Justin Dejong Created 7 years ago2017-02-16 17:38:17 UTC by Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy Zombie

Created 7 years ago2017-02-16 17:38:17 UTC by Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy Zombie

Posted 7 years ago2017-02-16 17:38:17 UTC Post #333551
Happened really or is a legend?
I was read about history of that person who created cs_docks and de_dust.
I read he suicided because he had acne(but I think is littleweird kill yourself because that)
what do you think about this?
Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy ZombieSemper fidelis
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-16 18:19:55 UTC Post #333553
To clarify, he was taking Accutane to treat severe acne. The side effects include depression and psychosis, which are likely what lead to his suicide.

It was recommended for me while I was at high school, but I turned it down. My friend's older brother was also using it while taking his GCSE exams and hung himself before getting his results.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-16 19:00:29 UTC Post #333558
wow, thats creepy :o
rip creator of cs_docks
Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy ZombieSemper fidelis
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-16 23:24:24 UTC Post #333562
Medication is a lie. Only the body with its self analysis and treatment can cure it self. Medical practice looks at the body as a set of separate segments and "cures" each separate segment on its own instead of focusing on the body as a whole functioning system. It has been proven that the brain in order to fight a severely damaged segment is known to reroute energy from different organs into the damaged one - where the medical practice will react as:
  • Your liver is fu*ked, aaand it seems your kidneys are too.
Let your body cure it self, there is nothing it can not cure if you supply it with the energy and materials it needs and alerts you of. Stress is the main trigger of failure to regenerate properly.

(Who's interested about this should read about Dr. Hammer and his studies)
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-17 00:10:24 UTC Post #333563
Sometimes I'm astonished by some of the nonsense you spout Stojke.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-17 00:30:48 UTC Post #333564
Idk Stojke, I had a sinus infection accompanied by post-nasal drip. Went to the doctor, got some Amoxicillin, cleared up in 4 days. I feel great now.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-17 01:09:11 UTC Post #333567
That is on the level with homeopathy, Stojke. Dangerous nonsense.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-17 04:43:21 UTC Post #333573
While the human body has an amazing self-regenerative capability, I'm also amazed by the grade of nonsense you just posted.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-17 08:31:17 UTC Post #333575
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-17 13:21:32 UTC Post #333581
The human body itself is amazing :P
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-18 12:29:43 UTC Post #333590
I am working for the national health care system of my country for the last 23 years, and I can tell you that homeopathy is a hoax, a lie, like a religion on which someone tells you that some entity of inmense power will take care of you and fix all your problems without your intervention, and if not, it must be because your destiny or some shit like that tells that things must happen that way...

Believe me, medicines are not evil, that poor guy surely has many other health problems and some deep existant psychiatric problem that the cure he takes makes exit to the surface. DEP. :(
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-18 13:04:31 UTC Post #333591
Humanity before the discovery of modern medicine knows the power of the human body's ability to heal itself.

Posted 7 years ago2017-02-18 14:04:15 UTC Post #333592
Of course!, but medicines are used to enhance the hability of the body and all its systems to heal damages and to avoid damaging processes. What I know is that my diabetes won't be healed with tantra and extrange weeds, imagine a cancer, in my experience I could say that those things don't work...sadly :(
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-18 14:18:33 UTC Post #333593
Hahaha, that ancient humanity argument is so dumb.

"Ancient cultures used the healing properties of plants for hundreds of years" YES. And the ones that worked became MEDICINE.

Some drugs have side effects - it's true, and behavioral control drugs are certainly over-prescribed in America, but suggesting medicine is a bad idea is beyond stupid.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-18 14:23:14 UTC Post #333594
@Stojke, why is it that you think particularly highly of this Dr. Hammer guy, whom I might just mention got his medical license revoked in 1986 for malpractice, who also believes modern medicine is a Jewish conspiracy?

Bit of a digression, I know, but belief in homeopathy and pseudoscience does more damage than it does good. You can argue my second point is a bit of an ad-hominem attack, but it's to show the guy has a doctorate in the very literal sense of performing operations, rather than a more scientific research doctorate, and isn't exactly credible.
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-18 14:25:01 UTC Post #333595
I disagree. Philosophy and inner peace work much, much better than this thing called medicine.
No I'm joking :P
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-18 14:29:48 UTC Post #333596
I can see this slipping into an anti-vax argument so smoothly.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-18 18:27:42 UTC Post #333602
What I don't practice on my self or have close contact with I don't speak of with out first doing extensive research and study. Of course I still go by logic most of the time, but for something that isn't concluded as valid only with my experiences I share as complete as I can with out overcomplicating.

Medicine is not called medicine for no reason, but I have experienced and felt with my own senses proof to my self that medicine is not required for the body to do its reparation on its own.
What I have a negative thought of is the medical practice employed today that does not treat the human body as a whole and ignores its "relays and logic", the analytical power of the central processing unit (brain), not letting the perfectly programmed body defend on its own by constantly shutting down important processes and obstructing others.

Ones diploma is only valid as long as the practices it defines are still acceptable.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-18 20:48:05 UTC Post #333607
What I don't practice on my self or have close contact with I don't speak of with out first doing extensive research and study. Of course I still go by logic most of the time, but for something that isn't concluded as valid only with my experiences I share as complete as I can with out overcomplicating.
but I have experienced and felt with my own senses proof to my self that medicine is not required for the body to do its reparation on its own.
True, anyone´s experience is valid. But, believe me, the statement you did:
Medication is a lie. Only the body with its self analysis and treatment can cure it self.
In terms of logic and broad experiences in terms of success in healing diseases, is, softly talking: dangerous. For you (of course!) and for others who may believe such statement (I know of a guy who died because of letting "his body" and some extrange weeds take the role of the right medical treatement at the time to cure his cancer).
What I have a negative thought of is the medical practice employed today that does not treat the human body as a whole and ignores its "relays and logic", the analytical power of the central processing unit (brain), not letting the perfectly programmed body defend on its own by constantly shutting down important processes and obstructing others.
What is true, overall in Health systems that do not have enough staff ( as the spanish system isis ) is that most of the time we fall into the big mistake of not consider the person as a whole because of not having time to do nothing but medical techniques.

The disease must be treated with the right medicines, but many times kind words, a caress, a "good morning!" with a big smile do miracles in terms of making a person want to start its day with disease nicer and so the medicines could make its work. Is that omeopathy?, probably yes in some manner, but it is only a part of a more complex system that is used to make people be healed.
Ones diploma is only valid as long as the practices it defines are still acceptable.
So right, but keep in mind that mos of the medicines used in
chemotherapy are, strictly talking, cellular poisons, did this make us people who work in health care systems a type of murderers?, no!. Is it acceptable to make a person sick for hours, days only to try to cure a disease as agressive as a cancer?, this question answers itself I think.

In Spain, the omeopathy was retired of ALL the universities because a broad and extensive study of its procedures and empyric utility. Just as a note.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-19 13:39:56 UTC Post #333623
To change something we need to have a will to do so. If one is not willing to survive on his own he is left in the mercy of others.
I will not accept the possibility of stopping my bodies own perfect processes in order to bet all on a medical plant. With that set in mind I am completely against setting hopes into nothing else but medical plants or medical substances only. A medical plant or medical substance ("cure") will only affect a portion of the problem and aid in its resolve.
We already know from various medical analysis that the human body is actively fighting a very large number of problems each and every day. Even so it being perfectly organized it is still subdued by the persons own will. The body, like every controlled system, must obey its operator. If the operator, person/you/your soul/how ever you want it, wants to ignore bodies analysis and request for certain materials and terminate certain processes due to states of stress or on purpose, due to death wish?, the body will have problems finding alternative pathways and means to overcome the exact same problem it could have solved up until that moment more easily.

If we tell our body not to do it in one way, it will find another way, it will never give up. The analytic process of the brain is never ending. As a perfect system it is it will always search for means to please both its operator will and its natural hardcoded function to regenerate it self.

There is only so much energy in our bodies, like every physical system it requires an energy and material resource in order to maintain.
The more you obstruct it the more time, resources and energy it requires.
Just like with a pipe system, I could run all kinds of chemicals down my drain and risk degradation or even failure of the whole system, not to mention environment pollution, just to to clean it up.
But why do that when the system already has self cleaning properties? :cool:
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-19 14:09:36 UTC Post #333625
That is some high-level delusion.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-19 14:17:29 UTC Post #333626
Just like with a pipe system, I could run all kinds of chemicals down my drain and risk degradation or even failure of the whole system, not to mention environment pollution, just to to clean it up.
But why do that when the system already has self cleaning properties? too cool - :cool:
Tell that to people with untreatable brain cancer.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-19 14:52:35 UTC Post #333630
Tell that to people with untreatable brain cancer.
Well, I think if "someone" is so self convinced of anything, it is useless to make this "someone" to understand the reality and empyric facts, Solokiller :(

Anyway, I hope he will be allways ok and don´t need ever any kind of medicine or omeopathic treatment. :) Health is priceless! :P
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-19 15:42:39 UTC Post #333632
What I wrote of seems delusional and impossible because when thinking of illness people almost always think of terminal illness. The point is preventing terminal illness from ever occurring. Letting the body finish off the possible triggers while they are meaningless will equal a much stronger immune system overall.

Also, people, you keep forgetting that we will all die. (Period) And that is a fact. It is up to you to choose whether death is permanent or just a stepping point in life.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-19 16:04:50 UTC Post #333633
Sure, let me just resurrect myself because death is a slap on the wrist.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-19 18:16:02 UTC Post #333637
Sorry Solokiller, mudkips of truth do not lie.
User posted image
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-19 18:41:49 UTC Post #333638
Omg, death is a bitch!!. Let Stojke believe what he wants!. It's his life!. Good luck anyway. ;) If you need help just ask.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-19 19:50:07 UTC Post #333639
What a shame.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-20 14:37:10 UTC Post #333648
And that is a fact. It is up to you to choose whether death is permanent or just a stepping point in life.

pretty sure it's permanent and that it's not a choice

I've gotta say man, you really do hold a strong belief in this. Why are you so passionate about it, to the point that you are rebutting every single post in this thread?

I understand your point that the body has a healing mechanism; it definitely does, albeit a fairly weak one. But the issue with your argument is that there is a very definitive limit to this; for example cancer is an example of this breaking. Defective cells, either due to mutation or some other factor, begin rapidly multiplying, and because the bodies defence mechanism is unable to separate a haywire cell versus a normal functioning one, it is unable to combat it. The defensive mechanism is very primitive, and is absolutely not as complex or as tactile as homeopaths believe.

This is entirely my own opinion, but I disagree with your point that you have control over your body - you unfortunately don't. Your consciousness is a product of evolution, you are a thinking machine designed exclusively to make decisions that may prolong your life and allow you to spread your seed. Think about pain, about subconciousness and reflex actions. Think about our own existence. If we were in complete control of our body, why would we even need to feel pain? Why are we hard-wired to enjoy sex so much? Your body is more intelligent and powerful than the consciousness that resides within it.*

This is purely a philosophical idea. This has no real-life consequences, this is just a thought. But homeopathy does has real-life consequences. I would like you to find one, significantly cited (+50 citations excluding self-published papers), peer-reviewed and published research article proving or heavily suggesting that homeopathy works. I will discredit using the journal "Homeopathy" as that is a biased source. I'm not a doctor, however I believe the state of how advanced and how successful modern medicine is indicates it does not need the burden of proof.
Article researching the differences in publication of CAM (inc. homeopathy) in conventional and pro-homeopathy journals
Australian government statement after research into CAM & Homeopathy
Swiss Govt. report on CAM & Homeopathy

It's a bit of a general point (not directed towards you exclusively), but what really irks me nowadays is this echo-chamber mentality that exists. People are so defensive of their opinions and so hell-bent on being "right" that they actively refuse to acknowledge any sort of rebuttal to their viewpoint. You can see it in politics, with the left and right completely isolating themselves from each other; you can see it with anti-vaxers and pro-life / pro-choice movements. In order for any progress or change to happen, people need to lose their self-righteousness and see, accept, and take on the view from the other side.

I enjoy talking to people who dislike the things I enjoy, because it allows you to see more things that you may not have seen yourself. Case in point, chatting to my brothers' flatmate about the TV series Black Mirror. I absolutely adore the show, but he found it boring and quite cliche. We had an interesting discussion about it; afterwards he had a bit more appreciation for the show and I was able to see and acknowledge the flaws I didn't even know existed. We both changed our opinions from our prior; and that's a step forward.
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-21 14:04:23 UTC Post #333666
This seems to have gone off-topic :P
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
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