Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 07:57:41 UTC
in How can I create a torch? Post #29647
I am doing a bomb temple kind of map for cs, and I want to know how to make torches. The fire itself doesn't have to glow just that I want some kind of fire thing there.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 17:53:57 UTC
in Adjusting light brightness Post #28820
I right clicked on the light entity and went to brightness but I don't know which number to change, is the the first or last set of numbers that need to go down?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 12:03:22 UTC
in Water rising effect Post #28631
I want to make a glass box kind of like a fish tank(but with noting but water inside) that is the easy part...after that I want to make a button that will activate rain falling into the tank. But how do i make the water rise when the rain hits it?