Ive been making this little map pak project/mini mod thing of mine for a long while now. Ive got so many good ideas (well good ideas for me) for my story and maps and stuff, but im progessing quite slowly and map making takes along time. The annoying thing is that im doing a really boring part of my map at the moment and its quite large, so im getting tired of it, and i keep having all sorts of ideas for whats gonna happen later, luckily i write most of it down, but i was wondering how other mappers get motivation to carry on?
My only motivation is that i keep getting all these ideas that i think are pretty nifty and i think people might like my game/map pak so i want to finish it. But i dont think i'll finish it before HL2 comes out which means that when i do finally release it, no one will play it!
Just wondering what other mappers do to keep mapping?
And how long does it take to finish a map until your satisfied with it?
Whats the average age of these mappers?
Sorry, I know this totally off topic but im very curious, Cheers