Posted 21 years ago2004-03-11 14:44:30 UTCPost #19089
Oh great, i'm gonna try that to beef up my 1Ghz, i know i've got some liquid nitrogen around here... but there are computers waaaaaaay faster than 5Ghz, like ones that accumulate, process and analyse data from hundreds of sources simultaneously, like in fighter jets.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-15 13:59:56 UTCPost #19432
I have about 4GhZ with Water Cooling if I'm lucky. The Prometia Mach 2 is a cooler. It costs ?600. And it is a phase changer freezer. It basicly works the same way a fridge or freezer does. Condensing!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-17 23:00:31 UTCPost #19635
Wow thats a damn fast computer... I didn't know that by cooling something that you could get a faster cpu! Im runnin on a 2.3 ghz computer lol, thats way out of my league. Imagine how fast that thing must run. - It actually might make your mapping better, because it would compile at the speed of light and you could test it more to make it better
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-19 01:08:11 UTCPost #19762
Well overclocking isn't that bad at all... if you have a really bad ass cooling system like that. Otherwise it overheats its ass and your comp crashes or worse >:) --- I wouldnt mess around with it either with my pro "skillz" either lol
3 weeks agoOskar PotatisNo clue, stop! Try another map editor
3 weeks agostop!hey guys, thanks a lot for being such an awesome community, I learned a lot here, but today I have released my last map. I will move on now to starting a more successful career than the level designer one hopefully haha. All the best, Daniel
2 weeks agoCombiner 1PYes, I've seen the news, we're waiting for awesome mods.
2 weeks agoMeerjel01Isn't the TF2 bot problem still around? If so then the SDK release could be a lazy attempt to skip fixing it.
2 weeks agoMotaLast I heard it, Valve dealt a major blow against the bots about a year ago. Dunno if they've recovered yet, though
2 weeks agoXylemI haven't seen the bots since the update a year ago thankfully
2 weeks agoMeerjel01Still. I think Valve grew tired of maintaining TF2. Since it's code is out.
2 weeks agoFingersntoesI have just come to the conclusion that the helmet soldier , black overalls engineer and the ugly sentry is lost media cause when i tried to run the leaked tfc files it didn't give me the models .Such a disappointment...
2 weeks agoFingersntoesnot "is" it should be "are"
2 weeks agoFingersntoesHl is lost media if i am not mistaken