Ok ninja i played your version of the map and i LOVE the improvements, but you are WAY late. I understand the site was down, but guys, if anything you should always be upping your map early, since i hope nobody is using the whole 24 hours to work on the map

Everyone: i will ask everyone to make uploading your map on-time or early TOP PRIORITY. You might screw someone's opportunity to work on the map if you are late, and there is really no pressure in this; Add as little or as much content as you want. If you have a conflict i can always reschedlue you

A couple things:
- If you models don't show up in the game, try making them a cycler instead of a prop_static (this is what i do though i think you are supposed to make them a prop_physics, because they are probably a dynamic prop)
- If you notice, archie appended his version of the map "002" so we can keep track of the different versions. I like this idea and i think we should do it, so i will update the rules. (urby, you will actually be version 004, and ninjas would have been 003)
- good work including the required stuff as per rules. Also, i am now making packbsp optional but i will ask again if anyone uses custom content to make sure you include it in your upload.
updatedGuidelines1. Add whatever content you like during your turn(s). Don't be afraid to layer your content over other's work, but obviously don't destroy someone's contribution. Expand the layout of the map in any direction as you see fit.
2. When your 24-hour period is complete(Or EARLIER is great), post a link to your edited version of the map to this thread.
3. Include in your upload: vmf, bsp, logfile, and a quick screenie. I recommend everyone do a normal vvis/vrad compile. (no fast vvis please)
NEW Append the VMF with your version number, e.g., if the map you get for you turn ends in "003", your version will be "004" and so on. We will do this now as per Arch's example, to keep track of the different versions of the VMF.
5. Use any custom content you like, but be sure to include it with your map in your upload.
NEW Include a readme file for the next guy, with any special instructions or notes you may have for them.