I'd suggest using a crowbar, j3r3my
Ok, my list:
RabidMonkey777 - for the good news posts.
Seventh Monkey - cause he helped me when i was a complete n00b, cause he listens to eels and is a nice guy
Elon Yariv - For his F- spelling and good example maps
38_98 - cause he reviews my maps
The Hunter - Cause he gives me good maps 2 review and is a nice guy.
Urbanebula - For his awesome skinwork and skills in mapping, moddeling etc.
Unbreakable - For his awesome skills in mapping
Kasperg - For winning the contest
Doodle - For his progress in mapping
J3r3my - For not putting "proudly christian" on his av.
Malboromental - for being a real ol' timer
Slayer A - for creating MINIMICUS and for AWESOME skills in mapping
IEMC - for eating monkey chow and for being a nice guy
SpaG - for being lithuanian
Essential - ^
Des!re - ^
Chicken Fist - cause he's a nice guy
Atom - cause he owns this place
HrnyGoat - for being hrny and cause he put "proudly christian" on his av.
ZombieLoffe - for being satanist and for criticising others in... A right way, I think...
Onslaught - For his good maps and for reviewing my maps
M_gragantua - Cause he helped me with mapping in the forums
Habboi - Cause he is one of the most tolerant, friendly, skilled guys here.
Mercenary - for lots of cool ideas.
Vassy - for being proudly british and for loads of tutorials.
Jaardsi - for helping me at mapping in the start
Highlander - For reviewing my maps and being a nice guy
Saco - for being a nice guy.
Madcow - for being a nice guy
Ministeve - cause he helped me with mapping when i was a n00b
Trapt - For having that penguin av.
Jahzel - for his story thread
Anthony - for help with mapping
Rowleybob - for being a nice guy.
I made this list without planning, so it doesn't mean anythin if you're in the last or first place. All the places are equal. If i haven't mentioned some1 here, I probably don't know him good enough to say that i like him... Or i've just forgotten some1...
And don't any1 add me to their lists, just because that I have showed up, ok?