If god created everything, then he created gay people. It seems that god intentionally created gay people to go to hell.. Makes no sense..
About evolution, we were learning today in biology about how species differ and adapt to suit their surroundings. Theres a scientific fact about how if a population divides and has no contact to each other, and if the two areas have diffrent environmental settings, then, they will soon gain new instincts, look, and change to adapt to their new environments. Thats why people in colder areas like alaska are short to maintain body temperature, and why the people in japan have those stretch eye creases where most others do not, because the population moved and isolated from each other. The people from these areas did not integrate because of transportation and tradition. Therefore, since modern transportation will never allow that to happen with humans again, I believe we will not evolve anything new any longer. What will happen now is that every person of every race, country, and color will keep "mating"
untill every person on earth will have the same skin color, yet have the blood from every previous race, country, and color.. thats my theory..