can't get monsters to appear in-game Created 20 years ago2004-06-07 11:18:15 UTC by Peace and LOve Peace and LOve

Created 20 years ago2004-06-07 11:18:15 UTC by Peace and LOve Peace and LOve

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 11:18:15 UTC Post #31105
hi again. i've tried everything from using a different configuration i hammer to downright copying other entities. and no matter what i do i can't get a grunt/barney/monster to appear in my maps. this is really slowing the progress of my "mod" (as you would imagine). i have been able to place a dead scientist. just nothing that is alive :/
anyone ever had this problem before?
i use hammer 3.5; halflife.fgd; halflife_3x.fgd; halflife_cs-expert.fgd
and i'm running the maps in Steams Half-Life.

please offer your suggestions/comments/blathering nonsensical ramblings :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 11:59:31 UTC Post #31122
you know you got the answer to this, i know you got the answer, so come on :D ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 12:13:34 UTC Post #31125
How are you putting your models in(sounds like a monster generic)
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 12:38:27 UTC Post #31129
i have used a monster_human_grunt and a monster_barney
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 12:56:02 UTC Post #31131
could it be the compile tools or setup. i use zhlt batch compiler (from Nem's Tools).

also, i tried a dead scientist (monster_scientist_dead) and he shows up in-game. i have info_nodes for the enemy and info_nodes and a path_corner for barney. i'm totally stumped on this. prbly something really simple.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 13:01:28 UTC Post #31132
just tried compiling in a different batchcompiler setup (Zoners, as opposed to Bare Zoners) nd still nothing. this is really annoying.

what and how is expert compile used?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 13:03:05 UTC Post #31133
Hi, don't know if this will help or not but I had a similar problem, cf the thread "Missing Entities" -

I found that after several trys in "expert" compile barney and the others began to appear, first invisibly and then visibly. In "normal" compile I can only get a few of the models to appear. I am beginning to wonder if Hammer 3.5 has a bug in the compiler?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 13:07:06 UTC Post #31134
i don't use Hammer to compile as i want to make full use of the advantages the Batch Compiler has to offer. (tex lights etc)
i did read your post, which got me thinking about expert compile.
i will try using hammer to compile. and yes, 3.5 is buggy, but it's only a beta :/
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 13:09:37 UTC Post #31135
when you click on the compile button and the "Run Map" box comes up there should be an "expert" button in the bottom left corner.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 13:26:12 UTC Post #31143
right, well, i set it all up. but you can't use No Wad Textures. which is a pain in the ass to be honest. no, i need to figre out why it's not working with Batch Compiler. i have a lot of textures i want to use that aren't in the halflife.wad and the Hammer compile Tools are virtually void in this day and age.

anymore suggestions. obviously i'll re-texture the map and try compiling with the Hammer Tools one more time. but i don't want to have to rely on it because that means including .wads with the maps, which is not proffesional (in my 'umble opinion)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 13:42:17 UTC Post #31148
right, well i retextured the whole map in three textures from halflife.wad. same setup for my monsters (as instructed by the tutorials on this site ;)) and compiled it with Hammer in Expert mode. and absolutely nothing, except a smaller .bsp file size and sh*tty textures.

i'm sure the magical monkey could help me out (ya know everything else) so someone in the know please, dear god please, help me out with this. thnx :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 14:07:32 UTC Post #31159

Hammer doesn't compile, it's the compile programs that do it. So, it has nothing to do with Hammer at all. Including .wads into a map isn't 'not professional', that's just your opinion. My opinion on it is that it's easier for the player as he only gets a map file to place in the right folder, so I'd say it's better to do it. That's my opinion on wad including.

Anyways, just a suggestion: You're sure you run HL and not a mod of it? CS or something?

Hey, post the map in the problem maps section of the Vault. We're willing to help you out.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 14:37:29 UTC Post #31172
"Hammer doesn't compile, it's the compile programs that do it. So, it has nothing to do with Hammer at all." - you can run the programs via hammer or a separate program. i normally run the compile through Batch Compiler (if you read the previous posts). i tried running it through hammer. which has far less compile options than the latter. so actually it does have something to do with hammer.

" Including .wads into a map isn't 'not professional', that's just your opinion. - like i said, that's just my opinion, thanks for repeating that for me... :roll:
"My opinion on it is that it's easier for the player as he only gets a map file to place in the right folder, so I'd say it's better to do it. That's my opinion on wad including." - pretty much my point. the recipient has less files to place in the correct directory leaving a much smaller chance of error.

"Anyways, just a suggestion: You're sure you run HL and not a mod of it? CS or something?"

like i said, i have mapped for CS for a long time, but never used the monster entity as it is void in the CS gameplay. i have started mapping for single player and this is my first and only problem. reading teh previous posts (actually... the first post) would show you that i have created new configurations for hammer to work in (ie. half-life), and i also tried compiling (using hammer as a base program) in 'expert mode' under the Half-Life (Full) option.

i have exhausted my knowledge of this subject (CS mapper <--) and would appreciate constructive comments, not folks trying to prove they are 'experienced mappers and gods and 1337 and stuff'

i'll post in the problem maps section. but it's not so much a map problem as the entities and possibly a compiling fault.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 15:56:43 UTC Post #31213
Nope, has nothing to do with Hammer. In expert mode, you can use all settings you want, it's just less user-friendly. I compiled your map with Hammer and I didn't encounter a single problem. :)

I'm sorry for sounding rude, but I've heard so many n00bs, so why should you be better? You didn't state it. You didn't state you made a HL config. But let's leave it. I get your point. (Besides, sometimes problems occur in very simple things so I thought it was worth mentioning.)

Anyways, I had no problem with compiling your map as I said. You do run the map with HL instead of CS as you say, so... I guess your best option is to reinstall HL and see what happens.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 16:23:20 UTC Post #31219
ok np dude. (i did say all the stuff in the first post tho ;))
so was there a grunt and a barney? not just a dead scientist on the floor?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 16:45:00 UTC Post #31235
A grunt with a shotgun (and I was unarmed... :x ), a dead sci, and a barney walking around.

So yes, I had no problems.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 10:06:46 UTC Post #31412
:P rofl. sweet. i just finished re-installing steam. so gonna try soon
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 11:23:25 UTC Post #31434
gay. the feckin' thing still doesn't work. i've tried it in the original Half-Life as well as Steam and it's just not going anywhere.
can you upload the .bsp you compiled?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 11:27:43 UTC Post #31436
try updating your video card. cant hurt and i tryed it when i had probs wiht my old one and it worked
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 12:11:16 UTC Post #31438
hmm, very intresting problem, are you running in deathmatch mode or singleplayer? deathmatch doesnt like monsters.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 12:19:34 UTC Post #31447
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 13:17:58 UTC Post #31475
cheers dude. i'm creating a server. so how do i start a single player game? with my map (<-- CS mapper ) :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 13:21:16 UTC Post #31478
what that was meant to say was:
i create a server in the steam menu.
is there a way to start a single player game with my map then.
just to test it without changing the single player start-up map from 'c0a0' to 'mymap'. or is that what i have to do?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 13:22:41 UTC Post #31480
ps. dude i can't download that file.
i have to be able to right click and 'Save Target As' due to the fact my PC is not as advanced as it could be! ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 13:30:42 UTC Post #31484
Just click it as normal. You'll be able to download it then.

And starting up a server for a singleplayer map is NOT a good idea... since you start a multiplayer game then. I don't know how Steam exactly works but I'm sure there still is a console. From the console, type 'map mapname' and there you go.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 14:14:30 UTC Post #31528
That's not the problem, since I was able to compile the map perfectly well without modifying it. Everything is setup right. He's starting the map in multiplayer mode, wich causes the monsters to dissapear.

Heh, I just played crossfire in singleplayer mode, and there's a barney in the bunker. In multiplayer mode, you don't have this barney. Very similar situation.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-09 01:18:03 UTC Post #31670
awesome, thanks my man. you have been most helpful in this trouble-some period of my life. ;)

i did wonder about the whole multiplayer thing. i just have never mapped for single player half-life and haven't got a friggin' clue tbh.
it's not the mapping and entities so much as the little things... like running the map properly :P

but yeah. i greatly appreciate your input and if there's anything i can do for you then you only have to ask (this goes for Dred_furst too - the guy who alerted me to my incompetance :nuts: )
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-09 21:10:30 UTC Post #31908
You arent by any chance running it with cs of tfc or something are you?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-09 21:53:25 UTC Post #31912
he already answered that :P
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