life? Created 19 years ago2005-11-23 13:31:14 UTC by 38_98 38_98

Created 19 years ago2005-11-23 13:31:14 UTC by 38_98 38_98

Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 18:51:20 UTC Post #149096
I'm going to stop posting...

Obviously Captain has a better way of explaining it than me...

Besides, you know where I stand...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 19:06:57 UTC Post #149104
So, if people are just animals, so if there's nothing after this life...
why live at all? To have some fun now, and then nothingness?
Why is that so bad?
Living 70 or so happy years is enough for me.
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 19:38:19 UTC Post #149121
And war is often necessary get over it
hahaha...Lol, i never said war wasn't necessary. I was saynig that the bible states that war is not a bad thing. Please read my posts more throughly next time to avoid confusion
Thing is, I just think religion is a load of bull.
just what i was gunna say... ;)

Religion, as other people have said, is a figment of humans highly-evolved brain. Simple.
and has never looked back and thought that our creation was a bad idea.
What!? Wasn't there something like Noahs ark or something (Noah? Is that how it is spelt) when god cast down a load of water and drowned mankind execpt for those on his ark?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 20:39:40 UTC Post #149155
Through translations aswell, true meanings are lost.
Yeah, like "young girl Mary" becoming "virgin Mary". C'mon, it's so blatantly obviously what it originally said. So God creates men and women, capable of reproducing, and then skips it. Plus he makes some men and women want to have sex with their own sex. Are you criticising your suppos?d creator?
Not even according to the 10 commandments did I commit any sins upon birth. Also, care to clarify those 'sins'?
Aaah, but, you see, God gave you these sins so that he could absolve you of them when you leave the world he spent precious time creating and spend eternity elsewhere, meaning that you spent 0% of your time there. Gee, great thinking.

If so many people didn't kill and harass so many others about it, it would be laughable.

I hate religion.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 20:44:06 UTC Post #149157
I hate religion.
Here Here!

I Hate Religion - Randy Newman

I hate religion,
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 21:46:45 UTC Post #149175
Amen m/
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 03:36:33 UTC Post #149187
this entire thread is a conflict, why? &gt; RELIGION!
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 03:55:52 UTC Post #149191
Blaming religion for all the worlds problems is like blaming video games on murder and violence. We have nothing to blame but ourselves. Everything we do is our choice...nothing makes us do it. Blaming our problems on religion or anything else except ourselves is completley retarded.

I am a very religous Christian and I am also very interested in science. I dont just believe anything Im told. I need proof to believe it. Going to church and reading the Bible wasnt proof enough for me. I doubted Gods existance until I finally accepted him...and I felt something I have never felt before in my life. It was the most incredible feeling...and I knew God was real. Even if I tried to believe God wasnt real I couldnt. I know he is real and I cant prove he isnt.

Im not trying to convert anyone. Im just asking for some respect as a Christan. I feel like Im looked down upon and ridiculed because I am a Christian...but I guess thats how its always been. People still get persecuted for their beleifs. I have no problem with someone being another religion or an please dont have a problem with me being a Christian.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 04:11:33 UTC Post #149192
For my part, I'd just like to make it clear that I certainly don't look down on the religious as a whole. Several of my good friends are religious. I just dislike what religion primarily brings: conflict.
We have nothing to blame but ourselves. Everything we do is our choice...nothing makes us do it.
Uh, but humans make religion. I'm sure you're not saying that human behaviour is completely random, so being religious certainly influences peoples' choices.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 04:17:43 UTC Post #149193
Yes it can influence us but it doenst make us do anything. Its still our choice. And those people who use religion as an excuse for violence are truely horrible people. Christianity and almost all other religions teach peace and not violence.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 08:47:45 UTC Post #149228
you say you cant prove he doesnt exist, but can you prove to us that he does? Anyway people hide behind religion whether we like it or not, i cant help but see it as an excuse for many people. No one here is bad-mouthing particular religions, its like what 7th said they primarily bring conflict. Id rather not get involved or beleive in something that causes what i beleive is unnecessary trouble, plus i only beleive what i see.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 08:56:04 UTC Post #149231
I wouldn't say I only believe what I see, since that excludes most modern science, but science has achieved far more than religion for humanity.

I'm pretty sure that great genetic diversity thanks to travel, improved life expectancy with modern medicine, and just how many people there are in the world show that homo sapiens is pretty successful biologically, and I would hardly say that religion contributed particularly to any of those parts.

Okay, maybe Catholicism with its anti-contraceptive stuff, but I doubt that's really made much difference.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 09:46:02 UTC Post #149235
Although I have no power on this site, I would like to request that people tone down their criticisms about religion. It's all very well to think it's a load of bull, but there's no need to put people down by saying things like "religion is for pussies". If you don't believe in anything, that's fine, as everyone's entitled to an opinion, but tone it down. Who knows, maybe one day some stressy bastard'll join this site and you might offend him...and stressy bastards can be a nightmare at times, especially when stressed.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 10:07:21 UTC Post #149238
I too have a friend who is a catholic, i don't look down on him. And what i say about religion in here will not affect my view of those in this thread. Nor in other argumentive threads. :)

Its just, religion causes alotta conflict and many have died because of it. The WTC's and the london bomibngs are just two examples. Thats why i view religion as 'rubbish'.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 10:28:31 UTC Post #149242
seems to be the opinion of many people here
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 11:15:15 UTC Post #149247
@38_98: It's very obvious that terrorist attacks are of POLITICAL nature, not religious. Their goal is political, and so is their message. I havent heard of any Al Qaeda videos in where they speak of "our God is better and we will bomb you Christians!!!" Actually they talk more about the presence of the U.S in their land or how the U.S helps Israel in their fight with Palestinians.

Of couse, if someone in the media is anti-religious, they will obviously try to put the emphasis on that aspect.
Instead of accepting the blame historians and journalist put on religion, think about your personal experience regarding religious people. Some of you have said that they are nice people, etc.
If you guys are so interested in proof and all that, you should start basing your opinions in your everyday personal experience, not on what others say or write.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 12:19:21 UTC Post #149251
I couldn't agree more Kasperg!


... although you have to admit that Al Qaeda uses religion as an excuse to control their people, and make them do whatever they want. I can see how you guys come to the conclusion that Religion is used to control masses into conflict, but you also have to realise that anyone who is remotely religious would not use it this way.

Religion teaches against agression... against Violence...

I challange you to read through one of the gospels, and tell me if you thought Jesus wanted conflict...

(Mathew is more historical, where John focuses on the teachings)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 14:28:34 UTC Post #149282
Israel in their fight with Palestinians
Let's not forget some of the reasons they're fighting.
but you also have to realise that anyone who is remotely religious would not use it this way
Yes, but they do. Just because some monks wrote that it was a bad thing doesn't mean people will listen to that bit. A lot of people are very greedy and unpleasant. I guess that's where half-arsed religion gets us.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 16:08:50 UTC Post #149304
But what about extremists? They say that killing is justified by god. And what about N. Ireland? With the big argument against catholics and protestants? What about the crusades? Are they political too?

You know, if i searched round abit i could probably find alot more examples of religions nuisances in history.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 16:25:18 UTC Post #149305
True, but all of those problems are not related to the purpose of those religions.
Back in the dawn of Christianity, there wasnt anything such as catholicism and protestantism.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 16:42:03 UTC Post #149311
Kasperg, surely you don't believe any of this terrorist attacks are genuine do you? 9/11 and 7/7/7 are so obviously staged, the general public are too ignorant to look at the facts, they'll just take the bullshit the BBC/CNN/etc tells them.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-26 16:56:51 UTC Post #149317
I know that! (where have I said they are genuine? :|)
Check the "Well just look at that" thread. It's one of those threads where we discussed the issue.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 14:05:02 UTC Post #149426
I fear God...
No you fear death, Period. That's why religions exist. so weak people can feel secure.
wow... rebellious nature...
So you decide to try to insult me, very mature. First you go on and on about your "god" and then I shouldn't be able to talk about my beliefs (or lack thereof) without getting sarcasm from you? Pitiful..
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 17:59:31 UTC Post #149469
Religion teaches against agression... against Violence...
Have you ever read sections of the karan?
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 18:14:03 UTC Post #149473
so weak people can feel secure.
So you decide to try to insult me, very mature.
Sorry, but you dug that hole yourself.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 18:21:47 UTC Post #149475

Sorry bought that...
Sarcasm comes naturally to me.. I know, its one of my evil sides...

oh, and I fear God for the mere fact that he could crush me like a bug.

And I don't fear death...

as, If I am right about religion, I've been faithful, and I will join God.

If I'm wrong, then who the hell cares? I'll disapate. no more Bratty.

Oh, and Riley,

The Quran is very much debatable...
Personally, I don't trust the people who wrote down Muhamad's teachings. Who knows? he might of been a nice guy.

Gabriel might have talked to Muhamad, but I doubt it. He was probably just seeking attention and recognition, as history shows.

Egypt was a haaard place those days...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 18:29:00 UTC Post #149481
It's cool bratty. Let's just agree to disagree. When we die we'll see who's right ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 20:01:58 UTC Post #149495
The mormons!

Anyway, if you don't fear death you've got some severe mental disorder.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 20:05:05 UTC Post #149496
No you have just accepted that it's inevitable. I don't think about death. I know I will die someday, maybe tomorrow even

You can go crazy if you worry too much about it
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 20:15:54 UTC Post #149497
i dont worry about my death but i do worry about the people who are close to me which like saribous said can make me crazy sometimes
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 20:18:37 UTC Post #149498
I'm christian. Not really much more to say about that, My faith goes from strong to weak and I can just hope that I hold up my strong side when I get older.

PS: Everybody will die someday and everybody knows it. Its not that people are afraid to die so much as it is people are afraid of how they will die. Usually death involves pain or the inability to breathe. Personally I'd rather just "shut down", but I gues thats how everyone wants to go.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 20:48:38 UTC Post #149505
Usually death involves pain or the inability to breathe
haha you made me laugh there captain obvious :D I would say that death always involves the inability to breathe ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 21:04:28 UTC Post #149511
Religion in general is just a big gamble. You could get lucky and pick the correct one (assuming there's something as unlikely as a God and afterlife), but with the sheer amount of religions, there's a gigantic risk of accidentally worshipping the wrong god and end up burning for all eternity.

According to a statistics site I found, there's 19 major world religions, which are divided into circa 270 mainstream interprentations. Christianity alone has 34 000 identified seperate directions, where the majority most likely considers all the followers of different directions as damned to an eternity of fire, brimstone and unpleasantness.

Instead of wasting a lot of time trying to find the one less ridden with contradictions and odd commandments, I choose to live a life of trying to get as much as possible out of this short trifle on earth, without haggling people for having other values than me. (Seriously, christians, lay off pornographers and gay people. They're not imposing on your lives!)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 21:09:07 UTC Post #149512
Brattylord wrote:

The Quran is very much debatable...
Personally, I don't trust the people who wrote down Muhamad's teachings. Who knows? he might of been a nice guy.

Gabriel might have talked to Muhamad, but I doubt it. He was probably just seeking attention and recognition, as history shows.

Egypt was a haaard place those days...
Egypt? Muhammed lived his life around Mecca and Medina. That's in current-day Saudi-Arabia, so you missed a bit. :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 21:17:29 UTC Post #149515
Well I eant as in your lungs shutting down so you suffocate to death.

I'm surprised this thread hans't turned into a debate yet, good job TWHL!
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 21:25:54 UTC Post #149517
Worldcraft dude: A death while sleeping would be preferrable. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 21:29:51 UTC Post #149518
This is sort of a debate...

Muhammad founded Islam as he was in Egypt,
well, at least he believed the angel Gabriel spoke to him as he was in Egypt.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 22:05:30 UTC Post #149523
I'm sorry, but I've been a Christian for all my life (forced, to be blunt) and it hasn't given me anything compared to stuff I've found out myself. Personally, I hate the idea that some sort of higher order is dictating my life. Fate, or destiny maybe, but a etheral being? It's very hard to believe in something that consistently lets us down (funny, I learnt that from an episode of Scrubs - that show pwns).
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 22:51:56 UTC Post #149525
um.. huh?


We all have choices. God gives us choice
(Actually, we kinda stole it...)

destiny is just... a prediction...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 23:23:13 UTC Post #149527
God does give you choice, all you have to do is say, in honesty, that if he calls you, you will answer. Kinda like a draft, only not...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 08:08:20 UTC Post #149580
I'm actually kinda scared for dead, I got so many questions..
When I think about dead my mind goes thinking, deeply thinking.
I panic and I gotta cry, what is the use of life?

There for I use reasons to calm my self down, for example :

How did everything started?
  • God created the world, that's all he did..
Is there life after death?
  • Yes!
These simple answers calm me down and don't let me worry about death so I can just enjoy life as it is..
Maybe there is no life after death but I don't care, I believe there is.

Maybe this sound very depressive, but really, it's just a way of looking.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 08:52:42 UTC Post #149583
If someone has a fear of being crushed by God, why hasn't he crushed anyone? Hmmm...not yet I guess...I mean come on, if he doesn't crush a molester or something, why would he crush you?
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 11:34:54 UTC Post #149597
If someone has a fear of being crushed by God, why hasn't he crushed anyone?
It's called a hard-drive crash.

Personally, I believe:

1) God is Female. Possibly hot, but likely nerdy, as supported by a few loose facts in the bible.

2) God was once a living person, but is now dead and is nothing more than an influence. A ghost in other words.

3) She's had a few relationship issues in the past... yeah...

4) Satan (or Sentinal) was once God's loving boyfriend. She granted him about the same power she had and he abused it (like Seventh.) He got pissed and dumped her because he wasn't more powerful. God couldn't strip him of his power because she was foolish to make him almost equal to her own abilities. He holds a grudge against God, and is gay, but God still has feelings for him. Thus, love thy enemy, a perfect example.

5) God is nerdy, but hopefully a hot nerd, and has an interest in the existential sciences and arts. She became to understand the rules of the unvierse. "Ye shall be as gods." The famous line from the old testiment when the serpent tempted Eve with the fruit of the Forbiddon Fruit Tree. This book is not about the birth of Earth, but the brith of God. The Forbiddon Fruit is godhood. She was Eve in this instance, and she ate the fruit and shared it. She was sent out of the "Garden of Eden" which was probably her home planet, and the God portrayed in Genesis is really the god of her religion. To be forsaken from Eden was to be kicked out of the juristiction of her god's influencial realm. She began a new civilization (Earth), and is often referred to as "The Mother" by most Islamic, Muslim and Babylonian based Religions and holy books.

6) I've done my research.

7) Anyone can become a god.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 11:51:56 UTC Post #149598
I want to become a mapping god! As a matter of fact, the source map I'm working on is by far my most beautiful creation yet. :o
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 12:02:14 UTC Post #149599
hopefully not any more beautieful than the one i'm building... :badass:
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 12:02:16 UTC Post #149600
No offence,, but,, what makes you think that you will start to live again (as a new person) after you die.
I mean, if you think about it, I find it quite imposseble.
Think atoms, not ghots. &lt;---
Live every day like if it was your last day, else, you'll sit in a corner and wonder what you did with your life when you're 80 years old.
Then, the thought of "there will be an other life" won't be as great anymore.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 12:03:06 UTC Post #149601
what part of "Kicked Out" or "banned" don't you understand...
it's dangerous to let a person who has such knowledge to live again. The whole Deja-Vu thing happens to us all much too often. The Info will return in time. It's a threat to a king's throne, you're already dead, so your cast away and never to be returned instead. The concept is simple and relatable really.

and yes, live life to the fullest everyday. That is the meaning of life as far as i know.

Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 12:30:58 UTC Post #149605
omg..I have had that Deja-vu thingy (weird stuff that)

A hypathetical Question....if I had sex with a goat would I go to heaven or will I go to hell....(no animals where harmed in this production)

And I have tried.. and tried.... but no matter how much I prey to GOD I still can't suck my own cock.... :aghast:
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 12:50:18 UTC Post #149606
uhm... probably one of those... "For Your Own Good" scenarios... Be grateful.

as far as the whole goat thing, i dunno... ... ...


keep in mind that there is a lot of man-made crap in our o-so perfect little world.
More than likely, God has to think of something to do about all of these wierd and new examples.

As far as sin goes, there supposed to be 10, but if you break it down, there are two books of sins in the bible. First and Second Corinthians i think. It'd be easier to make a list of things that are not a sin. :| :|
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 13:34:15 UTC Post #149607
Ok sorry bout that...

but on a serious note here is a subliminal message here..what do you think...omg god is a K-9.

I am God = dog am I
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