People You Like Here On TWHL [closed] Created 19 years ago2005-06-20 15:20:02 UTC by Mercenary Mercenary

Created 19 years ago2005-06-20 15:20:02 UTC by Mercenary Mercenary

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 16:57:56 UTC Post #118117

back to the topic: Sry Saco but it really bugged me how they could shit or piss with "those"...

adds all moderators to friend list (Dont wanna get on the wrong side of them)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 17:27:15 UTC Post #118126
lol. how on earth do you use that toilet anyway!?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 18:36:04 UTC Post #118134
Do as IEMC does... hover
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-03 19:26:58 UTC Post #118451
LOL im actually mentioned!
Everyone add me. NOW.
Ill add you Vassy. ;)
MGargantua cause you mentioned me
Seventh Monkey
Andy (dont know him well but hes really helpful)
Daubster and HrnyGoat (proudly Christian lol)
Atom (for making such a great site!) :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-03 20:21:28 UTC Post #118454
I pretty much enjoy everyone here's comments, even though I haven't posted in like 2 months, ;)

Despite our differences, I still like you guys ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-04 19:42:21 UTC Post #118663
adds atom
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-04 19:59:30 UTC Post #118674
LOL im actually mentioned!
Everyone add me. NOW.

Ill add you Vassy.
MGargantua cause you mentioned me
Seventh Monkey
Andy (dont know him well but hes really helpful)
Daubster and HrnyGoat (proudly Christian lol)
Atom (for making such a great site!)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-04 20:22:56 UTC Post #118676
Yay! I'm popular! ;)

Okay, okay okay me likes:
The Hunter

And the rest of e'm.
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-04 20:58:48 UTC Post #118679
if you've signed up on this site.. your fine with me :)

Rabidmonkey #1! Only person who's given me help personally.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-05 00:01:22 UTC Post #118695
-Lord of the Brats (Brattylord)
-Atom (how could I forget ) :zonked:
-And poor Vassy since everyone forgot him.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-05 01:44:06 UTC Post #118710
Like WTF? Can someone please give Neo a good whack with the Banstick? :x
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-05 02:58:46 UTC Post #118721
I'd suggest using a crowbar, j3r3my ;)
Ok, my list:

RabidMonkey777 - for the good news posts.
Seventh Monkey - cause he helped me when i was a complete n00b, cause he listens to eels and is a nice guy
Elon Yariv - For his F- spelling and good example maps ;)
38_98 - cause he reviews my maps
The Hunter - Cause he gives me good maps 2 review and is a nice guy.
Urbanebula - For his awesome skinwork and skills in mapping, moddeling etc.
Unbreakable - For his awesome skills in mapping
Kasperg - For winning the contest
Doodle - For his progress in mapping
J3r3my - For not putting "proudly christian" on his av. :)
Malboromental - for being a real ol' timer
Slayer A - for creating MINIMICUS and for AWESOME skills in mapping
IEMC - for eating monkey chow and for being a nice guy
SpaG - for being lithuanian
Essential - ^
Des!re - ^
Chicken Fist - cause he's a nice guy
Atom - cause he owns this place
HrnyGoat - for being hrny and cause he put "proudly christian" on his av.
ZombieLoffe - for being satanist and for criticising others in... A right way, I think... :confused:
Onslaught - For his good maps and for reviewing my maps
M_gragantua - Cause he helped me with mapping in the forums
Habboi - Cause he is one of the most tolerant, friendly, skilled guys here.
Mercenary - for lots of cool ideas.
Vassy - for being proudly british and for loads of tutorials.
Jaardsi - for helping me at mapping in the start
Highlander - For reviewing my maps and being a nice guy
Saco - for being a nice guy.
Madcow - for being a nice guy
Ministeve - cause he helped me with mapping when i was a n00b
Trapt - For having that penguin av.
Jahzel - for his story thread
Anthony - for help with mapping
Rowleybob - for being a nice guy.

I made this list without planning, so it doesn't mean anythin if you're in the last or first place. All the places are equal. If i haven't mentioned some1 here, I probably don't know him good enough to say that i like him... Or i've just forgotten some1...
And don't any1 add me to their lists, just because that I have showed up, ok? :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-05 05:16:17 UTC Post #118752

SlayerA = Was a great helper
Seventh Monkey = Is a great helper too
Jaardsi = Cool
Daubster = Fun
Saribous = Dunno
Mercenary = Dunno
atom = TWHL's god
Saco = Dunno
38_98 = Duno
Bratty Lord = Well a Bratty is always a Bratty :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-05 13:58:11 UTC Post #118859
Yay, I'm on, like, loads of lists.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-05 14:02:23 UTC Post #118864
These must be hit lists then :o

(Just Kidding)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-05 16:02:30 UTC Post #118909
@ Jeremy:
Just ignore him (Neo) like the rest of us do, he's a complete asshat who likes to try to start flamewars in every single thread he writes in.

Oh well, I might as well write a little list of my own. This is not everyone I like, since I like most of you guys (with a few exceptions). Here goes;

The mods and Atom :P
ZombieLoffe - For being a true viking, and his piss-people-off skillz
Jaardsi and dajuppi - for being Finnish and therefore Cool
habboi - for being friendly (and pregnant)
Trapt - for kicking Anonymous' ass and being a 1337 mapper
IEMC - for being a Nice guy
The Hunter - For starting the RPG thread &lt;3
Tlax - for being The 1337357 swede there is :D
Jahzel - For exposing the conspiracies world wide ;)
Marlborometal - for his great taste in music
rowleybob - For commenting on my map
Jobabob - for being so sarcastic all the time, we miss you :(
Urb - for his writing skills

there's lots more but i'm getting bored
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-06 16:06:23 UTC Post #119180
[QUOTE]Malboromental - for being a real ol' timer[/QUOTE]
Not that old, but it has been some time :).
[QUOTE]Marlborometal - for his great taste in music[/QUOTE]
Indeed ;).
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-06 17:11:58 UTC Post #119210
And I still don't see my name, I hate you all :|
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-06 17:13:42 UTC Post #119215
i never posted the bit above, was a moderate but i HATE ZL W0000000000000000000ttttt
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-06 17:48:24 UTC Post #119239
So what? No one gives a shit about your opinion anyway

W000T! :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-06 18:03:10 UTC Post #119244
He's just kidding, he loves me really. He sent me chocolate hearts yesterday, and pictures of naked men.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-06 18:09:29 UTC Post #119245
And I still don't see my name, I hate you all
Dont worry WCD. We all secretly love you ;)

This is a pointless thread anyway, really.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-06 18:15:44 UTC Post #119247
Nuh uh! This is my life!
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-06 19:14:18 UTC Post #119256
Lets start a people we dont like thread.
As of now people I dont like:
-Neo the one

Ill have to add m0p to my people that I like list for pwning Neo the queer in the other thread :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-06 19:18:49 UTC Post #119258
I think there is a people we don't like thread :P

RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-06 19:22:53 UTC Post #119259
You've had your fun zombienub &gt;;|

Sincerely, your lovar, Rabideh~
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