problem in my map Created 19 years ago2005-09-15 10:59:32 UTC by Ansith Ansith

Created 19 years ago2005-09-15 10:59:32 UTC by Ansith Ansith

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 10:59:32 UTC Post #134837
in my map there is a little bit of a problem in 2 of my hallways it says short -- surfaces and it annoys me because you can see through the door your heading through could anyone help me fix this?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:02:44 UTC Post #134838
Post the compiling log! :|
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:03:24 UTC Post #134840
well thats the hard part it takes around 30mins 2 compile

i will get it tho
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:04:52 UTC Post #134843
30 minutes isn't that much! :glad:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:05:46 UTC Post #134845
well it is when its 30mins at1:10am and your trying not to wake someone up :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:13:49 UTC Post #134851
it says short -- surfaces
is that in the compiler output or in hl? I get that all the time in hl if I run it in software mode!
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:15:14 UTC Post #134853
its in hl after i compile
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:32:59 UTC Post #134868
i think its gonna take more than 30mins :(

EDIT:srry about the double post
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:35:04 UTC Post #134871
well, can you run hl in other than software mode? I think software mode was intended as a last resort for computers like my old one (pentium 1, 233mhz, 2mb gfx card thats not supported by hl....)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:38:12 UTC Post #134873
its probly taking lotz of time cause i added a gonome
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:40:19 UTC Post #134874
It's an opfor map? :confused:

The gonome isn't the problem! :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:41:35 UTC Post #134875
no hl map i used the tutorial to add the gonome and some machine sounds
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:45:28 UTC Post #134880
ok it just compiled for me :biggrin:

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: D:SIERRAHalf-Life

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "" ""

** Executing...
** Command: D:hlcsg.exe
** Parameters: "D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs"

hlcsg v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlcsg ---
Command line: D:hlcsg.exe D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs

Current hlcsg Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ]
clipnode economy mode [ on ] [ on ]
onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
wadtextures [ on ] [ on ]
skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
hullfile [ None ] [ None ]
min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ]
brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]

Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadinclude list :

0 brushes (totalling 0 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (63.98 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (0.00 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (9.23 seconds)

Using Wadfile: sierrahalf-lifevalvehalflife.wad
  • Contains 149 used textures, 100.00 percent of map (3116 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: sierrahalf-lifevalvedecals.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (222 textures in wad)
added 11 additional animating textures.
Texture usage is at 1.11 mb (of 4.00 mb MAX)
84.31 seconds elapsed [1m 24s]

--- END hlcsg ---

** Executing...
** Command: D:hlbsp.exe
** Parameters: "D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs"

hlbsp v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlbsp ---
Command line: D:hlbsp.exe D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs

Current hlbsp Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
nofill [ off ] [ off ]
null tex. stripping [ on ] [ on ]
notjunc [ off ] [ off ]
subdivide size [ 240 ] [ 240 ] (Min 64) (Max 512)
max node size [ 1024 ] [ 1024 ] (Min 64) (Max 4096)

BSP generation successful, writing portal file 'D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs.prt'
38.36 seconds elapsed

--- END hlbsp ---

** Executing...
** Command: D:hlvis.exe
** Parameters: "D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs"

hlvis v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlvis ---
Command line: D:hlvis.exe D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs
1014 portalleafs
3367 numportals

= Current hlvis Settings =
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
max vis distance [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

fast vis [ off ] [ off ]
full vis [ off ] [ off ]

10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (75.82 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (982.33 seconds)
average leafs visible: 142
g_visdatasize:38239 compressed from 128778
1059.26 seconds elapsed [17m 39s]

--- END hlvis ---

** Executing...
** Command: D:hlrad.exe
** Parameters: "D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs"

hlrad v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlrad ---
Command line: D:hlrad.exe D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs

= Current hlrad Settings =
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

vismatrix algorithm [ Original ] [ Original ]
oversampling (-extra)[ off ] [ off ]
bounces [ 1 ] [ 1 ]
ambient light [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ] [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
maximum light [ 255.000 ] [ 256.000 ]
circus mode [ off ] [ off ]

smoothing threshold [ 50.000 ] [ 50.000 ]
direct threshold [ 25.000 ] [ 25.000 ]
direct light scale [ 2.000 ] [ 2.000 ]
coring threshold [ 1.000 ] [ 1.000 ]
patch interpolation [ on ] [ on ]

texscale [ on ] [ on ]
patch subdividing [ on ] [ on ]
chop value [ 64.000 ] [ 64.000 ]
texchop value [ 32.000 ] [ 32.000 ]

global fade [ 1.000 ] [ 1.000 ]
global falloff [ 2 ] [ 2 ]
global light scale [ 1.000 1.000 1.000 ] [ 1.000 1.000 1.000 ]
global gamma [ 0.500 0.500 0.500 ] [ 0.500 0.500 0.500 ]
global light scale [ 1.000 ] [ 1.000 ]
global sky diffusion [ 1.000 ] [ 1.000 ]

opaque entities [ on ] [ on ]
sky lighting fix [ on ] [ on ]
incremental [ off ] [ off ]
dump [ off ] [ off ]

colour jitter [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]
monochromatic jitter [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]
softlight hack [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]
diffuse hack [ on ] [ on ]
spotlight points [ on ] [ on ]

custom shadows with bounce light
[               off ] [               off ]
rgb transfers [ off ] [ off ]

[Reading texlights from 'D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapslights.rad']
[57 texlights parsed from 'D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapslights.rad']

5696 faces
Create Patches : 17944 base patches
0 opaque faces
134901 square feet [19425800.00 square inches]
586 direct lights

10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (319.41 seconds)
visibility matrix : 19.2 megs
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (455.27 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (173.47 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (112.25 seconds)
Transfer Lists : 16163422 : 16.16M transfers
Indices :     9055940 :    8.64M bytes
   Data :    64653688 :   61.66M bytes
Bounce 1 GatherLight:
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (26.73 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (44.81 seconds)
1143.60 seconds elapsed [19m 3s]

--- END hlrad ---
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:48:01 UTC Post #134881
Tip: Turn object like these into func_walls:
  • small brushes
  • a group of small/complex brushes
  • complex brushes
  • cillinder (pipes)
Stuff like that really make your compile slow, and make a lot of leaves, which means higher r_speeds.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 11:51:07 UTC Post #134882
oh ok
just getting back onto the topic ive had a look i cant really see what causeing my problem
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 12:55:57 UTC Post #134896
This compiling log is perfectly fine! :nervous: Listen to muzzle! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 14:08:40 UTC Post #134927
Yeah, listen to muzzle =) Problems like that usualy don?t show in the compile log
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 22:11:20 UTC Post #135007
is running the compile with vis on fast better than having vis on normal?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 01:04:44 UTC Post #135013
Er, no, not really.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 03:13:34 UTC Post #135017
will it make the compile go faster???
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 04:24:54 UTC Post #135020
will make it a bit faster....your proble might be the textures tha your using, also the render proberties could do some errors if you are using software mode :
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 04:31:12 UTC Post #135024
i have a bigger problem now :(
the sounds that a put in won't work the cannot be prossesed or somthing :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 05:26:32 UTC Post #135039
In the ambient generic's 'wav name' value chack if the directory in the pak file is written not the full one! It should look like something like this- ambience/crickets.wav NOT like this- c:gameshalf-life... ;) Also check if the extructed file(if you extucted it)has more then 0kbs in it. :tired:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 05:40:13 UTC Post #135043
dident work :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 05:40:59 UTC Post #135045
Post the entity's atrributes! :|
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 05:51:22 UTC Post #135046
name: (blank)
WAV name:ambience/industrial4.WAV
dynamic presets:big machine
start volume:100
fade in time:0
fade out time:0
start pitch:100
spin up time:0
spin down time:0
LFO type:0
LFO rate:0
LFO mod pitch:0
LFO mod vol:0
incemental spin up count:0
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 05:59:15 UTC Post #135049
I adive you to use the normal dynamic presets for every sound is good as it is! ;) And also post the flags. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 06:00:46 UTC Post #135050
the only flag ive got ticked is medium radius
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 06:16:08 UTC Post #135052
start volume should be 10 not 100.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 06:38:19 UTC Post #135054
still dident change it the error is

unable to open sound/D for transfer prossing sound/D
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 20:42:29 UTC Post #135195
YAY!!! i finally got it to work
all i need to do is get the gonome to work

whenever i try to put it in it says after compiling whn in the console screen it goes back to the menu screen and says that gonome.mdl cannot be found
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 06:24:43 UTC Post #135219
Is it in valve/model :
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 06:36:52 UTC Post #135220
yes it is
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 06:48:05 UTC Post #135223
i also have another problem ive just added a room /carpark kinda thing
there are errors but i can't find em because i don't know how to find it with what it says
heres the compile log:
** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: D:SIERRAHalf-Life

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "" ""

** Executing...
** Command: D:hlcsg.exe
** Parameters: "D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs"

hlcsg v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlcsg ---
Command line: D:hlcsg.exe D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs

Current hlcsg Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ]
clipnode economy mode [ on ] [ on ]
onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
wadtextures [ on ] [ on ]
skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
hullfile [ None ] [ None ]
min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ]
brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]

Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadinclude list :

0 brushes (totalling 0 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
10%...20%...30%...40%...Error: Entity 0, Brush 356: outside world(+/-4096): (1404,4112,98)(4112,-2020,174)
Error: brush outside world
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

Error: Entity 0, Brush 356: outside world(+/-4096): (1404,4112,98)(4112,-2020,174)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 356: outside world(+/-4096): (1388,4128,102)(4128,-2004,170)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 356: outside world(+/-4096): (1388,4128,102)(4128,-2004,170)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 356: outside world(+/-4096): (1404,4112,116)(4112,-2020,156)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 356: outside world(+/-4096): (1404,4112,116)(4112,-2020,156)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 357: outside world(+/-4096): (1404,4112,-200)(1440,-2020,170)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 357: outside world(+/-4096): (1388,4128,-196)(1456,-2004,166)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 357: outside world(+/-4096): (1404,4112,-182)(1440,-2020,152)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 358: outside world(+/-4096): (4076,4112,-200)(4112,-2020,170)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 358: outside world(+/-4096): (4076,4112,-200)(4112,-2020,170)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 358: outside world(+/-4096): (4060,4128,-196)(4128,-2004,166)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 358: outside world(+/-4096): (4060,4128,-196)(4128,-2004,166)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 358: outside world(+/-4096): (4076,4112,-182)(4112,-2020,152)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 358: outside world(+/-4096): (4076,4112,-182)(4112,-2020,152)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 359: outside world(+/-4096): (1408,4112,-200)(4108,-4076,170)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 359: outside world(+/-4096): (1408,4112,-200)(4108,-4076,170)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 359: outside world(+/-4096): (1392,4128,-196)(4124,-4060,166)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 359: outside world(+/-4096): (1392,4128,-196)(4124,-4060,166)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 359: outside world(+/-4096): (1408,4112,-182)(4108,-4076,152)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 359: outside world(+/-4096): (1408,4112,-182)(4108,-4076,152)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 411: outside world(+/-4096): (1404,4112,-204)(2856,-2020,-128)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 411: outside world(+/-4096): (1388,4128,-200)(2872,-2004,-132)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 411: outside world(+/-4096): (1404,4112,-186)(2856,-2020,-146)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 412: outside world(+/-4096): (3096,4112,-204)(4112,-2020,-128)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 412: outside world(+/-4096): (3096,4112,-204)(4112,-2020,-128)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 412: outside world(+/-4096): (3080,4128,-200)(4128,-2004,-132)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 412: outside world(+/-4096): (3080,4128,-200)(4128,-2004,-132)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 412: outside world(+/-4096): (3096,4112,-186)(4112,-2020,-146)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 412: outside world(+/-4096): (3096,4112,-186)(4112,-2020,-146)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 413: outside world(+/-4096): (2824,4112,-204)(3128,-2044,-128)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 413: outside world(+/-4096): (2808,4128,-200)(3144,-2028,-132)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 413: outside world(+/-4096): (2824,4112,-186)(3128,-2044,-146)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 414: outside world(+/-4096): (1408,2056,38)(4108,-2020,170)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 414: outside world(+/-4096): (1392,2072,42)(4124,-2004,166)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 414: outside world(+/-4096): (1408,2056,56)(4108,-2020,152)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 416: outside world(+/-4096): (3096,2056,-200)(4108,-2020,110)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 416: outside world(+/-4096): (3080,2072,-196)(4124,-2004,106)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 416: outside world(+/-4096): (3096,2056,-182)(4108,-2020,92)
50%...Error: Entity 0, Brush 436, Side 6: has a coplanar plane at (2069, -2133, -115), texture TRK_FENDER
60%...70%...80%...90%... (109.83 seconds)

--- END hlcsg ---

** Executing...
** Command: D:hlbsp.exe
** Parameters: "D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs"

hlbsp v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlbsp ---
Command line: D:hlbsp.exe D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs.log for the cause.

--- END hlbsp ---

** Executing...
** Command: D:hlvis.exe
** Parameters: "D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs"

hlvis v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlvis ---
Command line: D:hlvis.exe D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs.log for the cause.

--- END hlvis ---

** Executing...
** Command: D:hlrad.exe
** Parameters: "D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs"

hlrad v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlrad ---
Command line: D:hlrad.exe D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file D:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemapsdead_labs.log for the cause.

--- END hlrad ---
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 06:50:27 UTC Post #135225

You have a brush out side the world! The explanation is in the brush section. ;)

And a coplanar plane. The explanation is in the face section! :glad:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 06:53:15 UTC Post #135226
ok i think mine are to close to the edge

i hope thats the case

and thanks for all the help you've given me :)

i just don't know what the trk_fender is :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 07:48:37 UTC Post #135230
Grrr stupid leaks can't find it again like my other map the problem cause another problem could someone please help me ill put it in the problem maps section in the map vault would be great if someone could find this leak and fix it for me
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 15:44:38 UTC Post #135297
Hmmmmm...trk_fender is the texture that the problemtic face has! :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 16:03:52 UTC Post #135304
When i get i leak i can?t find, i build a box around the whole map :glad:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 16:10:02 UTC Post #135306
Thats a bad thing to do! :P A really bad thing. It will probebly cause your map to lag(especially on the internet)and surly raze your r_speeds sky high! :tired:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 17:45:38 UTC Post #135345
Yeah i know... But just so that i can test my map, and then go for a leak hunt :D

But leaks can be very sneaky :o
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 17:48:12 UTC Post #135346
It's quite easy to find them with a point file! ;) Kol once told me on a program called leak marker but he didn't tell me where to find it! :zonked: (No linking to google now :P )
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 17:50:14 UTC Post #135347
Yes but im a member of team banko so i don?t find them with point files :D I?m gonna try and find leak marker!
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 18:00:38 UTC Post #135348
Thanks! :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 19:04:50 UTC Post #135361
No problem :D Mappers must help other mappers, isn?t that what TWHL is all about ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 23:37:31 UTC Post #135400
Yea (i hope so) or im doomed
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-18 07:03:29 UTC Post #135442
Ansith, i found leak marker, do you want the link ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-18 08:50:08 UTC Post #135466
yes please
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-18 09:07:49 UTC Post #135468
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-18 09:15:10 UTC Post #135472
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