Compo 3 has ended, with only 2 entries--one from srry and one from me. Alexb911 should have the results up tonight, though it's not a huge deal imo considering the low turn out.
Dauby and Rim: I know you two were thinging of joining this one, and or had unfinished maps. In the future--and this goes to everyone--, please consider submitting you entry unfinished!
Rimrook: Superb! Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner! I guess we just need a silver and bronze one to make them complete. We should also use a standard font/font size for the compo titile, so they're all uniform. Suggestions on a good font/font size we could use?
Muzz: I'm guessing Elon has a toilet in that map, and that is his submission.
Tosse: Yup, so build those toilets, bitches
Muzz/Gargy: For compo 5, all I ask for is that the rules are simple and unambiguous. I'm taking a look at the textues right now to see what suggestions for this I may have.