Walk
(x) Leave Corpse
(x) Oerrides AI
(x) No Script Movement (makes no difference...)

Name: benny

(x) Wait For Script (makes no difference...)
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