Created 18 years ago2006-01-18 12:29:34 UTC by Strider
Therefor, in this case 300 000 / 2 = 300 000.No, it doesn't. 3x10^8 / 2 = 1.5x10^8 still, just that light doesn't travel at half the speed. It's just that its speed is not divided by two, which is why it gives the same answer. Maths described physics, not the other way 'round.
I believe the universe is massive, indeed, but it loops itself if you will.Or like an old platform game :).Like a Mobius strip in all directions
what like aliens disguised as mice from that fuckin hitchhikers galaxy guide movie or whatever it's called.The. Hitchhikers. Guide. To. The. Galaxy. Is the best radio and book series EVER... dont ruin it by mentioning the filth that is the film