Emo kids Created 19 years ago2006-03-08 06:16:04 UTC by J3r3my J3r3my

Created 19 years ago2006-03-08 06:16:04 UTC by J3r3my J3r3my

Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 14:05:26 UTC Post #167219
i think anyone that doesnt judge on looks IS dumb! How someone dresses and looks represent their personality and how they want the world to see them, however, im sure you agree with this:

Judging someone purely on their looks is stupid!
You are such a ignorant fuck, a ignorant fuck with many others..
Someone that doesn't judge on looks just have a different point of view.

How someone dresses does not show their personality.
I hate clothes and shopping for them with passion, I just take what fits.
I haven't got a select style that I wear or something, from dark sad clothes to happy green thingies. Most of my clothes are very cheap and i'm like the only one at my school that hasn't got the wax in his hear, I don't take care of my skin or something..

How would you judge me?

Poeple would consider me as a outcast who doesn't care about how he looks? There poeple are wrong. Poeple shouldn't judge on clothes, my clothes don't represent me, I represent myself.

I also don't think you should label a certain kind, these poeple seem the same, but they are different from inside.
You might find these poeple idiots, than why are you bothering about them? They feel fine how they are, so they have to change because certain poeple don't accept them? That's absolute bullshit.
Leave them in their worth.

Also, I hate poeple that are going to act different than the person they really are you to get in a certain group, these poeple are just fake. One day they will find out..
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 14:07:14 UTC Post #167221
it's all annoying luke-skywalker whine-ass bullshit to me anyway. My GF was emo, until she met me and learned not to give a limpin fuckabout anything, like me. emo people need role models and goals.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 14:09:24 UTC Post #167222
Argh, I was going to edit and fix some spelling mistakes!
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 14:20:15 UTC Post #167225
luke-skywalker whine-ass bullshit
But... I wanted to go to Toshi Station to pick up some power converters!

Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 14:44:34 UTC Post #167229
Also, I hate poeple that are going to act different than the person they really are you to get in a certain group, these poeple are just fake. One day they will find out..
You call me a ignorant fuck and then say exactly thing that im saying! Its not the genuine people i have a problem with its the fake people who are not what they are pretending to be!

Id say you were like me, not a fashion-victim but someone who wears clothes to be comfortable not fashionable and i wouldnt say you were an outcast because of it!! I hate shopping, i walk into a shop, say "yeah that'll fit" and then try it on at home!!
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 15:26:33 UTC Post #167244
Dude, lose the exclamation marks... My inner voice is screaming when I'm reading your posts.

Anyway: People are allowed to think, wear, talk and act whatever they want and whichever way they want, get over it.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 16:28:40 UTC Post #167263
My inner voice is screaming when I'm reading your posts.
Haha, <3
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 17:05:07 UTC Post #167276
Why do i egsist if i cant spell. WTF am i doing here. Whats the point of living. Has anyone heard of MSN!!!! Ahhh FTW
applys here :furious:
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 17:27:32 UTC Post #167286
I like the diversity in the world.
I wouldn't like everyone to look the same in the world.

Also gives me and my girlfriend something to laugh at when waiting for a train.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 17:49:21 UTC Post #167291
Note: Some emo and goth chicks are hot.

Note: David is regarded as emo. Because the world is retarded.

Note: This thread sucks

Note: Saribous person makes sense.

Note: I am a melon.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 17:51:33 UTC Post #167293
Note: Some emo and goth chicks are hot.
Damn true
Note: David is regarded as emo. Because the world is retarded.
or maybe it was becasue you pretended to cry in a corner of the school grounds for about 20 minutes...
Note: This thread sucks
It wasn't started by me, yep it does
Note: Saribous person makes sense.
And he has very respectable taste in music
Note: I am a melon.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 17:54:05 UTC Post #167295

If he has a good taste in music...then I like him.

And I pretened to cry then stood up and said ""and now for something completely different" then walked away.

Taws funny... "DAvid? whats wrong? aww advid pats head wats wong?"
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 05:46:10 UTC Post #167364
Emo and goth arent the same thing. Goths arent actually depressed...only the wannabe goths are. Real goths are just hardcore metal fans.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 12:26:43 UTC Post #167429
MNuTz, i'm not like you. In your matters i'm dumb, because I don't judge on looks. Once again, clothes don't represent me, I represent myself.

Also once again, you shouldn't label poeple, they might seem te same, but they are different inside.
Anyway: People are allowed to think, wear, talk and act whatever they want and whichever way they want, get over it.
Couldn't said it better, end of discussion.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 12:44:45 UTC Post #167432
Christ its like talking to a brick wall!! And when the fuck did i say you were dumb?

I judge people on who they are once i get to meet them but everyone including you will make an automatic snap judgement on how someone looks. If you say different then your a liar as its an automatic system built into the human brain. You see something and you automatically assess it.

I never said that this snap judgement represents who they actually are, thats why you should get to know someone, i also never said that i do just judge people on looks!

For instance: If you saw an old man walking down a road, wearing a scruffy hat, scruffy, dirty and ripped clothes. had a large scruffy beard pushing a trolley full of junk you would automatically think he was homeless. Its an automatic human response!

People for me fit into two brackets, good people and bad people. I cant tell which you are until i get to know you. I have a large group of friends from goths to hardcore bikers covered in tattoos to people i only know over the net. If i only judged on looks alone i wouldnt have made friends with any of these people, would i?

EDIT: Go and read the 7th post in this thread by me, the one were i say that many of my friends would look like trouble makers to many people but they are the nicest people on earth. My whole point in this thread is that i dislike FAKE people or people who are acting a certain way because its fashionable!
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 13:04:50 UTC Post #167438
i think anyone that doesnt judge on looks IS dumb!
And when the fuck did i say you were dumb?
You said that everyone that doesn't judge on looks IS dumb..
I don't judge on looks, even if you might not believe it..

I'll just stop looking in this thread, considering i'm not making any sense to you

EDIT: By the way, giving me a example is hopeless, I understand what you're trying to say, but I just don't agree..
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 13:16:46 UTC Post #167444
That quote is out of context as i was saying that looks is part of a whole package and to ignore part of that package is dumb.

In no way was i saying that you should judge purely on looks!

If you saw a white bloke with a skin head, big black boots and covered in nazi , white power tattoos what would you think?

So you hate me because i think that the way a person presents themself on the outside may effect the way people think of them?
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 13:18:58 UTC Post #167445
Q nr1 : Why do people in black clothes look depressed? "uuuh, im so depressed, must put on black clothes!" Stupid....

Q nr2 : Why do you judge by clothes? that IS DUMB. I know a lot of EMO kids, a lot of hip-hoppers, a lot of "normal" people and so on, and most of them are allright, the ones that aren't allright is just a stupid person, like some of you guys, the clothes doesn't matter!

Of all the emo's i know only one is depressed. I know atlest 10 emos. And ONE of them are depressed, her mother is beating her, calling her names and constantly making her feel bad about herself, that would make me depressed to.

I dress in black, im not depressed... And i shower :P And why don't you call johnny cash depressed? After all, he is "the man in black"

and only because i dress in black doesn't mean im a emo. Im not a goth either...

.... :biggrin:
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 13:24:35 UTC Post #167446
Id like to point out that i have never said the Emos or goths are depressed as i have never thought that they were. As ive already said, my brothers a goth but he is very happy. Good for him!

My whole point and the reason that people are attacking me is that i hate fake people and that the way a person presents themselves to the world does give some insight into a person but will not tell you who that person truely is. Analysing handwriting and body language can give an insight into the person inside as well.

You must take all of these small things and get to know a person before you can truely judge that person.

And LOL at all the midget stuff!
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 13:35:35 UTC Post #167449
what evil midgets or some of the posters? :D
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 14:42:36 UTC Post #167492
I am not dumb mate, i think anyone that doesnt judge on looks IS dumb! How someone dresses and looks represent their personality and how they want the world to see them, however, im sure you agree with this
I think we can just agree that we disagree on this and move on. of course it represents their personality, but you imply that there must be something wrong if anyone would want to look like that. I disagree.
Quick question: Why do some goths make their faces white and eyes/lips black??
Because that's how they want to look. There doesn't have to be any deeper motive behind it, like depression or wanting to get attention. And you said it yourself, judging anyone purely by their looks is stupid. That has been my point all along.
At the end of the day we are all entitled to our opinions, i dont critise other peoples for theirs and they shouldnt for mine!
I'll criticise all i want, for the exact same reason, i'm entitled to it since this is a discussion. You just have to remember that I'm not trying to force you to change your opinion.

I will end this by apologizing to MNutz, maybe I overreacted a bit, but people that generalize and have prejudice against others (like you seemed to have. At least that's the impression i got while reading) really make me furious. The world would be a better place if everyone could just accept that some people think and act differently.

Anyways, I apologize for questioning your intelligence. I hope you weren't too offended.

(i still don't agree with you though ;) )
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 15:38:48 UTC Post #167506
I dont mind you disagreeing mate, after all it would be just as boring if we all agreed as it would be if we all looked alike :D

Apology accept, and i apologise if i made any comments that people took as nasty, that wasnt my intention. However, im sure you will all learn soon enough is that when i write something down it doesnt always come across the way i was thinking it. :D

Ive got nothing against anyone on how they look or dress, its rude, evil people i dislike!
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 16:49:52 UTC Post #167521
My whole point in this thread is that i dislike FAKE people or people who are acting a certain way because its fashionable!
Exactly. I dress how I want to dress, I dont dress to fit in with any particular group. Most emo people are fake. I dont have any problem with them liking that kind of music, but when they have to dress a certain way, not bathe and "act" depressed, theyre not being true to themselves. They change who they are just to fit in. I have never really followed any fashion trend, I buy the clothes that I like, not what others want to me wear.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 17:39:05 UTC Post #167527
My whole point in this thread is that i dislike FAKE people or people who are acting a certain way because its fashionable!
Exactly. I dress how I want to dress, I dont dress to fit in with any particular group. Most emo people are fake. I dont have any problem with them liking that kind of music, but when they have to dress a certain way, not bathe and "act" depressed, theyre not being true to themselves. They change who they are just to fit in. I have never really followed any fashion trend, I buy the clothes that I like, not what others want to me wear.
Most parts of that post could come from some emo guy telling his point of view in this discussion. Just change a couple of words like this:
Exactly. I dress how I want to dress, I dont dress to fit in with any particular group. Most "normal" people are fake. I dont have any problem with them liking that kind of music, but when they have to dress a certain way, be rude and "act" cool, theyre not being true to themselves. They change who they are just to fit in. I have never really followed any fashion trend, I buy the clothes that I like, not what others want to me wear.
Your own words, right back at ya!

Don't you get it? We buy the clothes we like to wear not because we want to fit in or because other people want us to wear them, we buy them because we like them and so does the emo's.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 18:15:53 UTC Post #167537
I buy the clothes that I like, not what others want to me wear.
Roger that, comrade!

Lurid shirts for the win.

Man, that's a word I haven't used for a fair time.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 18:21:37 UTC Post #167539
EMO kids?lol, we beat them up in our school.Heh, if we didnt Turkey would be full of gays like America.
Of course I dont mean that EMO kids suck but its just we dont accept them.Its just not right..(imo!)We cannot been raised as an european or american kids.We have our own ways.Its like a way of culture.(plz nobody get offended by this)
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 18:31:14 UTC Post #167546
(Taig): i can kinda understand how he would
(Taig): emos are whiners, but i have no problem with expression and dressing up
(MetalPig): Saribous is rather emo though :x
(MetalPig): I dress up too, guess what I wear, jeans and a shirt.
(Taig): :D
(MetalPig): At times I'll even wear something as extravagant as a t-shirt or cargoes!
(Taig): :o
(Taig): ffs
(MetalPig): Clearly I'm a man of the world!
(Taig): my sex neighbour bought me new jeans and fleeces and a hoodie, so i look a little chav-ish sometimes
(MetalPig): Nothing wrong with fleece.
(MetalPig): If it's not multicoloured ;x
(Taig): like 'fashionably' ripped up looking things with big fucking logos across them
(Taig): i like them, they're quality clothes, but i prefer plain things
(MetalPig): Hoodies? only if they include boobies.
(Taig): its a baby blue woolen hoody
(Taig): no joke
(MetalPig): :o
(Taig): as in kinda knitted
(MetalPig): That's not chavish thats facetious or borderline homosexual ;o
Just thought I'd share the IRC discussion on this subject :D
[edit: Taig = moi]
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 18:48:41 UTC Post #167550
EMO kids?lol, we beat them up in our school.Heh, if we didnt Turkey would be full of gays like America.
Stop being so fucking homophobic and violent, dammit.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 18:49:52 UTC Post #167551
EMO kids?lol, we beat them up in our school.Heh, if we didnt Turkey would be full of gays like America.
Of course I dont mean that EMO kids suck but its just we dont accept them.Its just not right..(imo!)We cannot been raised as an european or american kids.We have our own ways.Its like a way of culture.(plz nobody get offended by this)
Will you just read the rest?
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 19:05:38 UTC Post #167556
Some more IRC goodness:
(Taig): Saco-SM, fuck you, sir
(Seventh-Monkey): Well said.
(Saco-SM): ...
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 19:06:28 UTC Post #167557
@Saco: FUCK HOMOSEXUALS (plz nobody get ofended by this)

Hope you get my point...
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 19:09:51 UTC Post #167558
Yeah, since all homophobia is essentially latent homosexuality, its more of an internal dispute within the gay community. :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 19:14:03 UTC Post #167559
/me pleads for thread closure
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 19:14:22 UTC Post #167560
That one was to good Mephs so insted of trying to silence that im going to say what i meant in other words and wait for the right moment to kick your ass in words :P

Im gonna try this again

@saco: I HATE BLACK PEOPLE (plz nobody get ofended by this)

Hope you get my point...
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 19:23:13 UTC Post #167565
The Hunter: wait a while. Its not a flame fest, its merely commonsensical arguements against raw hate.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 19:28:25 UTC Post #167566
Reads the posts from Saribous. Reads the post from MNuTz.

Ah, the air has cleared. Still I shall be avoiding this thread. All threads involving opinions about the world/religion/personal feelings tend to cause trouble.

Ah the Hell with it. I would say I particularly fit into any group. Somtimes I'll be happy in Jeans and T-Shirt other times I'll have the baggy black SoHo trousers and an MCR shirt with cuffs and bands and chains or whatever. I tend to dress depending on how I feel. If I'm feeling fairly confident I'll put on my punky grungey clothes. However if I have a bad day I might just wear somthing casual to blend in and get by without turnig any heads.

However most people do judge on looks and when I used to wear a black hoody and black trousers I got abuse from most people yet whe I'd wear a shirt and jeans and pass the same people and they wouldn't say a word.

So I agree that you cannot judge someones personality on looks but as MNuTz points out if you see sombody who appears to have a certain style you may catagorize them at first.

For instance at my college in the first few weeks. One guy who looked like a complete geek was actually a punk rock loving crazy-ass skater who must have lost both his bollocks by now. One lad who looked kind of disabled was actually the smartest kid in the class. Another lad who looked like a scary ass goth...well...he was a scary ass goth but they were all really nice people. So I agree that you shouldn't judge somone on looks but I know that it definatly makes a big deal on first impressions.

As for emo kids. I don't know any. But I do like a bit of emo rock myself. That doesn't mean anything though, seeing as I can listen to classical music or heavy metal or anything for that matter. If I like the sound of it I'll listen to it. So basically what I'm saying is this. Nobody fits into any particular catagory because nobody is exactly the same. (which also counts for twins, not on a genetic level but they might like different things to one another.) However first impressions are made on how you express yourself and clothing and appearance is one of the key factors.


As for the original question in this topic: "Yes, we get emo kids in the UK too."
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 20:19:39 UTC Post #167580
(MetalPig): That's not chavish thats facetious or borderline homosexual ;o
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 20:24:01 UTC Post #167581
@Saco: FUCK HOMOSEXUALS (plz nobody get ofended by this)
Hope you get my point...
and Tosse fuck you m'am

I explained clearly in my post, if you just cant take its not my problem.

So in conclusion, screw you :thefinger:

edit:and its my opinion anyway, you dont have any.You just do that to look like you are preventing me from flaming.But the thing is I didnt.Every country is different from the others and also people.Just because I dont cuddle with homos like you do, doesnt means I hate them.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 20:35:11 UTC Post #167584
I explained clearly in my post, if you just cant take its not my problem.
Hmm, well I think all arabs are born terrorists, that muslims are obviously gonna blow themselves up over some stupid belief, but obviously, sinceI say for you all not to take offense, you aren't allowed to say anything against my post.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 21:07:08 UTC Post #167596
@saco: fair enough...

then you can stay down there all mature and all that and i'll stay up here on my high horse thowing shit all everyone standing under me pretending to be better than them.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 21:27:02 UTC Post #167600
User posted image
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 22:05:38 UTC Post #167602
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-10 23:14:35 UTC Post #167606
(MetalPig): Saribous is rather emo though
Haha! I love this guy :heart:

I'm so Emo:

My hair covers my face, oh wait.. it doesn't
I'm depressed, oh wait.. I'm not
I like Emo music, oh wait.. I don't
I dress like they do, oh wait.. I don't
I have greasy hair, oh wait.. I don't
I never shower, oh wait.. I do

@Metalpig: Get your facts straight you lousy piece of shit ;)
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-11 02:25:32 UTC Post #167616
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-11 06:29:42 UTC Post #167641
Hmm, well I think all arabs are born terrorists, that muslims are obviously gonna blow themselves up over some stupid belief, but obviously, sinceI say for you all not to take offense, you aren't allowed to say anything against my post.
go post it in the other thread fucktard.
then you can stay down there all mature and all that and i'll stay up here on my high horse thowing shit all everyone standing under me pretending to be better than them.
Tosse Logic
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-11 06:49:16 UTC Post #167644
go post it in the other thread fucktard.
Haha! No, no, no, you're not allowed to take offense, because I said not to.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-11 06:55:17 UTC Post #167646
No, no my friend you got it all wrong.I didnt take offense, I was just angry because you posted it in the wrong thread.This thread is not about terrorism and stuff.I hope you'll be more carefull about posting to your proper threads.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-11 07:02:07 UTC Post #167648
No problem buuuuuuddy. :D
Now I am gonna go out and beat up some gay and emo people just for being who they are, I mean, what is up with that!? Thinking they can dress and act like that...

Just out of interest, which thread should I have posted in, pal? :D
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-11 07:09:10 UTC Post #167652
awww :D
Lets beat em together then! :D
Thinking they can dress and act like that...
That didnt make sense.But I like it! :D
Just out of interest, which thread should I have posted in, pal?
Its ok, I forgive you :D
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-11 07:09:56 UTC Post #167653
Oooh.. I smell another argument coming up, that will involve blood, flames, bans & emo kids.. :D
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
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