First of all my Computer Gaming name is "Spectre" which is where that name came from - it was good alliteration with "Texture" - so i appolagise if it sounds 'cheesy' as modern people call it.
I have set up this thread to discuss and get feedback on ideas concerning textures and their applications - so feel free to voice your opinions.
Today i decided to make a realistic tree without pushing the r_speeds through the roof. I decided on using a animated texture. The texture is composed of tiled leafmatter that moves as if in a slight breeze. You have no ideat how long it took me to make a tilable animated pattern... but it looks good. It is based on a picture of an Oak tree's leafs (that reside in my back yard) that i have modified using Adobe Photoshop and some other imaging software from my workplace to allow it to be tileable. It looks good on the actual tree as well.
PS - Ill send screenshots in a few days once i sort out all the bugs.
PPS - feel free to voice any and all opinions (hopefully concerning textures not just of mine)