Why does my scripted sequence begin before I reach the trigger_once brush?!? Created 9 months ago2023-09-02 20:53:56 UTC by Blazon_Stone Blazon_Stone

Created 9 months ago2023-09-02 20:53:56 UTC by Blazon_Stone Blazon_Stone

Posted 9 months ago2023-09-02 20:53:56 UTC Post #347822
So I'm finally trying to learn "scripted sequences" and this drives me nuts, I have double and triple checked everything I wrote in the scripted_sequence entity, trigger_once brush and the scientist.

Its a very simple thing.

He's just supposed to walk over and "open" the laptop.


But the sequence starts even if I just stands still.

Why? =/

Second problem is that the idle animation does not continue. I want it to look like hes fiddling with the computer... "studycart" looked good enough.
But he just goes back to normal!

TRIGGER_ONCE (brush, aaatrigger)
Target: scientistlaptop

Name: scientistlaptop
Targetmonster: benny
Action animation: studycart
Idle animation: studycart
Walk to position: Walk
(x) Leave Corpse
(x) Oerrides AI
(x) No Script Movement (makes no difference...)

Name: benny

(x) Wait For Script (makes no difference...)
caption textcaption text
Posted 9 months ago2023-09-02 21:33:34 UTC Post #347823
Weird, I tried in a new map and it worked.

On the prevous one I also had some leak for whatever reason, despite being 100% encolsed simple brushes room?
Posted 9 months ago2023-09-02 21:48:43 UTC Post #347824
When you give a scripted_sequence an Idle Animation it changes how it behaves. Walk and Run Move to Position types won't work anymore, and it will perform the Idle Animation until triggered.

In your scenario you want to use two scripted_sequences: One with the Idle Animation ("studycart") and Move to Position type set to Instantaneous (let's name it ss_idle), and second one with no animations set but with a Move to Position set to Walk (name this one ss_walk).

The ss_idle needs to be triggered before the scientist will react to ss_walk being activated (the scientist needs to be "released" from it).
So in ss_idle's Target key we can put ss_walk and lastly in the trigger_once's Target we can put ss_idle.
Now ss_idle should activate ss_walk on its own when activated.
Posted 9 months ago2023-09-02 22:46:23 UTC Post #347825
Thank you so much!!!!

I misundertood.

I thought the idle animation was what the guy would do after the action animation. xD
Posted 9 months ago2023-09-03 09:03:07 UTC Post #347826
Glad it helped, scripted_sequence isn't the most intuitive entity to work with. It's Entity Guide entry can be very helpful, especially the Notes section. 🙂
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