You don't need the sdk base 2013.
If you're modding for a Valve game, you just need that game.
All the tools are in the bin folder, and launch them with the .bat file. If it's not working, you gotta go into your environment variables (right-click MyComputer > properties etc etc) and remove anything that says VProject.
THEN you can run the batch file to launch hammer properly.
I resigned because, like a fool, I'm taking 2 summer classes again this semester. I gotta finish school ASAP, I'm sick and tired of being overworked and exhausted - the quicker i can knock these last 8 credits down, the better.
I wanna map the world, but i am only one man with too many dedications and too little time. I miss the over-abundance of time and inspiration that was high-school.
I might do a little something something but that's only if I have a free weekend or something. I don't foresee that for a little while.
P.S. everything's in the book
Electronic copies are cheaper than softcover
/end shameless plug