Did you try a cordon compile?
Omg and i live by the compilator.

AND muzz,
Take a look at this tutorial to see what its all about: Leafs, what are they? Im doing the same.
that tutorial is b0rked. I tried to email the dude but i guess his email doesnt exist anymore.. here's what i was GOING to say to him
in one part quoted here ::
BSP separates this map into 3 leafs (cells) and 2 portals which the next diagram(the PLAN view) demonstrates,
Says there are 3 leafs and 2 portals
YET the text below the gray box says otherwise:
The red boxes are the leafs while the blue boxes are the portals.The generated *.prt file looks like,
4 0 1 (352 -240 -448 ) (352 -384 -448 ) (352 -384 -384 ) (352 -240 -384 )
4 1 2 (288 -240 -448 ) (288 -384 -448 ) (288 -384 -384 ) (288 -240 -384 )
The following information can be extracted from the *.prt,
* On the second line 3 indicates the number of portals in the level.
* On the next line 2 indicates the number of leafs in the level.
So up top it says there's 3 leafs and 2 portals
But down bottom it says there's 2 leafs and 3 portals.
I'm confused.
so.. yeah