Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 09:17:00 UTC
in Entitys Post #29273
"move to world" would be my advice to, makes a standard brush out of it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 01:10:53 UTC
in several buttons for one door. Post #29228
The reason it looks as it does is that while testing I prefab what is going to be in the final map. And there I want the levers to be behind crystals of sort. To kill 2 birds with one stone so to speak. :)

But, it turns out a multisource will not trigger until all ents connected to it have been triggerd. And as the levers are actually func_door_rotating I just set the closing time low enough that one person will not be able to do it alone. (this is for svencoop btw). In my case 10 seconds, when door/lever closes it also resets from the multisource, so all 3 levers needs to be "open" at the same time for the door to open.

I updated the rar, (yes, im gonna stick to rar. :) ) to the finnished state, actually thought of making a tutorial of it but my pedagogical skills is somewhat lacking. I shall see what I can do as this is often asked for but I could not find any real info about it, except a guide on how to make a numerical keypad to open a door with number combo. And that was like a hundred times more complex, this is a useful in between solution.


PS: Hehe, yes I used a multisource, doh, did not see that Captain, sorry.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 05:36:00 UTC
in several buttons for one door. Post #29025
But, rar is better, winzip give me that creepy M$ feeling as well :)

Allthough I can choose zip from within winrar to, i shall do that. Winzip do not open rar files? (havent used it for ages)

And yes, I should have waited before I asked, but judging from related posts and whatnot it was extremely difficult to achieve so i didnt even dare start trying. Allthough hard it was not impossible to figure, even for a noob. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 04:08:25 UTC
in several buttons for one door. Post #29019
Figured it out, apologize for posting prematurely..
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 03:29:35 UTC
in several buttons for one door. Post #29018
Now its not as easy as topic indicates. :)

I have a door that only should open if several buttons are triggered within a given timeframe. Example map here:

Is there an entity that have several masters for example, and all needs to be on for it to trigger? Maybe one can make one to behave that way, but im practically clutching at straws here.

Anything to just point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 01:21:15 UTC
in teleporting monsters Post #29000
All things the squadmaker does in svencoop. :) and more..

Not really sure on how to implement SC fgd and such to a SP HL map. But, if you want lots and lots of neat features for mission type maps then SC expand on the original HL tenfold. And you can play the map with one or more friends if you like.

Captain is right though, the monstermaker is better used to spawn hoards of monsters, or items. Mostly because you dont want a million monster entitites in the map from start, and you might have limited space to work on. If you want control in HL then the porting in from other place option is far better.


I see no reason making a singleplayer map when you can make it coop, but that is of course a matter of opinion. :)

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 21:43:49 UTC
in teleporting monsters Post #28996
Monstermaker, or if you have svencoop the more advanced squadmaker.

MAke a trigger_once that cowers the path of players, put a monstermaker werever you want it, target the maker with the trigger.

Monstermakers has a large amount of variables you might want to look over most important are:

Monster type, what monster, like "monster_alien_slave"
Frequency, time between spawn.
Monster count, how many monsters all in all that will spawn. -1 for infinite.
Max Live children, how many monsters alive at one time max.

Now if you want the portal effect thingy there is a ent called env_xenmaker or something, it works as a monstermaker but does not have at all as many options, it does however have a "do no spawn" flag, meaning you will see the effects only. Give the xen a name and target it from "target on release" in the monstermaker. Now you get all them lightning and sound to.

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 21:31:54 UTC
in Door trouble, sorta.. Post #28995
Thanks all.

Yes Slayer thats exactly what I am trying to do, allthough from the ground level. I have been trying the trial and error thing but no matter how I do it will only swing along any of the 3 axises, how you managed that is beyond me. :)

I simply gave in and rotated the whole thing 45 degrees, had no major impact on gameplay but it hurt the overall feel of the thing, but I assume the only one hurt will be me, as I am the only one who knows how it was intended to be.

Any chance we have a master of pitch/yaw/roll somewere around that can explain? :)

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 08:14:35 UTC
in Door trouble, sorta.. Post #28881
The situation:

I have a pyramid, now I want this pyramid top open up letting loose its contents. A few problems arise.

The sides are aligned 45 degress to any axis, meaning neither of the x or y will work, nor will it work if i box both X and Y.

Any suggestions?