Floating islands are the biggest mapping cliche since i don't know what. Well, maybe "cliche" isn't the right word, but this is my first impression.
Anyhoo, if you guys decide to got with this i hope i'm wrong and it is a wild success

Created 12 years ago2012-04-21 02:43:14 UTC by
Map a floating sky village.the best idea so far...
Any game, any theme, as long as it floats and could be lived in. Any method of flotation accepted, be it technology or magic.
Noes! thats is mine's csgo.Muhahaha!
seriously tho i'm happy for ya(die) and i'm finally over not having a beta key, so i can wait a little while longer(WTF is my beta key i filled out 5 surveys), and squeeze in some final cs:s mapping anyhow...
2 months is pretty standard for TWHL compos, Stojke.Roger that Mr. Archie.
If I knew this would have happened, I would have qued up for that CS:GO beta lane at least 10 times, to get 10 beta keys.Lol, you sold one, what do you want more
The dream competition was spoken of before it was official so I was able to get a little head start on it.wh...what? YOU BASTARD!