Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Created 18 years ago2006-07-06 16:53:13 UTC by rowleybob rowleybob

Created 18 years ago2006-07-06 16:53:13 UTC by rowleybob rowleybob

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 15:03:46 UTC Post #191482
muzzle, thats AWESOME!

Rules... hmm... well, do you think that we should name a structure to be built? Or a specific block count (which in my mind is a bad idea)?

Parhaps we should send out a base map with a large river through it and say "build the most advanced bridge over this river" or somthing like that. That would be cool :D .
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 15:04:46 UTC Post #191483
Actually, we need these:
User posted image
You know, those little translucent lego bricks. They can be the lightsource in lego levels. I can make them. It'll only take time.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 15:09:20 UTC Post #191486
great idea muzz, we could use those

when I was younger, I loved to make little fortresses out of legos. perhaps we could build those?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 15:19:02 UTC Post #191487
People, if you've allready downloaded the wad, please redownload when i tell you to, i am now updating the wad with translucent light emitting lego bricks.

Also, ill provide a couple of .rad file strings.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 15:22:24 UTC Post #191488
Sweet :)

Rules as of now(please feel free to edit):

1.Make something out of legos, max size 800 cubic units. You must use these brush sizes for the lego blocks:

(Here, insert some modular brush sizes, but I have no Idea what they would be right now.

2.You can ONLY use the textlight texures provided to light your map. Here are the colors/brigtness values for them:

Blue: 0 0 255 500
yellow: 255 255 0 500
Magenta: 255 0 255 500
Green: 0 255 0 500

3. Time limit: 3 days.

Attachment should include:

-the preset lego block sizes
-Radfile for the textlight values.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 15:41:01 UTC Post #191497
Dear me, i got a lot to do on those textures. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 15:45:30 UTC Post #191498
Muzz, just make the subsequent colors/textures. They don't have to match those little pieces imo.

Do you have an idea what size(s) to make the lego pieces?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 15:58:58 UTC Post #191504
I like the toilet idea on the first page.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 16:04:05 UTC Post #191505
I'm thinking of changing #4 to something simple like that, and bumping the lego comp to #5, unless we can get some nice predefined rules for it very soon.

Muzz: perhaps if we just have to build one 2x2 or 2x6 block, and as long as they use the same texture scale, all the entries will be the same size.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 16:13:06 UTC Post #191506
Hmmm... Don't know. I don't feel like resizing every single texture in the wad. I don't believe it is such good idea to limit build area.

The wad is updated and can now be downloaded. Texturing starting with a ~ are light emitting textures. Here are the rad file entries for those:

~blue1 42 56 162 4000
~blue2 42 45 162 4000
~darkred1 109 0 0 4000
~darkred2 109 0 0 4000
~dkblue1 0 0 99 4000
~dkblue2 0 0 99 4000
~dkgreen1 0 32 0 4000
~dkgreen2 0 32 0 4000
~dkpurp1 40 0 40 4000
~dkpurp2 40 0 40 4000
~green1 83 216 51 4000
~green2 82 216 51 4000
~grey1 94 102 110 4000
~grey2 94 102 110 4000
~orange1 182 78 22 4000
~orange2 182 78 22 4000
~purple1 100 62 142 4000
~purple2 100 62 142 4000
~red1 172 32 32 4000
~red2 172 32 32 4000
~white1 183 191 199 4000
~white2 183 191 199 4000
~yellow1 204 204 0 4000
~yellow2 204 204 0 4000
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 16:15:54 UTC Post #191507
Then maybe include a base with the piece sizes you have to use?

I'm just trying to figure how to keep the scale uniform through the entries.
I don't believe it is such good idea to limit build area.
If not a build limit size, then there has to be another restriction of some sort, like build a pirate ship out of lego blocks or something.

If we can't agree on exact rules for this in the next half hour or so, no big deal, we can bump it to mini#5, and go ahead with the "map a toilet" for mini#4. Then we'll have 3 days to iron out the details.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 16:27:50 UTC Post #191508
Well, the normal textures have dimensions of 32, 48 and 64 pixels. Resizing those would be a pain.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 16:47:40 UTC Post #191514
Well we have the next couple of days to work it out. I really don't care how we achieve uniformity, as long as we achieve it.

I think if we worked with one size for the blocks, that would be enough, like with real legos. The mapper could use the traditional thin size piece, or the fat pieces, at varying lengths of course. A base map showing the pieces would probably be the best way imo.

This is a great compo idea, we just started developing it too late. So, I'm bumping this to #5 and we'll do the map a toilet for #4--nice and simple.

Official Brief up in a couple minutes. I'll judge unless somebody else--Tosse?--wants to.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:07:21 UTC Post #191517
MiniCompo #4 - Build a Toilet Official Brief

I'll be judging this one. Any questions in here, but it's fairly simple.

-More detail, the better.
-Custom textures are allowed
-3 days

You can make the rest of the map fancy, but the toilet is what will be judged.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:08:17 UTC Post #191519
Haha. That compo is so freakin boring compared to the Lego compo. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:13:38 UTC Post #191521
Why dont we just keep the same size for the lego as for the textures? No resizing, plus the player can explore through it so much more easily. Too small and then you con only look at the outside...
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:13:40 UTC Post #191522
By now, I'm starting to assume that the second Minicompo is over, with me being the only one who entered. Is this so? I was hoping I would have some competition here... :zonked:
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:14:33 UTC Post #191524
Muzz: You're so right, it's also much simpler to define ;)

Hopefully we can hammer out the official details for the lego compo within the next day or so. I'll take a look at the textues and whatnot tomorrow.

Again, I think a base map with the different style of pieces would be the easiest way to "uniformize" the compo, but it's you baby ;) --and Gargys too, but he kinda fell off the earth on this :)

If you need a hand doing whatever, just let me know.

Srry: You were the only entrant. So by default, you win! Even though there were no other entries, I think yours would have beat just about everyone else's :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:18:26 UTC Post #191526
Yay, At least I can copy that sentance into my bio!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:20:24 UTC Post #191527
We could make a minicompo plaques--1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Special Mention perhaps--that winners could put in there bio.

Maybe somebody with better PS skills than me could create them?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:21:40 UTC Post #191528
Good idea, then I wouldn't have to resort to that lame quote.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:24:40 UTC Post #191530
Somebody PM somebody with PS skills!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:29:03 UTC Post #191532
I have no PS skillz but i do have a good idea for a MiniCompo trophy:
Have it look like a standard compo trophy, but have a magnifying glass over it, showing that it is mini :P

That would be awesome!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:30:59 UTC Post #191533
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:31:39 UTC Post #191534
LOL yes! Give us a quick/crude example pic of what you mean!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:34:44 UTC Post #191535
ok, ill draw it in paint or somthing :D

Here it is:

I'm left handed, just so you know :lol:
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 17:44:08 UTC Post #191537
PMing Lord Rimrook... ^_^ <PM sent :)>

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Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 18:00:42 UTC Post #191538
That looks great rowlybob! I especially like the level of detail put into the suit and face
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 20:01:28 UTC Post #191573
I'll build the best toilet ever!!!!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 00:02:48 UTC Post #191589

/me huffs

and when I said build a lego thing, I mean just grab some colored textures, and whip out a blocked object of mamoth detail, then apply flat colors to it and add the little nubs in brush work.

no prefab's required, and maybe we can get rim to make us some quicky models of those really odd lego pieces that would be impossible with brush's
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 01:20:11 UTC Post #191590
wow. i have a lot of mention around here all-of-a-sudden...

I did make a trophy. I sent it via pm back to Rowley. I hope its good enough.

I'd post a pic of it, but i don't know if there are any rules about showcasing the trophy.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 08:40:12 UTC Post #191612
Are we still making toilets? :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 11:18:51 UTC Post #191628
Well anyway...

Win and be awarded this lovely prize!!!
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Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 11:22:53 UTC Post #191629
Dude, that modelled in Max, isn't it?

How about silver and bronze prizes?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 11:27:27 UTC Post #191631
i didn't know if they were necessary at the time. It was late last night when this was done. I'll be doing the rest tonight.

But is it good enough? Its not as large or glamorous as the official twhl trophies.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 12:13:27 UTC Post #191632
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 12:34:43 UTC Post #191634
Looks fine to me, Rim. :)

Elon: explain.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 15:00:11 UTC Post #191639
I have to know if i should keep toileting, are we still builing toilets?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 17:21:52 UTC Post #191658
Compo 3 has ended, with only 2 entries--one from srry and one from me. Alexb911 should have the results up tonight, though it's not a huge deal imo considering the low turn out.

Dauby and Rim: I know you two were thinging of joining this one, and or had unfinished maps. In the future--and this goes to everyone--, please consider submitting you entry unfinished!

Rimrook: Superb! Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner! I guess we just need a silver and bronze one to make them complete. We should also use a standard font/font size for the compo titile, so they're all uniform. Suggestions on a good font/font size we could use?

Muzz: I'm guessing Elon has a toilet in that map, and that is his submission.

Tosse: Yup, so build those toilets, bitches :)

Muzz/Gargy: For compo 5, all I ask for is that the rules are simple and unambiguous. I'm taking a look at the textues right now to see what suggestions for this I may have.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 17:32:52 UTC Post #191661
Muzz/Gargy: For compo 5, all I ask for is that the rules are simple and unambiguous. I'm taking a look at the textues right now to see what suggestions for this I may have.
Gee... I would'nt know. Well what about this:

Redesign a very small part from an original HL map, like a specific room, hallway or lab. The only difference is that you use Lego texture, and no default HL textures.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 17:37:34 UTC Post #191662
That's perfect. All that's really left is to pick a spot for contestants to "rebuild", or let them rebuild whatever they want, with a size restriction of some sort, maybe 800 cubic units or something.

I'm looking at the wadfile... expect suggestions/commetns soon ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 17:42:05 UTC Post #191663
Oh please, no size restrictions! What if the area you want to remake is larger than that.

Some other rules i prefer:
  • Make use of the color bricks. Most points are given to the mapper who has made the most colorfull map.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 17:43:25 UTC Post #191664
How long do i have?! :o I wanna build the most amazing toilet(s) HL1 has ever seen! and i do need some time, i was working today, and im at work tomorrow so i don't have much time :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 18:03:08 UTC Post #191666
Tosse: There is a countdown timer on the Build a Toilet Brief page ;)

Muzz: I just loaded up the textures and ran in game... and they look really good :) The only textue I can think of that's missing is the "bottom" part of the lego, but that's no huge deal.

I scaled the walls the same as the texture dimensions, and the "interlocking" parts all at .64 x .64 and at .16 x.16, and either way they looked good. Is everything supposed to be scaled down to 16 x 16? (maybe include the correct texture scales for douches like me who are unsure ;)

As far as compo rules, I'm leaving them completely up to you and Gargy. Post them in here or PM them, and I'll throw up the official brief page the day compo 4 is ending.

edit: Couldn't resist :)
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Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 18:47:46 UTC Post #191669

edit: gotta love going to the page to find out you have 1 hour to start and finish a compettion toilet. yay!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 18:52:10 UTC Post #191670
I give up :P

If 3 days--2.5 left--days is not enought time to build a toilet, then I don't know what to tell you! ^_^
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 20:52:58 UTC Post #191674
Hahaha yeah I know, but I have like 2 hours per day to map after work so...anything I make has to go very slowly
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 21:19:18 UTC Post #191675
again, my idea for a build a lego thing was more like make something like that photo out of brush's
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 23:17:43 UTC Post #191677
Thats right rowleybob, and I can't be bothered with making a new map. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 23:50:52 UTC Post #191680
The trophies!
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Who will be the lucky winners?
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
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