Created 19 years ago2005-09-11 15:55:34 UTC by
Why CS 1.5? 1.6 is much better. And Sven is really dull after playing it an hour, and so is HLDM to be honestOpinions.. I find CS very dull and boring after a while, it's all to slow for me, I prefer HLDM with it being fast-paced. CS is horrible when you're bad at it btw, you just run, get headshotted instantly, get called a noob and you have to wait 3 minutes before you can go again..
1.5 is tonnes better. It's just the... feeling.That's nostalgia, ZL.
i know its an old thread and its kinda bumped, but the server doesnt seem to exist anymore.... or do we all just play on muzz's server now?Thats actually why we opened a new one. But since Muzz has a steam server for twhl. We'll probably be playing other games in hamachi (like company of heroes like ZL said)
Server name:TWHL-Casino