I understand what you mean fourthgen, but what you say applies to every country. The smart prevail and control while the larger population of dumb people do the tasks like janitor, going to wars, or garbage man. Every country needs a majority of idiots for the jobs needed to sustain the country. ( I use some terms harshly like idiot, but not everyone would be classified as a total idiot, there are variations) There are the same number of janitors, soldiers, garbage men, etc in your country as there is in ours. Its a gentle balance needed. School and college weed out the ones and seperate the people for their roles in society. Same as any other country.
Africa origin theroy: Is just that, a theroy. Pangea is a theroy, and so is evolution. They hold no truth. I believe we did not come from them, you do. No reason to prove the other wrong, the idea was just to think. Some things are impossible to explain, or figure out. Unfortunatly (or conviently) evolution can never be tested or proven. The alotted time period takes too long to monitor over generations.
I think God created the protoplasmic ooze that had the cells which came to evolve and contiued from apes, to us. After we developed the cognative reasoning and self awareness, we became human. This advanced thinking brought us the sense of shame, and emotion. Cells and protoplasmic ooze dont spontaineously appear. Something started it. I also believe that the bible was a huge wave after wave of metaphors pertaining to the scientific workings and laws of the universe. It was only written that way to appeal to a wide audience all throughout time.
This is my opinion and by belief.
Religion has been with man all throughout time. It might be needed for sanity of the species. It brings humans hope and purpose. Perhaps all of it is a lie, so what? It causes people to help others. Its humans who change and use it to control others. I believe most people would go insane if God was proven non-existant, so I think the sanity of the race depends on its beliefs as a whole.
Only fools and idiots mock others beliefs. Look to the mind and thoughts of someone not their belifs. It does not dictate the nature of their being.