So is it a mutation, or what? If so how come every other mutation is viewed as bad, and not this one?...
Created 18 years ago2006-04-08 11:58:23 UTC by
So is it a mutation, or what? If so how come every other mutation is viewed as bad, and not this one?...
every other mutation is viewed as badevolution is bad
On the other hand, they could just be enjoying themselves, suggests Paul Vasey, animal behavior professor at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. "They're engaging in the behavior because it's gratifying sexually or it's sexually pleasurable," he says. "They just like it. It doesn't have any sort of adaptive payoff."If humans were just like any other animal, you would see normally straight males humping barstools and dogs and other males AS WELL AS females. Which is what these animals do. I've see female dogs in our neighbor's kennel hump their doghouses in the manner of males (they don't even have penises, after all). This does not mean that they are "doghouse fetishists," just like two male monkeys humping doesn't make them "homosexuals" per se.
whereas animals sho this odd type of affection to thier current partner and then move on.For water fowls, all of them are monogamous. In fact, the Chinese chose a type of water fowl to represent the ultimate symbol of fidelity. If the mate dies, the other mate dies too.
What is with bashing religion, anyway? Some ppl just don't like buttsex. Religious intolerance is the same as intolerance of someone's sexual preference.Well at least the gay person can see, touch, talk and communicate directly with their partener, Religious people believe in a fairy tale, somthing they may never see (Heaven). Some people believe its just an excuse to hide from reality and their own sins.
What is with bashing religion, anyway? Some ppl just don't like buttsex. Religious intolerance is the same as intolerance of someone's sexual preference.The difference is that the "people who like butt-sex" don't start wars in the name of fudgepacking, blow them selves up in the name of it, or beat up those damn Hetros for the most part. Religion is bashed because its the justification used for irration hate in the world. Again, should be pointed out that holy people and religious fanatics are on completely opposite sides of humanity, despite seemly reading from the same hymnsheet (pardon the pun).
There's not a religion besides voodoo and Satanism that says to kill other people.Very true, except that real people use religion to justify their acts of atrocity all the time.
There's not a religion besides voodoo and Satanism that says to kill other people.I meant that they influence their actions, but to a large degree. The examples of such are very much real in everyday life. Does the Christian belief state that "Thou Shall Not Kill"? That is influence, though positive, very powerful to those that hold this to be a deadly sin. Terrorist believe in a religion which they hold to be very dear. If two religions hold to their beliefs dearly, they have a high magnitude of action. When one slips onto the other, hell brakes loose.
Society and the governments are the only things that say that children cannot consent.ffs, a child has no sexual urge, nor are their bodies ready for sex. So no, a child cannot consent. If they do, they've been manipulated. There is no way in hell a child would agree to sex.
1. children have sexual urgesThat depends on what you call a child. Most humans start to have sexual urges around the age of 12. There are exeptions though, so don't start saying stuff like: "I had sexual urges since I was 9"
Elon, read what I said above. Children start having the desire for sexual gratification in the womb. There are more than a few documented cases of fetuses masturbating.Again you are wrong. The hormons that start the urges are only released at the age of 12. The body is still developing until then. Maybe the orgins are ready and the female already has egg cells(how do you call them in english) but a 5 years old kids usally don't have sexual urges. You make me sick, do you really think 5 years old kids have such desires? Did you have such desires? I remember that I didn't!