Physics in HL1? Created 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:16:32 UTC by Fortran Fortran

Created 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:16:32 UTC by Fortran Fortran

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:16:32 UTC Post #183377
Hi Guys....know there is no such thing as Physics in HL1 (only source) but did anybody ever make a mod or anything that extends the code to allow for any kind of physics calculations ? I'm thinking something along the lines of an addon package ...similar to Spirit of HL (which I know doesnt do physics) Is it possible ? Or is this def. a Source engine thing only. Im guessing the original HL engine would not even be able to be modded to allow physics?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:20:49 UTC Post #183380
Check this link, there might be something about it
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:30:14 UTC Post #183388
I've heard that several HL1 mods have used (or will use) some kind of ragdoll physics engine, but I'm not sure which ones. I also heard that the mods using this take an unreasonable amount of time to load their maps.

I don't think there is any kind of code extension like Spirit that allows for this stuff, so you would just have to code it in yourself, or find somebody to do it for you. Not sure about that though.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:32:06 UTC Post #183390
Half-Life : Hostage Situation uses basic physics... No flashy ragdoll models or anything, but it gets the job done.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:38:36 UTC Post #183394
Even the original engine had some form of physics, seen with the pushable boxes. And we all know about those crappy, buggy, cars in CS... But that isn't what you're talking about.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:40:51 UTC Post #183397
Ahhh!! Thank you Kasperg...great find mate!!....with a litte bit of extra searching I managed to dig up this...

This is the home of HL:E..."A mod that will give you...Detailed Models, Detail Textures, new Visuals, physics (RagDoll!!) and some extra enemies". ALL FOR HL1!!!

Unfortunatly....they are still developing it...and like any classic mod team will not give a release date. So...hopefully they might release it before Source becomes the norm! According to their forums its all alive and well...but the link below is from last year!!

I managed to get a link for a video demoing the ragdoll physics in action:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:41:07 UTC Post #183398
I wouldn't get hopeful about it. Even if there is any way to simulate it, which the engine was not meant to do. Like srry said, the load times would be too high.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 03:56:27 UTC Post #183454
And bad PC's would crash :cry:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 04:50:25 UTC Post #183455
its possible. just upgrade whats already there.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 04:58:43 UTC Post #183456
Edit: Duh! Didn't read the posts before me. Repeated info FTW!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 06:50:04 UTC Post #183474
The physics are quite cool anyhow... But they are moving a lot after the death =/
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 07:25:54 UTC Post #183478
True ;) they do say...

"Bear in mind that this is a shot of the physics system currently in development and they are still tweaking the IK limits for the ragdolls so that joints behave in a more realistic manner - the un-natural bending of the limbs should be fixed by the time their done"

Still pretty impressive on HL1 though :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 08:14:30 UTC Post #183487
also, the ik constraints have force limits so you can break the joint and it'll become limp. breaking arms, for instance, falling 50 stories and colliding with a tree branch.

all they need to do is revamp the hl1 physics so crate rotate when pushed certain ways. as i see it, it's still rather rigid. I don't think its necessary to do complete prediction procedure.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
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