Hmmmmm.... this shouldn't be happening.
When i run Hl2 now, im getting about 11fps and its really starting to bug me as to why its occuring.
My hardware sets the defaults for the video properties, and that's what i have been using (basically all high quality, and simple reflections for water)
Before, it would run perfectly. Even in the intense areas of fighting and stuff..
Like i started a new game and i threw the can at the combine dude and it took 3 secods to fall from his head to the ground.
I did virus scans, Ad-Aware scans, I got rid of all the programs i wasnt using, i googled for information on all the processes i was running.. they all checked out, yet i still seem to be runing hl2 REALLY slow.
And im NOT turning the quality settings under default. I just refuse.
Dell XPS M1210 (Laptop)
2 gig Ram
2 Ghz Dual Core processor
NVIDEA GeForce Go 7400 Vid Card
Running Windows XP
Only other apps open are: Steam, Trillian, Mcafee programs, and the touchpad thing.