climb maps Created 20 years ago2004-04-28 13:59:14 UTC by Squirll Squirll

Created 20 years ago2004-04-28 13:59:14 UTC by Squirll Squirll

Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 13:59:14 UTC Post #24389
There is a new fad going around cs that im shure some of you are aware of. Im talking about the climb maps.
for those of you who dont know climb maps are maps where there is no fighting, you just try to climb to the top by jumping. theyre pretty difficult. But often fun!
so i was wondering...does anybody here plan to get in on the climb map action?

by the way if you want to see one the names are something like kz_climbersb01 or something th that effect. just refresh a new list of servers in game(counter_strike) and alphabatize the list.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 15:13:03 UTC Post #24394
excuse my language, but I must point out that CS mappers completely ripped the idea from the various TFC climb maps that've been around for AGES now.

I made one too (theonlywayisup), took me about 5 months to complete so dont say its a 'new fad' when its actually something old made new and interesting by those with no imagination.

You'll prolly say 'fun' maps are a new fad too ffs.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 15:28:44 UTC Post #24398
yeah. the nade idea is from tfc as well
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 21:50:35 UTC Post #24462
oh ok. an old fad reborn by pepole looking to become fameous and loved in an istant with no creative effort on their part. and i gotta try that map! those look and sound like a pain in the exploit deleted to make.

and the nade maps sound better on tfc. on cs theyre all the same and just plain annoying
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 07:41:48 UTC Post #24502
I love TFC so much better then counter-strike(please don't shoot) I hate the idea of purchasing weapons, in cs. I love the tfc maps and classes, Its sooo much better, does anybody agree with me???
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 08:01:29 UTC Post #24510
i do, its just krazy fun!
Luke LukeLuke
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