Everyone tell the best joke you know. Heres mine:
Two blondes were driving along a road. Suddenly the engine started chuggin and stopped. So the blondes got out and started to look for the problem. In half an hour one blonde came up with an idea:
"I know, why the car stopped. We probbably got a flat tire!"
"Yea - I guess you're right... Soo how do we fix it?"
"Like this, stupid" - said one blonde and started blowing air with her mouth into the tire. The other one joined and they both started blowing... Then a police car noticed the blondes and stopped by. The cops looked at the car - then the blondes - then at the car again and one of them said:
"You dumb blondes! You'll never fix a tire like that!"
"And why not?"
"Look! The windows are open!"