Haha, you guys and your contest :D. Honestly I'm getting out of mapping for now, once I'm through with fixing bugs for this map

I can't seem to stop whenever I've started on a project.
The point is to make a music-device which triggers a sound, that can only be switched off again by shloooting another device right underneath it. Whether it can be triggered the other way around, is not a problem. The point is that it can be triggered once and then turned off again once each round. Preferably I would use a 'breakable button'. Since that's not possible by itself, what I have is:
A func_button triggering a looping aimbient_generic.
An ambient_generic.
A func_breakable.
func_button has std values, except for "delay before reset: -1"
ambient_generic is reset each round using the multi_manager and a func door. This is set up exactly as described in the tutorials, nothing fancy, -it works. Apart from that, it is set to "Play everywhere" and "Start silent"
Func_breakable is std with an explosion to it and with: "Target on kill: ambient_generic"
It is all wired/connected correctly, I have tested it, except for the button not being toggle-able after being used once. In other words, it's not reset after each round.
Multi_manager + door method doesn't work, as I said. There, hope it explains everything in detail

@Stojke: Could you tell me how a multi_source works? I'm not sure I understand exactly what you want me to do. Maybe I cleared out things for you too, so you can specify it. I will have a look at it one of these days, when I get the time