REAL LIVES (game) Created 17 years ago2007-07-17 10:40:16 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Created 17 years ago2007-07-17 10:40:16 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 10:40:16 UTC Post #229298

Caboose posted a picture on IRC from 4chan with a picture from a game I played a while ago. The Game is called Real Lives and its a sort of simulation game.

Anything can happen and after your done you can read through your life's Diary.

It can be pretty funny, if not a little morbid.


0 years old
I was born a girl in the city of Brasilia in the state of Distrito Federal in Brazil.

My parents have named me Eufemia. My surname is Machado. My mother, Heila, is 24 and my father, Santos, is 19. I have a sister, Teodora, who is 1.

In spite of spending extra hours studying, Your father has been placed on academic probation.

1 year old
2 years old
My father has graduated from college with a degree in Geography.

3 years old
I've had measles.

4 years old
Sister Dores born.

My sister Teodora began school.

5 years old
6 years old
Widespread fighting in Pernambuco state.

Began school.

My father has had malaria.

7 years old
8 years old

My mother has been cured of syphilis.

9 years old
My sister Dores began school.

10 years old
I have schistosomiasis.

11 years old
12 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

13 years old
Met a new boy I like very much, named Alexandre Andrade.

We've begun seeing each other.

My sister Teodora began trade school.

14 years old
My boyfriend Alexandre began trade school.

My boyfriend Alexandre has been placed on academic probation.

15 years old
Began trade school.

My sister Teodora has graduated from trade school.

16 years old
17 years old
Graduated from trade school.

My boyfriend Alexandre has graduated from trade school.

18 years old
Took up smoking.

My sister Teodora's boyfriend Tome has become an alcoholic.

My sister Dores began trade school.

19 years old
Began work as a beggar.

Decided to look for a job.

My sister Dores has been placed on academic probation.

20 years old
My sister Teodora's boyfriend Tome has given up drinking.

21 years old
My sister Dores has hepatitis.

My sister Dores has graduated from trade school.

22 years old
My sister Dores has Cured of hepatitis.

23 years old
My boyfriend Alexandre and I are now engaged.

24 years old
Alexandre Andrade and I got married this year.

25 years old
Receiving public assistance.

Decided to give some money to charity.

Marcelino Reis and my sister Dores have married.

26 years old
Began work as an office worker.

Invested money blindly in a risky deal.

Lost money on a risky deal.

My sister Dores has moved out on her own.

27 years old
28 years old
Risked money on a get-rich-quick scheme.

Tried the lottery but didn't win anything.

29 years old
30 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

Daughter Leonor born.

31 years old
A famine or food shortage has hit Brazil. 17,335 people have died and 2,200,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

32 years old
My sister Teodora has moved out on her own.

Tadeu born to Dores Reis

33 years old
I've become addicted to drugs.

34 years old
35 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

Maria born to Dores Reis

My daughter Leonor began school.

36 years old
Saved myself some money with a "white lie".

My father has a peptic ulcer.

Carlos Dourado and my sister Teodora have married.

37 years old
I suffered a case of food poisoning.

38 years old
My sister Teodora's husband Carlos has suffered an epileptic seizure.

39 years old
40 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

Cristina born to Dores Reis

41 years old
A famine or food shortage has hit Brazil. 99,496 people have died and 3,300,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

Odoardo born to Dores Reis

42 years old
My father has died at age 62 from a bleeding ulcer.

43 years old
My mother has arthritis of the hip.

My daughter Leonor's boyfriend Alexandre began trade school.

44 years old
My sister Dores's husband Marcelino has been cured of depression.

My daughter Leonor began trade school.

45 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Decided not to give money to charity.

I was raped.

Risked money on a get-rich-quick scheme.

Tried the lottery but didn't win anything.

46 years old
Gave up drugs.

My daughter Leonor has graduated from trade school.

My daughter Leonor's boyfriend Liberio has graduated from secondary school.

47 years old
Refused to invest in a risky deal to make money.

48 years old
I've become addicted to drugs.

My sister Dores has diabetes.

My daughter Leonor's boyfriend Liberio has ischemic heart disease.

49 years old
Refused to share money with my community.

Unexpectedly made 113,987 reals.

My daughter Leonor has been cured of depression.

50 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

My mother has died at age 75 from an epileptic seizure.

Inherited money from my parents.

51 years old
52 years old
53 years old
My friend has survived a dangerous situation despite my unwillingness to help.

Risked money on a get-rich-quick scheme.

Tried the lottery but didn't win anything.

My sister Dores has hookworm.

Daughter Leonor moved out.

Liberio Cafu and your daughter Leonor are now engaged to be married.

54 years old
My sister Teodora has diabetes.

My sister Dores has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

Liberio Cafu and my daughter Leonor have married.

55 years old
I have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

I have been involved in a road traffic accident but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

Decided not to give money to charity.

Liberio born to Leonor Cafu

56 years old
I have been assaulted but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

57 years old
My daughter Leonor's husband Liberio has died at age 29 from a heart attack.

58 years old
Died at age 58 from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 10:41:26 UTC Post #229300
Lol. The first time I played the game quit immediately and said "You have died from asphyxiation at childbirth." :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 10:52:17 UTC Post #229303
0 years old
I was born a boy in a village in Nigeria's Kaduna State, not far from the city of Kaduna.

My parents have named me Efan. My surname is Okpara. My mother, Ayofemi, is 27 and my father, Sani, is 28. I have a brother, Olapade, age 2, a brother, Umaru, age 4, a brother, Kayin, age 5, a brother, Udeme, age 6 and a sister, Taiwo, who is 7.

From my parents I have been gifted with the potential for exceptional musical ability.

My brother Udeme has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My brother Kayin began school.

1 year old
My father has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My brother Umaru began school.

My brother Olapade has asthma.

2 years old
Growth stunted from inadequate protein.

My brother Olapade has died at age 5 from an asthma attack.

3 years old
You have pertussis (whooping cough).

4 years old
I have had malaria.

My sister Taiwo has schistosomiasis.

My brother Umaru has had malaria.

5 years old
My brother Udeme has schistosomiasis.

My brother Umaru has schistosomiasis.

6 years old
Drowned at age 6.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 11:00:37 UTC Post #229304
gutted, SpaG ^_^
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 11:02:23 UTC Post #229305
Hmmm...Nice disease infested family there SpaG
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 11:30:50 UTC Post #229314
My life was sad:

0 years old
I was born a boy in the city of Nazret in Ethiopia's Shewa Region.

My parents have named me Melesse. My surname is Wolde. My mother, Ozoro, is 16 and my father, Wami, is 18. I have no brothers or sisters.

1 year old
Suffering from severe malnutrition.

A famine or food shortage has hit Ethiopia. 3,123 people have died and 1,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My mother has graduated from secondary school.

My father has been cured of syphilis.

2 years old
You have pertussis (whooping cough).

Sister Rekik born.

My sister Rekik has died at age 0 from a congenital heart anomaly.

3 years old
A famine or food shortage has hit Ethiopia. 96,884 people have died and 4,300,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

4 years old
I have had malaria.

Sister Nashrat born.

My father has suffered an epileptic seizure.

5 years old
Sister Miriam born.

6 years old
Began school.

My sister Nashrat has had measles.

My sister Miriam has schistosomiasis.

7 years old
8 years old
A famine or food shortage has hit Ethiopia. 176,478 people have died and 1,600,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My father has been assaulted but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

My sister Miriam has been cured of schistosomiasis.

9 years old
My sister Nashrat began school.

10 years old
My sister Miriam began school.

11 years old
Avoided a punishment with a "white lie".

12 years old
13 years old
A famine or food shortage has hit Ethiopia. 83,443 people have died and 2,700,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Met a new girl I like very much, named Gete Mehret.

We've begun seeing each other.

My parents don't approve of Gete Mehret.

Parents backed down in their threat to kick me out.

14 years old
I have kidney disease.

15 years old
Died at age 15 from kidney disease.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 11:42:59 UTC Post #229315
I got quite far... but then it errored out and wouldn't let me continue...

0 years old
I was born a boy in the city of Khulna in Bangladesh.

My parents have named me Abdul Salam. My surname is
Dilawar Hussain. My mother, Shamim, is 23 and my father,
Jamil, is 26. I have no brothers or sisters.

1 year old
2 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 37 people have died and
57,000,000 others have been affected.

The flood has hit my area.

Flood victim.

Brother Akbar born.

3 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 147 people have died and
7,200,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Sister Fayza born.

My father has had malaria.

4 years old
I've had measles.

5 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 75 people have died and
28,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

6 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 121 people have died and
8,200,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Began school.

7 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 204 people have died and
32,000,000 others have been affected.

The flood has hit my area.

Flood victim.

My brother Akbar began school.

8 years old
My sister Fayza began school.

9 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 161 people have died and
13,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

10 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 123 people have died and
69,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

11 years old
12 years old
13 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 664 people have died and
81,000,000 others have been affected.

The flood has hit my area.

Flood victim.

Avoided a punishment with a "white lie".

Met a new girl I like very much, named Amina Nasir Ali.

We've begun seeing each other.

My sister Fayza has had measles.

My sister Fayza has skipped a year in school.

My girlfriend Amina has had malaria.

14 years old
15 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 165 people have died and
21,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Began trade school.

Amina Nasir Ali broke off our relationship.

My father has been cured of depression.

16 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 489 people have died and
7,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Kept a wallet I found without trying to find the owner.

17 years old
Graduated from trade school.

Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

Need to look for a job.

Began work as a salesperson.

18 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 7 people have died and
7,100,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My brother Akbar's girlfriend Zakia has graduated from
secondary school.

19 years old
Cleaned up someone else's mess.

Met a new girl I like very much, named Amina Niaz Ahmed.

We've begun seeing each other.

Received a 3% pay raise.

My mother has hookworm.

My brother Akbar has graduated from secondary school.

My brother Akbar's girlfriend Zakia has been cured of

My sister Fayza has graduated from secondary school.

My sister Fayza began college.

My sister Fayza's boyfriend Anwar has graduated from
secondary school.

My sister Fayza's boyfriend Anwar began college.

20 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

Helped out a beggar.

My brother Akbar has moved out on his own.

Zakia Salim Altaf and my brother Akbar are now engaged to
be married.

21 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 22 people have died and
16,000,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

Zakia Salim Altaf and my brother Akbar have married.

22 years old
Amina and I are now engaged.

Received a 3% pay raise.

23 years old
My father has hookworm.

My sister Fayza has graduated from college with a degree in

My sister Fayza's boyfriend Anwar has graduated from
college with a degree in Pre-Law.

24 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 96 people have died and
53,000,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

Amina Niaz Ahmed and I got married this year.

My mother has suffered an epileptic seizure.

25 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

My mother has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

26 years old
My father has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

27 years old
Received a 3% pay raise.

28 years old
I have had malaria.

A famine or food shortage has hit Bangladesh. 26,299
people have died and 4,100,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 1,245 people have died
and 17,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

29 years old
Received a 3% pay raise.

Anwar Salam-ud-din and my sister Fayza have married.

30 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 12 people have died and
13,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

31 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 3 people have died and
3,900,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My mother has reduced vision from cataracts.

Shirin born to Fayza Salam-ud-din

32 years old
Avoided volunteering in a local humanitarian effort.

Nadim born to Fayza Salam-ud-din

33 years old
Home was broken into and burglarized.

Victim of burglary.

Zarina born to Fayza Salam-ud-din

34 years old
Rashida born to Fayza Salam-ud-din

35 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 660 people have died and
20,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Riza born to Fayza Salam-ud-din

Daughter Bhuma born.

36 years old
My mother has been cured of cataracts.

My brother Akbar has been involved in a road traffic
accident but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

37 years old
My father has hookworm.

Faruq born to Zakia Salim Altaf

38 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 173 people have died and
30,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My father has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

My daughter Bhuma has congestive heart failure.

39 years old
Shakil born to Fayza Salam-ud-din

My daughter Bhuma has died at age 4 from a heart attack.

40 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 104 people have died and
9,500,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Told the truth at the risk of offending a friend..

My father has gone blind from cataracts.

Saeeda born to Zakia Salim Altaf

Anwar born to Fayza Salam-ud-din

41 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 231 people have died and
35,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

42 years old
43 years old
My father has been cured of cataracts.

Asad born to Fayza Salam-ud-din

44 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 330 people have died and
81,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My mother has hookworm.

45 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

Saved myself some money with a "white lie".

My mother has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

My father has had another malaria flare-up.

46 years old
Refused to invest in a risky deal to make money.

My brother Akbar's wife Zakia has arthritis of the knee.

47 years old
48 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 466 people have died and
12,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

49 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 910 people have died and
44,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My sister Fayza's husband Anwar has reduced vision from

50 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 1,054 people have died
and 35,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My brother Akbar has hookworm.

51 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 136 people have died and
10,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Refused to invest in a risky deal to make money.

My brother Akbar has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

My wife Amina has diabetes.

52 years old
Home was broken into and burglarized.

Victim of burglary.

53 years old
54 years old
I have contracted leprosy.

My father has hookworm.

55 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

Home was broken into and burglarized.

Victim of burglary.

My father has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

My brother Akbar has diabetes.

56 years old
My mother has diabetes.

My mother has been cured of obsessive-compulsive

My father has arthritis of the knee.

My brother Akbar has hepatitis.

57 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 153 people have died and
19,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My mother has hookworm.

My mother has died at age 81 from diabetes.

My brother Akbar has Cured of hepatitis.

58 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 398 people have died and
23,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

59 years old
A major flood has hit Bangladesh. 213 people have died and
3,400,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

60 years old
Began work as a materials clerk
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 13:51:00 UTC Post #229343
Wow, not bad timing, as I just got this game a few days ago.

0 years old
I was born a boy in a village in Nigeria's Imo State, not far
from the city of Owerri.

My parents have named me Ekon. My surname is Adepoju.
My mother, Tarana, is 18 and my father, Matiu, is 21. I have
a brother, Bode, who is 1.

My mother has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My father has been cured of schistosomiasis.

1 year old
My father has schistosomiasis.

2 years old
Brother Aren born.

My father has been cured of schistosomiasis.

3 years old
A famine or food shortage has hit Nigeria. 57,127 people
have died and 3,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My brother Aren has had measles.

4 years old
My brother Bode began school.

5 years old
I have schistosomiasis.

6 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Began school.

My brother Bode has schistosomiasis.

7 years old
My brother Bode has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My brother Aren began school.

8 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

9 years old
A famine or food shortage has hit Nigeria. 93 people have
died and 5,600,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My brother Bode has been caught in a fire and suffered
minor burns over 10% of the body. Luckily there was no
permanent injury.

10 years old
11 years old
12 years old
I have had malaria.

Skipped a year in school.

13 years old
Met a new girl I like very much, named Buchi Enaharo.

We've begun seeing each other.

My parents don't approve of Buchi Enaharo.

Ended my relationship with girlfriend Buchi.

Began work as a subsistence farmer.

My mother has had malaria.

14 years old
Met a new girl I like very much, named Abi Shagari.

We've begun seeing each other.

My parents don't approve of Abi Shagari.

15 years old

16 years old
My mother has had another malaria flare-up.

My brother Bode has graduated from secondary school.

17 years old
Graduated from secondary school.

Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

Need to look for a job.

Began work as a stone cutter.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

My brother Aren's girlfriend Tanisha has schistosomiasis.

18 years old
Sporadic localized fighting in Niger state.

Cleaned up someone else's mess.

Received a 5% pay raise.

Began work as a nursing aid.

Denied a raise.

Met a new girl I like very much, named Abi Amueke.

We've begun seeing each other.

Denied a raise.

My brother Aren's girlfriend Tanisha has been cured of

My girlfriend Abi has graduated from secondary school.

19 years old
Helped out a beggar.

Received a 8% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Not accepted in vocational school.

Girlfriend pregnant.

Abi and I are now engaged!.

My mother has schistosomiasis.

My brother Aren has had malaria.

My brother Aren has graduated from secondary school.

My girlfriend Abi has been cured of depression.

Son Odion born.

20 years old

Abi Amueke and I got married this year.

Received a 3% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Began work as an administrative aid.

My brother Aren's girlfriend Tanisha has graduated from
secondary school.

My son Odion has had malaria.

My wife Abi has schistosomiasis.

21 years old
I left my family.

Left my marriage.

Met a new woman I like very much, named Olabisi Bada.

Rejected by Olabisi Bada.

Received a 8% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Received a 9% pay raise.

Began work as a miner.

Denied a raise.

My son Odion has had malaria again.

22 years old
You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Met a new woman I like very much, named Tachiko Buhari.

We've begun seeing each other.

Received a 6% pay raise.

Girlfriend pregnant.

My parents don't approve of my proposed engagement to
Tachiko Buhari.

Written out of parents will.

Tachiko and I are now engaged!.

Denied a raise.

Son Udeme born.

23 years old
Tachiko Buhari and I got married this year.

Invested 50000 nairas in medium-risk stock.

Denied a raise.

My son Udeme has had malaria.

24 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

My mother has had malaria again.

Tanisha Rotimi and my brother Aren are now engaged to be

25 years old
Invested 10000 nairas in a bank account.

Denied a raise.

My brother Bode has had malaria.

My son Odion began school.

My son Udeme has had malaria again.

My son Udeme has had measles.

26 years old
Received a 4% pay raise.

Began work as a foreman.

Received a 5% pay raise.

My brother Aren has schistosomiasis.

Tanisha Rotimi and my brother Aren have married.

27 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Received a 3% pay raise.

Received a 9% pay raise.

My brother Bode has moved out on his own.

My brother Aren has moved out on his own.

My brother Aren's wife Tanisha has been cured of

My son Udeme has had another malaria flare-up.

28 years old
I have had another malaria flare-up.

Received a 7% pay raise.

My mother has had another malaria flare-up.

My mother has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My brother Aren has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My son Udeme began school.

29 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

30 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Cashed in 10510 nairas from a bank account.

My son Odion has schistosomiasis.

My son Udeme has had another malaria flare-up.

31 years old
I have hookworm.

Received a 3% pay raise.

Invested 200000 nairas in a bank account.

Received a 4% pay raise.

My son Odion has been cured of schistosomiasis.

32 years old
Cured of ancylostomiasis.

Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 5% pay raise.

My mother has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My father has onchocerciasis.

33 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 9% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Denied a raise.

My father has been cured of depression.

My son Udeme has schistosomiasis.

34 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 6% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Cashed in 61258 nairas from medium-risk stock.

Invested 300000 nairas in a bank account.

My father has died at age 56 from an epileptic seizure.

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has schistosomiasis.

My son Udeme has been cured of schistosomiasis.

35 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Kayin born to Tanisha Rotimi

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has been cured of

36 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Heavy localized fighting in Akwa Ibom state.

Received a 6% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

My brother Bode has been cured of schistosomiasis.

Chima born to Tanisha Rotimi

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has graduated from
secondary school.

Son Deji born.

37 years old
Received a 2% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My mother has had another malaria flare-up.

Taiwo born to Tanisha Rotimi

My son Odion has graduated from secondary school.

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has been cured of

My wife Tachiko has had malaria.

Daughter Ashabi born.

38 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Denied a raise.

My mother has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has hookworm.

My son Udeme has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has schistosomiasis.

My son Deji has had malaria.

39 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Wife pregnant.

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has been cured of

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has been cured of

Son Sunday born.

40 years old

Received a 7% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My son Udeme has graduated from secondary school.

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has graduated from
secondary school.

My son Sunday has had malaria.

41 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

My brother Bode has had another malaria flare-up.

My brother Aren has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My son Deji has schistosomiasis.

My daughter Ashabi has had measles.

Son Ottah born.

42 years old
Received a 6% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

My brother Aren's wife Tanisha has schistosomiasis.

My son Odion has had another malaria flare-up.

My son Deji has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My son Deji is not able to attend school.

Daughter Annakiya born.

43 years old
Heavy localized fighting in Kebbi state.

Received a 4% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My brother Aren's wife Tanisha has been cured of

My daughter Ashabi has onchocerciasis.

My daughter Ashabi is not able to attend school.

My son Sunday has had another malaria flare-up.

My son Ottah has had malaria.

44 years old
I have hookworm.

I have had another malaria flare-up.


Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

My son Udeme has moved out on his own.

My son Deji has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My son Sunday has schistosomiasis.

My son Ottah has had measles.

My wife Tachiko has had another malaria flare-up.

45 years old
Cured of ancylostomiasis.

Volunteered in a local humanitarian effort.

Invested 100000 nairas in low-risk stock.

Received a 2% pay raise.

My brother Aren has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My brother Aren's wife Tanisha has died at age 46 from an
epileptic seizure.

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has been cured of

My daughter Ashabi has been cured of onchocerciasis.

My son Sunday began school.

My son Ottah has had another malaria flare-up.

46 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My son Deji has had another malaria flare-up.

My son Sunday has had another malaria flare-up.

My son Sunday has been cured of schistosomiasis.

47 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My daughter Ashabi has schistosomiasis.

My son Sunday has lymphedema.

My son Ottah began school.

48 years old
I have had another malaria flare-up.

Saved myself some money with a "white lie".

Received a 4% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My mother has had another malaria flare-up.

My mother has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My daughter Ashabi has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My daughter Annakiya began school.

49 years old
I have had another malaria flare-up.

Widespread fighting in Katsina state.

Received a 4% pay raise.

Cashed in 50775 nairas from low-risk stock.

My son Sunday has been cured of lymphatic filariasis.

50 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Received a 7% pay raise.

My son Deji's girlfriend Tanisha has had malaria.

My son Sunday has been cured of schistosomiasis.

51 years old
Lost my investment in a bank account.


Received a 7% pay raise.

My daughter Ashabi's boyfriend Bode has been cured of

My son Sunday has trichuriasis (whip worm).

52 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 4% pay raise.

Cashed in 246477 nairas from a bank account.

Cashed in 0 nairas from a bank account.

My son Deji's girlfriend Buchi has had malaria.

My son Sunday has been cured of trichuriasis.

My wife Tachiko has schistosomiasis.

53 years old
Received a 2% pay raise.

My son Odion has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has had malaria.

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has had malaria.

My son Deji's girlfriend Buchi has graduated from secondary

54 years old
I've got onchocerciasis.

A famine or food shortage has hit Nigeria. 5,219 people
have died and 1,700,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Received a 3% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

My mother has died at age 73 from kidney disease.

Inherited money from my parents.

My brother Aren has had another malaria flare-up.

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has been cured of

Buchi Dako and my son Deji are now engaged to be

Buchi Dako and my son Deji have married.

My son Deji's wife Buchi has become an alcoholic.

My daughter Ashabi's boyfriend Bode has had malaria.

My son Sunday has appendicitis.

My sonSunday's girlfriend Bayo has onchocerciasis.

My wife Tachiko has been cured of schistosomiasis.

55 years old
Invested 100000 nairas in a bank account.

Denied a raise.

My son Deji has had another malaria flare-up.

My son Deji has moved out on his own.

My daughter Ashabi's boyfriend Bode has graduated from
secondary school.

My son Sunday has been cured of appendicitis.

My son Ottah has onchocerciasis.

56 years old
I have gone blind from onchocerciasis (river blindness).

Denied a raise.

My son Deji has had another malaria flare-up.

My sonSunday's girlfriend Bayo has been cured of

My son Ottah has been cured of onchocerciasis.

57 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Received a 4% pay raise.

My brother Aren has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My daughter Ashabi has had malaria.

My son Sunday has graduated from secondary school.

58 years old
I have been cured of onchocerciasis.

Received a 4% pay raise.

My son Deji has suffered an epileptic seizure.

My sonSunday's girlfriend Bayo has graduated from
secondary school.

My son Ottah's girlfriend Ashabi has hookworm.

My son Ottah's girlfriend Ashabi has graduated from
secondary school.

My daughter Annakiya's boyfriend Itang has graduated from
secondary school.

59 years old
Denied a raise.

My brother Aren has had another malaria flare-up.

Bode Chukwu and my daughter Ashabi have married.

Ogun born to Ashabi Chukwu

My daughter Ashabi's husband Bode has been caught in a
fire and suffered minor burns over 10% of the body. Luckily
there was no permanent injury.

My daughter Ashabi's husband Bode has had another
malaria flare-up.

My son Sunday has moved out on his own.

My son Ottah has graduated from secondary school.

Ashabi Buhari and my son Ottah are now engaged to be

My son Ottah's girlfriend Ashabi has been cured of

60 years old
Received a 2% pay raise.

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has onchocerciasis.

My daughter Ashabi has moved out on her own.

Bayo Fashanu and my son Sunday are now engaged to be

Bayo Fashanu and my son Sunday have married.

My daughter Annakiya has graduated from secondary

61 years old
I have had another malaria flare-up.

Received a 6% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

My daughter Ashabi has onchocerciasis.

62 years old
Had an epileptic seizure.

Received a 9% pay raise.

My daughter Ashabi has been cured of onchocerciasis.

My daughter Annakiya has schistosomiasis.

63 years old
My brother Bode has died at age 65 from a stroke.

My daughter Annakiya has been cured of schistosomiasis.

64 years old
Donated to a disaster relief charity.

Denied a raise.

My brother Aren has gone blind from glaucoma.

My son Deji has given up drinking.

My daughter Ashabi has had another malaria flare-up.

65 years old
Received a 9% pay raise.

My son Odion has had another malaria flare-up.

66 years old
Too old to continue working as a foreman.

Began work as an administrative aid.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

Cashed in 111568 nairas from a bank account.

My brother Aren has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My son Ottah has had another malaria flare-up.

My daughter Annakiya has had malaria.

67 years old
Received a 2% pay raise.

My son Odion has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

My son Sunday has had another malaria flare-up.

My daughter Annakiya has moved out on her own.

68 years old
Received a 4% pay raise.

69 years old
Received a 5% pay raise.

My son Odion has died at age 50 from chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease.

My daughter Ashabi has had another malaria flare-up.

My son Ottah has schistosomiasis.

70 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Decided not to give money to charity.

Received a 2% pay raise.

My son Ottah has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My son Ottah has moved out on his own.

My wife Tachiko has had another malaria flare-up.

71 years old
Too old to continue working as a administrative aid.

Began work as a sculptor.

Received a 4% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My son Sunday has been assaulted but fortunately suffered
no permanent injuries.

My wife Tachiko has died at age 70 from bladder cancer.

72 years old
Hurt in an accident.

Received a 6% pay raise.

Met a new woman I like very much, named Chioma Dosou.

Rejected by Chioma Dosou.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Quit my job.

Tomi born to Ashabi Chukwu

73 years old
Borrowed 200000 nairas in a family loan loan.

Borrowed 200000 nairas in a one-year loan.

Borrowed 200000 nairas in a five-year loan.

Borrowed 200000 nairas in a 15-year loan.

Borrowed 200000 nairas in a 30-year loan.

Began work as a primary teacher's aid.

I have had malaria again.

Payed off 200000 nairas of family loan loan.

Payed off 200000 nairas of one-year loan.

Payed off 200000 nairas of 15-year loan.

Payed off 200000 nairas of 30-year loan.

Payed off nairas of loan.

Moved to Russia.

Moved to Astrakhan.

Began work as a computer technician.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Nahid born to Ashabi Chukwu

74 years old
Received a 2% pay raise.

75 years old
Died at age 75 from an epileptic seizure.

Long diary is LOOOOOOOONG.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 14:18:53 UTC Post #229348
My character fails at RL

0 years old
I was born a boy in the city of Monghyr in the state of Bihar in India.

My parents have named me Adit. My surname is Maqbool. My mother, Ghambira, is 24 and my father, Ajamukha, is 23. I have no brothers or sisters.

My mother has died at age 25 from a heart attack.

1 year old
My father has been cured of depression.

2 years old
Heavy localized fighting in Tamil Nadu state.

3 years old
4 years old
5 years old
6 years old
Began school.

7 years old
A major earthquake has hit India. 26 people have died and 1,200,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.


8 years old
9 years old
10 years old
11 years old
12 years old
Civil war in Karnataka state.

13 years old
Took up smoking.

14 years old
A major earthquake has hit India. 5 people have died and 1,200,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

15 years old
Began trade school.

Met a new girl I like very much, named Anhiti Gade.

Rejected by Anhiti Gade.

16 years old
17 years old
Graduated from trade school.

18 years old
Began work as an electronic equipment operator.

Decided to look for a job.

Kept a wallet I found without trying to find the owner.

Met a new girl I like very much, named Banasuta Narayanswami.

We've begun seeing each other.

19 years old

Refused to invest in a risky deal to make money.

20 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

Heavy localized fighting in Rajasthan state.

21 years old
A major earthquake has hit India. 1,818 people have died and 2,400,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

22 years old
A major earthquake has hit India. 232 people have died and 1,300,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

23 years old
Injured in a mishap and suffered some nerve damage..

Hurt in an accident.

A major flood has hit India. 236 people have died and 50,000,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.


Banasuta Narayanswami broke off our relationship.

24 years old
Sporadic localized fighting in Andhra Pradesh state.

Met a new woman I like very much, named Chahna Mihir.

We've begun seeing each other.

25 years old
Decided to give some money to charity.


Avoided donating to a disaster relief charity.

I've become addicted to drugs.

Tried to give up using illicit drugs

26 years old
My girlfriend Chahna is not ready for marriage.

27 years old
Chahna Mihir broke off our relationship.

Met a new woman I like very much, named Avasarala Munusamy.

We've begun seeing each other.

28 years old
My girlfriend Avasarala is not ready for marriage.

29 years old
Gave up drugs.

30 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

Avasarala and I are now engaged.

Avasarala Munusamy and I got married this year.

31 years old
Widespread fighting in Manipur state.

32 years old
I have hookworm.


33 years old
Began work as a salesperson.

Cured of ancylostomiasis.

34 years old
Daughter Veera born.

35 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

36 years old
A major earthquake has hit India. 5 people have died and 2,400,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

I've become addicted to drugs.

37 years old
Sporadic localized fighting in Uttar Pradesh state.

Daughter Abha born.

38 years old
Gave up drugs.

Home was broken into and burglarized.

Victim of burglary.

A major flood has hit India. 413 people have died and 40,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.


39 years old
A major flood has hit India. 802 people have died and 34,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My wife Avasarala died from an infection.

40 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

My daughter Veera began school.

41 years old
Civil war in Maharashtra state.

Invested money blindly in a risky deal.

Lost money on a risky deal.

Gave up smoking.

I've become an alcoholic.

42 years old
I've become addicted to drugs.

43 years old
I have been assaulted but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

A major flood has hit India. 2,053 people have died and 35,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Invested money blindly in a risky deal.

Lost money on a risky deal.

My daughter Abha began school.

44 years old
Tried to give up drinking

45 years old
I died from an infection.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 14:35:51 UTC Post #229350
44 years old
Tried to give up drinking
Moocow lol, you have a problem there.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 14:48:20 UTC Post #229352
38_98 seems to have lasted the longest so far.

I, however, have just emigrated my way around the world.

To sum it up I started in India, moved to Shrewsbury in the UK (illegally) and then moved to london where I attack someone who was insulting me. Then my husband died from a fit.

I then jumped over to the USA (illegally), got a well-paid job that I wasn't qualified for and lived in a mansion in Colarado Springs for about 5 years.

Then I jumped shores again into Japan (illegally) and lived in toyko and then moved further south to a village (forgot the name) where I stayed for another 5 years.

Then I flew back to India (legally this time) and back to my old village.

1 year later I died in a car crash.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 16:11:23 UTC Post #229361
I did one that lasted till age 83... I was living in Slovak. And I tried to hook up in my 60's and 70's... I failed.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 17:06:09 UTC Post #229364
I've been playing it for like 5 days now. It's very nice to see the differences between countries.

Now, I usually end up with a post-grad, having a luxurious house, gourmand food, multimillionaire and with extravagant shopping. Also seen it on 4chan. If I start in a poor country, i study a lot and then try to move to the country with the best proximity/development rate.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 02:05:18 UTC Post #229392
>< if i design a life, my country has some wierd names that are miss pelt :biggrin:
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 02:08:29 UTC Post #229393
I played a browser-based game similar to this once, I died at 85 in a motorcycle crash after I tried jumping off a plywood ramp. :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 02:15:51 UTC Post #229394
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 02:19:58 UTC Post #229396
I agree that this thread is major spamghetti.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 02:48:53 UTC Post #229398
Urb, why do you keep playing life simulators?
miss pelt
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 03:01:30 UTC Post #229399
38_98: A blind sculptor, trying to enter college since he was 20 or so HAHA.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 03:25:09 UTC Post #229400
in one of the life's i got sent to prison for 20 years :tired:
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 10:31:52 UTC Post #229452
I died age 2 from measles. :)

Then I un-installed it. :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 10:56:40 UTC Post #229456

-ssssppppaaaaammmmm pppoooosssstttt
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 10:59:20 UTC Post #229458
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 11:13:24 UTC Post #229460
Hey I followed your link, and this game is EDUCATIONAL!

Thank god I noticed before going any further.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 11:16:17 UTC Post #229461
lol :biggrin:
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 12:54:04 UTC Post #229468
Decided not to give money to charity.

I was raped.
Learn something did we?
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 13:33:30 UTC Post #229469
donates to charity
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 15:06:43 UTC Post #229479
Just noticed this one too.
I was raped.

Son Gunnar born.
zOMG who's kid?

EDIT: this game fails. I already uninstalled it and didn't have a single life out of many that was any fun. I'm tired of clicking [Ok]
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-20 17:45:53 UTC Post #229742
Same; it asks me every fucking month too if I want to re-enlist or if I want to consider quitting smoking or start using illicit drugs. No and no and no. Quit fucking asking me, I said no the first time.

Somehow, I also became an alcoholic and died a year later, even though I never drank. What the fuck?
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-20 17:49:30 UTC Post #229743
I wouldn't pay for this, sorry. If it was a lot more of a game somehow then just clicking on popup windows, maybe.

Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-20 18:50:09 UTC Post #229746
0 years old
I was born a girl in the city of Abha in Saudi Arabia's 'Asir Region.

My parents have named me Jalila. My surname is Al Hussaini. My mother, Nagwa, is 19 and my father, Abd El Hadi, is 21. I have a sister, Abeer, who is 1.

1 year old
My mother has been cured of schistosomiasis.

2 years old
Died at age 2 from dehydration.

Phew, died before meeting reality. Nagwa you bitch!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-20 19:40:40 UTC Post #229751
Espen, that's due to the fact that most pplz in the world live in third world countries. It's based on probabilities.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-21 04:03:18 UTC Post #229796
Do you always start in a third world country?
No, I had a female character in Germany once, but she got raped twice when she was 12 and 17 and then she went and killed herself at age 19.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-21 05:05:51 UTC Post #229802
Damn Nazis.
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