Reset func_button with -1 delay before r Created 13 years ago2012-02-21 21:31:26 UTC by Azin Azin

Created 13 years ago2012-02-21 21:31:26 UTC by Azin Azin

Posted 13 years ago2012-02-21 21:31:26 UTC Post #303610
Hi again, I hope it's not a problem that I have two threads running simultaneously.

I need to know how I reset a func_button with "delay before reset" set to -1 at the end of every round (talking cs 1.6). The usual method with a multi_manager and func_door doesn't seem to work. Might I have to set the master in order for it to reset? I need it to only be usable once in every round.

Thanks in advace,
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-29 10:14:41 UTC Post #303827
Any ideas?
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-29 10:47:33 UTC Post #303828
Hmmm, interesting question. Maybe there is an other way than to use -1?

I remember that i my deathrun map the button stayed on till the end of the map time. I think you need to tie it with multi source so it controls the entire thing. When you activate the button, it gets value 1 and htge button is always on, but on start some one triggers the thing again to give it value 0 and the button is set again.

I think that should work. (btw i dont know if i used the right entity).
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-29 13:51:18 UTC Post #303829
Ya like maybe toggleable instead, though block the player from hitting it again, essentially making it behave as if the delay reset was -1?

Maybe tell exactly what you are trying to do and i might have some suggestions without using the button.

I love entity riddles they are SO MUCH FUN. Maybe we could make a mini contest where you have like 10 entity problems to solve, getting harder as you go along? (Sounds a like school but much funner)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-29 21:20:01 UTC Post #303840
Haha, you guys and your contest :D. Honestly I'm getting out of mapping for now, once I'm through with fixing bugs for this map :) I can't seem to stop whenever I've started on a project.

The point is to make a music-device which triggers a sound, that can only be switched off again by shloooting another device right underneath it. Whether it can be triggered the other way around, is not a problem. The point is that it can be triggered once and then turned off again once each round. Preferably I would use a 'breakable button'. Since that's not possible by itself, what I have is:

A func_button triggering a looping aimbient_generic.
An ambient_generic.
A func_breakable.

func_button has std values, except for "delay before reset: -1"

ambient_generic is reset each round using the multi_manager and a func door. This is set up exactly as described in the tutorials, nothing fancy, -it works. Apart from that, it is set to "Play everywhere" and "Start silent"

Func_breakable is std with an explosion to it and with: "Target on kill: ambient_generic"

It is all wired/connected correctly, I have tested it, except for the button not being toggle-able after being used once. In other words, it's not reset after each round.

Multi_manager + door method doesn't work, as I said. There, hope it explains everything in detail :D

@Stojke: Could you tell me how a multi_source works? I'm not sure I understand exactly what you want me to do. Maybe I cleared out things for you too, so you can specify it. I will have a look at it one of these days, when I get the time :)
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-29 22:07:10 UTC Post #303841
You could have the button reset after 5 seconds or so, but after the first push, switch off it's master which would basically lock it. As the round restarts, the master of the button gets turned on again. Are there triggers for round_start type stuff in cs1.6 fgd?
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-29 22:26:48 UTC Post #303842
Rimrook is correct.

People forget about the Multisource entity. It is very useful but can be hard to use, but basically, this is exactly what it's for.
Posted 13 years ago2012-03-01 00:02:24 UTC Post #303846
Yeah they can be tricky to use properly, that's why I gave up on them a long time ago and use trigger_changetarget and other means instead, but this sounds like a quick easy fix to Azin's problem. =P
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
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