I'm going to stop posting...
Obviously Captain has a better way of explaining it than me...
Besides, you know where I stand...
Created 19 years ago2005-11-23 13:31:14 UTC by
So, if people are just animals, so if there's nothing after this life...Why is that so bad?
why live at all? To have some fun now, and then nothingness?
And war is often necessary get over ithahaha...Lol, i never said war wasn't necessary. I was saynig that the bible states that war is not a bad thing. Please read my posts more throughly next time to avoid confusion
Thing is, I just think religion is a load of bull.just what i was gunna say...
and has never looked back and thought that our creation was a bad idea.What!? Wasn't there something like Noahs ark or something (Noah? Is that how it is spelt) when god cast down a load of water and drowned mankind execpt for those on his ark?
Through translations aswell, true meanings are lost.Yeah, like "young girl Mary" becoming "virgin Mary". C'mon, it's so blatantly obviously what it originally said. So God creates men and women, capable of reproducing, and then skips it. Plus he makes some men and women want to have sex with their own sex. Are you criticising your suppos?d creator?
Not even according to the 10 commandments did I commit any sins upon birth. Also, care to clarify those 'sins'?Aaah, but, you see, God gave you these sins so that he could absolve you of them when you leave the world he spent precious time creating and spend eternity elsewhere, meaning that you spent 0% of your time there. Gee, great thinking.
I hate religion.Here Here!
We have nothing to blame but ourselves. Everything we do is our choice...nothing makes us do it.Uh, but humans make religion. I'm sure you're not saying that human behaviour is completely random, so being religious certainly influences peoples' choices.
Israel in their fight with PalestiniansLet's not forget some of the reasons they're fighting.
but you also have to realise that anyone who is remotely religious would not use it this wayYes, but they do. Just because some monks wrote that it was a bad thing doesn't mean people will listen to that bit. A lot of people are very greedy and unpleasant. I guess that's where half-arsed religion gets us.
I fear God...No you fear death, Period. That's why religions exist. so weak people can feel secure.
wow... rebellious nature...So you decide to try to insult me, very mature. First you go on and on about your "god" and then I shouldn't be able to talk about my beliefs (or lack thereof) without getting sarcasm from you? Pitiful..
Religion teaches against agression... against Violence...Have you ever read sections of the karan?
so weak people can feel secure.
So you decide to try to insult me, very mature.Sorry, but you dug that hole yourself.
Usually death involves pain or the inability to breathehaha you made me laugh there captain obvious
Brattylord wrote:Egypt? Muhammed lived his life around Mecca and Medina. That's in current-day Saudi-Arabia, so you missed a bit.
The Quran is very much debatable...
Personally, I don't trust the people who wrote down Muhamad's teachings. Who knows? he might of been a nice guy.
Gabriel might have talked to Muhamad, but I doubt it. He was probably just seeking attention and recognition, as history shows.
Egypt was a haaard place those days...
If someone has a fear of being crushed by God, why hasn't he crushed anyone?It's called a hard-drive crash.