How can I represent MAGIC FX Created 18 years ago2006-01-27 09:25:01 UTC by SickMothaFucker SickMothaFucker

Created 18 years ago2006-01-27 09:25:01 UTC by SickMothaFucker SickMothaFucker

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-27 09:25:01 UTC Post #159790
Hi, I want to make somewhat of a magi in HL1. I want to find a magic stic and then when I go to Barney for example, and press the use key he will transform in to something else for example a bird (those flying butterflyes in Xen...)

I tryed it with a trigger field. When I have the item and when i go near Barney it will triger him to dissapear and something else would appear in his place or somth. Well no luck so far..

So please help! Any ideas will do....
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-27 09:36:48 UTC Post #159794
I am not entity knowledgeable however if I was to do this effect I would have a trigger that makes the barney disspear e.g. kill? or teleport perhaps...Then I would make it trigger after a few seconds to spawn those butterflies (Xen ones) via s monster_spawn or something.

I haven't tried this and HL1 mapping is a lot tougher in my opinion...
Perhaps Elon can be of assistance.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-27 09:38:50 UTC Post #159797
When you "use" him make it trigger a multimanager that first covers him in sprites, then deletes/moves him, then creates/teleports something else in his place.
Magic sticks for the win, pull a bunny out of your hat!
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-27 15:26:47 UTC Post #159916
If you intend to make a whole mod for Hl1 then use coding. With coding you can use a special v_model(the hands you see on your screen) for a wand, when attacking something it turns them into a random monster.

If this is only one map and not a mod then you can only fake it and make it happen only in paticular places and it will need lots of entity work.

Place over the monster a func_rot_button(it can be non solid thats why you should use it) textured with the null texture/{blue texture.(If you use the {blue texture then use the solid render mode and set the render amount to 255, the null texture is better in this case). The button doesn't have to rotate at all(I think you can do it by setting the speed to 0) and don't give it any sound. All sounds will be added later with ambient generics.
Make that button target a multimanager. This multimanger will trigger a trigger_relay that will trigger a multisource(that will disable the rotating button, you don't wont any body spoiling the seaquence, make sure the multisource starts on by activating it with a trigger_auto with the trigger state set to on) and make the multimanager trigger a randomaizer too. Make it target the env_beam, set the life to 1 and don't tick the toggle flag. That beam hits one of many buttons with the very low health(I think 1 but set the env_beam's damage to '10000/0.1' so it'll surely activate the button, and make it reset only after 2 seconds soo the beam wont hit him again in this round) that will trigger a multimanger, with the multi threaded flag ticked.(each button will activate a diffrent multimanger that will change to a diffrent monster, more random and intresting ;) ) That multimanger will trigger a few effects like sounds sprites that will apear during the spell casting or maybe an env_fade with the fade from flag ticked. This multimanager will also trigger will also trigger a trigger_relay that will kill the original monster(use the killtarget value for this) and trigger(target value) a monstermaker. This monstermaker will create a monster(since each multimanager will target a monstermaker, choose a diffrent monster from the other monster makers or the radom seaquance will be totaly useless)
with the same name of the original monster.(childern name value) Make the multimanager that you used to activate that trigger_relay that activates the monstermaker, activate the first trigger_relay only with a longer delay then the other values.(the one activated by the multimanager that is activated by the rotating button, the trigger_relay that deactivates the multisource) This way you unlock the rotating button and the seaquance can start all over again, and again and again.

If you use Spirit of Hl1(a Hl1 mod with many cool options) then you can make the rotating button, the monstermaker and all the effects move with(spirit's move with option)the monster so no matter where it is you can turn it into a diffrent one. :cool: Thus making coding almost OBSELET. :nuke:

I advice you to use spirit, this will be a really cool effect, and becaue it's random it's also dangerous, you may turn a grunt into a grag! :nuts: I'm mad about this effect!!!


Ooo... long post, my longest... I hope you'll understand something...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-28 05:50:11 UTC Post #160050
holy sheep shi....
i GOTTA try that
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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