Vox: I can understand why you are reacting the way you are. I feel much the same way, but try not to take these inflammatory remarks too personally. Keep in mind everyone is pissed with America, and have been for a long time, so anything new that happens is just icing on the cake for them

Americans are losing their liberties every day, it's practicly a police state.
The biggest load of bullshit I've heard yet.
Where else but America do convicted murderers sit on "Death Row" for years and years, appeal after appeal.
I can buy any assault weapon I want, and since The Republicans repealed the assault weapon's ban, I can legally buy clips any size. What sort of police state allows you to own military-grade weapons ffs?!
Besides the indiscretions of a few guards, our prisons, incuding "Gitmo" and Abu Ghurayb treat there prisoners better than most in this world, I would say.
Of course there are people in those prisons, and in every prison that are not guilty. Since the beginning of civilizaition, I would gather unfortunate souls have been falsely accused, imprisoned, and put to death. Ours and no other Criminal Justice system will ever be perfect, but we do the best we can.
If your not a fucking terrorist, you have nothing to fear from the Patriot Act. Profiling? Hell yes I'm all for profiling. When little old ladies start hijacking airplanes, then you'll have an argument there.
Surrendering the freedoms you claim to hold so dear.
Really Alex, what are you on about. What liberties have I sacrificed due to the terrorists? I live exactly the way I did 10 years ago. If I'm not a terrorist, tell me what I have to fear?
You want to talk about police states, you need look no further than your own country. There are more surveilance cameras in London than any city in the world. You can't own a gun for personal protection, and hunting is pretty restricted from what I gather. Do they let you change your undergarments there without someone watching?