Posted 20 years ago2004-12-30 06:42:35 UTCPost #80315
Yeah, let it start above the ground a bit and have 'im fall onto something. Ragdoll props are a bit strange, they take a bit of position tweaking to make 'em look proper.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-30 10:17:43 UTCPost #80330
you could use the ragdoll on pipes and stuff so that the body will fall towrds it e.g. a big hole below and rails stopping them from falling so the ragdoll helps it fall
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-15 06:23:38 UTCPost #120965
I'd say it's slightly outdated for HL2, too, Ragdoll bodies are the way to go. Or static ones in poses. I don't think HL2 models have static death poses.